Gaslighting is a colloquialism, defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality
Cenk: Ana is just got a tweet from Don Jr.
Cenk:Ana did you see Elon wants my input
Cenk and Ana have been gaslight by people who will never let them achieve their goals. Doing segments on Beck, Poole, or Bet David will come back to haunt them in spades. Using anecdotal conversations with MAGA voters is just foolish. If MAGA’s Der leader tells them anyone of the TYT Populist agenda will hurt them they will spit in the Populists faces


: to obtain (money or property) illicitly (as in a confidence game)

I understand the need for independent media to seek sources of funds to stay in business. Does that mean they need to Grift? TYT entered in a gigantic financial deal with a crypto organization of highly questionable ethics Polymarket. Is TYT’s sustainability so grave that selling out to not only a crypto company( Economist both right and left say crypto’s potential damage would lead to a American economic that makes 2008 and 1928 look like a cake walk) but one who is controlled by right wing money so deep that they would collapse without it. For years many of us pay our monthly fees and recently a kind person donated $50,000 and let us not forget the million dollar fundraiser many TYT members supported only ot be sold out for Polymarket. We have been GRIFTED in A+ fashion.

For years Cenk has been saying “ The members are our bosses “. Well when can your bosses voices be heard. The 3 minute diatribe break comments are 99.9% fluff praising the hosts. You want proof OK Recently a member lavished praise on Ana then Ana in her best high school girlfriend act gave the member a gift card. HOW ABOUT A MEMBERS ZOOM EVENT WHERE REAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CAN BE HEARD.

Why are Cenk and Ana so bent on doing appearances on alt right broadcasts who at best are a tough sell on the TYT Populist Agenda? Why not instead try to reach out Never Trump organizations or Forward Party or No Labels? There organizers and members are much more convincible to join a major part of the TYT Agenda. Also, many of these organizations have come to realize that the Citizens United decision has destroyed faith in government at all levels and needs to be overturned. If I am right that is TYT’s main goal.

Finally, I see Ana as a Bannon type who wants total destruction of the system. Need proof again just watch her “ CRIME “ rant of a few days ago. I think Cenk as owner has to make choices financially he may not like but will come to regret.
Many of you will say just leave if you are so disenchanted with TYT. First, I never run from a good fight and second hosts like John, Frannie, and Rashad make my monthly fee worth it and lastly can Mondale, and Ben be so wrong.


Well, we have seen and read the complaint. Now do some fortune telling and tell us what to do - and make it constructive. Let me get you started:

  • Dems have no branch of government. What should we do to be relevant?
  • People are being duped by an autocrat. How do we get their attention?
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Thank you for sharing your concerns, @jlr1951. TYT has grown beyond being just a media company—it’s a movement. As stakeholders and shareholders in this mission, members should have more opportunities to be active participants. A stronger role for members—through Q&As, town halls, or initiatives like strategic alliances—would strengthen trust, foster accountability, and ensure our voices shape the direction of the movement. These alliances, modeled on efforts like Operation Hope and Wolf-PAC, could empower members to take direct action on issues like campaign finance reform, climate justice, and healthcare.

Engaging with figures like Beck or Poole is controversial, but it reflects a strategy aligned with Timothy Snyder’s lessons on resisting authoritarianism and strengthening democracy. It embodies the courage to Stand Out (Lesson 8), the commitment to Believe in Truth (Lesson 10), and the value of Corporeal Politics (Lesson 13) by engaging audiences in spaces where misinformation often dominates. While MAGA leadership won’t support the Populist Agenda, engaging their base could build momentum for shared goals like getting money out of politics. However, TYT should be transparent about the risks of this approach and ensure it doesn’t undermine progressive values.

The Polymarket deal understandably raises ethical questions. TYT’s financial sustainability requires tough decisions, but more transparency would help rebuild trust. Combining financial transparency with grassroots organizing will strengthen the coalition and reaffirm member confidence.

To @vxweers’ challenge on moving forward: TYT must balance courage with strategy. Snyder reminds us to defend democratic institutions and resist authoritarianism by showing up, speaking out, and building trust. Tema Okun’s rejection of binary thinking is equally important—progress isn’t all or nothing. Together, these approaches ensure TYT remains relevant and effective in pushing systemic change while uniting us around shared goals like overturning Citizens United and fighting corruption.

TYT’s evolution as a movement depends on collaboration, transparency, and accountability. Let’s make this a partnership, not just a platform.


My recollection is that Cenk and Elon agree on reducing military spending. They very much do not agree on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security spending. What I have a hard time judging is two things. How much of Trumps supporters agree with Cenk? Does Elon require agreement on all spending to begin a partnership?

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The more I find out about the whole Polymarket thing the more betrayed I feel. First, there’s the connection to Thiel that was not disclosed. Then, the FBI raids Coplan, and he claims it’s political retribution for predicting Trump to win. And then I realized that all the pivoting on TYT by Cenk and Ana seems to have come to a head after, or close before the time of, the Polymarket sponsorship. I’m really disappointed and have a hard time having faith in what’s going on. Neither host seems to have any shame or apologies for their actions. Unless I’m missing something, this is hugely disappointing and I stand with one foot out the door. Not that they’d care anyway, as proof by their rhetoric. It seems that the growth of the company has taken precedence over what the brand is supposed to stand for.

