Gerrymandering: Another issue that would resonate which Cenk should hit in public

Cenk does talk about this a lot on TYT, but I think that it is an issue that would resonate with both Republican and Democratic voters, and that is gerrymandering.

Presumably, even Republicans want their votes to count. It can even be sold as a way that for Democrats it keeps progressives out of the primaries and for Republicans it keeps MAGA types out and for both, it undermines the importance of voting.

Push for a federal law that defines the limits of a fair district algorithmically. Clear tests for legality so that every election isn’t filled with court cases about redistricting.

Republicans vote in higher-percentage than Democrats. Presumably, this is because they at least care somewhat about their votes matter. This may be a cross-over issue.

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artifact-of-change legislation-idea

Poll for: gerrymandering-another-issue-that-would-resonate-which-cenk-should-hit-in-public


Topic: Democratic Process
Subcategory: End Gerrymandering
Is Legislation: Yes
Is Federal: Yes
States: -

What? Why?
Push for a federal law that defines the limits of a fair district algorithmically. Clear tests for legality so that every election isn’t filled with court cases about redistricting. Pressing subject and [Strategic: votes well along the political spectrum]


Original Poster @Popinjay , if you have any disputes in regard to the classification (What and Why, etc.), please @ me and I will update in accordance… it is after all, Your input

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  • Are you in favor of this idea? (higher is better)
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If AGAINST, on what grounds are you against of the idea?

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I think this idea needs to add human review panels that were selected like a jury is from the population.