Hippocratic Hypocrisy

Why are women dying due to lack of health care? Why is a threat of being thrown in jail preventing Doctors from aiding a woman that is bleeding to death and making her wait 20 hours to receive a life saving D&C and she dies in a hospital where her life was expected to be saved leaving a child behind?

What is the point of the Hippocratic Oath? Isn’t that oath being broken because of these abortion bans?

I suggest new legislation:

I suggest we update and amend the Hippocratic Oath to reflect today’s moral needs and medical standards introduce this as a bill and have the Hippocratic Oath be signed into a law that would supersede any other law or act of government that would eventually result in someone’s death due to the lack of or denial of medical care.

No healthcare professional should fear incarceration for saving a life.

We must end preventable deaths!!!


Totally agree. However, the medical/mental health profession is being policed by the Insurance Companies, which are all about profit at all costs. Good doctors and healthcare practitioners are being forced out of the profession who put the Hippocratic Oath and their license related ethics and rules above said profit. It’s just another example of filthy and unfettered Capitalism that serves the few over the many. You want real change and responsibility, take the profit motive out of healthcare. Unfortunately, way too many people in power define “Universal Healthcare” as some sort of pie in the sky and Progressive fantasy, when, in fact, it is about the setting of priorities when it comes to society. Unfortunately, the mantra for most is “profit good, loss bad” as though this is the only metric in life that matters.


I totally agree with you JohnMichael. Capitalism in the medical field should be curbed. Money should play no roll when it comes to saving a life.

A way to combat this is set real world consequences for breaking the oath which at the point of being passed will be law. The point is to introduce the oath as a mandatory law that will supersede all laws when it comes to saving a lifeShould you break this law investigations that can lead to jail time can be imposed much like they want to do now if a doctor provides medical assistance to someone that needs an abortion or care due to a botched abortion.