@drea_m_r_76 I completely understand your frustration—scrutinizing sponsorships is valid, especially when they seem to align with shifts in tone or content. It’s understandable to feel uneasy about corporate interests in independent media, given how much trust we place in platforms like TYT.

It’s also fair to point out that TYT is a for-profit entity, which means they face pressures to grow and sustain the platform. But as paid members, we’re more than just supporters—we’re investors in their mission, even if we don’t see profits. Like shareholders in a company, we have a stake in holding TYT accountable to the values that built its reputation: challenging the establishment and amplifying progressive voices.

When trust feels shaken, it’s because we care. Transparency about sponsorships and a clear reaffirmation of their core mission would go a long way. Feedback like yours is exactly what keeps independent media grounded and responsive to its audience. I hope Cenk and Ana engage directly with these concerns—it’s what we deserve as their base and their biggest investors in faith and support.


Thank you. :heart:

I have no issue with Cenk and Ana going on any other shows, right, center, left, and pushing their point of view. Hiding in a silo is the way to shrink your audience, not grow it.
Portraying Ana as a Bannon type is a significant insult to her. She is rightfully frustrated with the government for various reasons. I doubt she wants to burn it all down, but I share her desire to see many more politicians who work for their voters and not the donors.
As far as I can see, the TYT message has not changed.


That’s the annoying thing tho is that some of their correspondents left and others are acting like it’s so on the nose or that they were lying all along.

They have stated before that this is a business as much as it is a progressive news show and they’re all about debating other opposition so going on another show for ratings and exposure for their show is no different than the last 20 years they’ve done this.

Jimmy Dore was recently bashing them calling them sell-outs which is ironic as he’s a Neo Liberal pretender and has all kinds of Pro-Trump rhetoric on his crappy and unfunny talk shows.


Jimmy Dore has been bashing them for years. After working there for 7 or 8 years, he went on his own. He immediately began bashing them to build his own brand. I started watching about 3 years ago, just to give him a fair hearing. That lasted all of one week. He started going on Tucker Carlson, and agreeing with everything Carlson said. Then there was the Ivermectin thing.

TYT is not perfect, and sometimes I get annoyed with them, just like I do with everyone, including people I love. But as far as I can see, they are the same TYT that they were in 2020, when I first found them.

Cenk has admitted on air that he didn’t do a good job of vetting Poly-market before entering into that agreement. I once committed an oversight that cost my former employer $5,000 in funding. Does that make me a grifter? What’s done is done.


See, this is what I also like is the community and how you guys are (much like the show) really good at conveying empathy, providing oversight & looking at the bigger picture.

I first witnessed TYT in 2009 and then lost track around 2012 before picking up again in 2018-ish.

Yes, the markets were always changing and wouldn’t be surprised if even the guys we admire got played for fools.

Dore is just annoying because he’s a pretender, previously got fired for harassing people like Ana on the staff & even comedians like Frank Conniff (who is best known for Mystery Science Theater 3000 and admitted to me in a podcast interview I did that he used to write for TYT) also were under the wrong assumption about his standing/beliefs/rants, which is a shame as just listening to him for a full hour (even 30 mins) should put it all in perspective.


When I became a member, I was so smitten by TYT’s messaging, principles and fearlessness that I couldn’t get enough. And those soundbites like “beuatiful hair” and “Tell Randy Gonzalez”? I wanted to know more. So I watched every available episode, from Cenk’s USA today sux balls rant in 2005 to their coverage of the 2016 presidential election.

What I remember most about Dore was when TYT was a the RNC one year. Alex Jones, Roger Stone and a group of thugs approached and began harassing them. Cenk and Ana stood up to them, literally. And Jimmy? He either spit or threw his cup of water in Alex Jones’ face…then ran away! He later denied it, but it was right there on video. I didn’t realize he got fired. I thought Ana never told Cenk about Dore sexually harassing her, because she knew Cenk WOULD fire him, lol!

Anyway, the term “TYT family” actually means something to me. Sometimes the people in my family make mistakes, sometimes they piss me off, but I know their intentions are honest. When Dave Rubin announced that he and his husband were expecting twins, the bigots in their audience attacked them mercilessly. Despite the hurt and betrayal they must have felt over HIS actions, Ana, Jayar and John expressed sorry that these children would be raised among people who hate their parents. There was no gloating.


Just to be clear, I love TYT; I love the TYT shows, the TYT hosts, and the whole damn TYT family! If I didn’t love them I wouldn’t care enough to get upset about things, you know what I mean? I’m just one of those annoying people who thinks it’s better to get things out in the open rather than let them fester and slowly eat away at things like a malignancy. :dove::heart::palms_up_together:

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