Feeling hopeful (meant to post to (#operationjoy))

Hey guy,
I’m writing today because I love TYT, I love this operation hope project, I am a person with HIV, which I contracted from a shady ex whom tried to ruin my life. It ended in a trial which was thrown out because my ex fabricated a faulty story they could not remember on the day of the trial. He had been assaulted by his brother and we had a fight (non physical) and he went to the police with those marks and scrapes and black eye claiming I had been the one to beat him up, been through a lot, during my wait for trial I found a native program for court to show I was doing something productive as the charges were large and I was suffering for addiction both myself and my ex had plans to get clean but never got to it. So I started at the aboriginal healing program,( I’m half native but raised white and never learned my culture) I at first was reluctant I spilt coffee tipped a table over the first day there… it wasn’t pretty. In time I came to notice other peoples struggles were much like mine in the way we had made mistakes and were trying to better ourselves, some were because or court some were there trying to get children back from protective services. But we were all there to do the work and the elder who ran the program was teaching us old native traditions and teachings and I finally started to feel like I found my tribe, unlike church where I’m a sin being a gay male, here I was celebrated as 2spirit and I felt like there was a chair there for me unlike church. The program changed my world view … it helped me concure my addiction, I watched a women get her child back. Watched a number of people succeed all at the hands of “little brown bear” the elder running the program. It was at that point in life I chose myself and happiness for the first time and I have never looked back. My trial passed charges thrown out and I continued to go to the program when I was no longer obligated to legally because it was my second family, I learned how to be a new happy person and really loved learned the culture and eventually I was gifted a spirit name which translates from ojibwe to “man of the heart” and I wear that name proudly, my point of this story and sharing is that through the dirt I was put through with my ex I found this place on google, it was a not planned thing I had no referral I made a call and that was that, if he didn’t do that to me and put me in that situation I never would of found myself, gotten clean, and finally chose myself and happiness. Truly from dirt flowers grow and I’m proof. I’ve been clean for 5 years consistently and 1/2

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( 2/2 ). feeling great, I deal with my health and I am grateful to wake up every day with family that loves me and my native roots guiding me through this sometimes harsh but beautiful world.
Always choose happiness, and always take a chance because it may change you and your core forever. I’m not expecting anyone to see this really but it just feels good to share, I’ve been a TYT member since 2021 and this show gives me hope and that same community in the chat and I love Cenk and Ana and John and Everyyone, and barts jams always perk me up,
Thanks for letting me share !!

Love t_payne89 @ twitch aka Taylor The Homo Erotic Dragon

Pps… I did find love from a great guy eventually! We don’t fight we don’t argue I waited and I got my dream guy :slight_smile: so things really do work out in time, day by day you will be rewarded just stay positive and keep that chin up !!! LOVE YOU TYT FAM!!

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WOW, your story is amazing! I am very sorry for all of the hurt you endured, and I am beyond impressed at what you have done with that. Typically (in my humble opinion :wink:), the mental health, addiction, etc. treatments, and therapies available are centered on White, male, and Christian-centered ideals stemming from the very roots of Colonization and White Supremacy that create the problematic paradigms harming us to begin with. Talk about a vicious cycle! Thank you for sharing your story, it is truly helpful and inspiring! :heart:

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Thank you for your kind words, I like sharing my story in hopes it can show people that you can make it even when sick and down and feel like the worlds against you sometimes there’s a light you don’t know is there shining on you shining in you and it reveals itself in time with the right attitude and people around you :slight_smile: <3

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