
I would really appreciate this. I have decided to this year make a concerted effort to get proactive and be about the change we seek here in the forums. To do so I would appreciate your help.

Can you all please list actual working emails to to Governors of democratic states in the following format?

Gov. Name. State. Email

I have emailed senators like Bernie and AOC with no answers but the purpose of this topic is that I will be pitching Agenda 28’ to democratic governors to be test run in their state.

If you’d like to help by all means the more the merrier.

Thank you in advance!!!


It is not too early to begin to work on one part of the revolution. Let’s put out an action for applicants for the next Presidential candidate. The requirements should be….educated in civics, willing to not take money while in office other than salary, able to lead, outstanding citizen, kind, passionate, well-spoken…
Why cannot we not open up to more than those who are already popular?


Agreed but someone not popular would be more difficult to vet, and more difficult to get over with the country where as someon popular has an already established base.