How are we going to pay for it?

Note bi-partisan actions protecting financial backing in order to preserve the capacity to massacre civilians.

We have 95 billion appropriated without any words of how we are going to pay for it…

This is grand, I cannot wait to see the domestic aid packages. They wouldn’t sell us out without an after thought, would they?

Politicians across Europe and the US don’t understand to the degree they have lost their public. They don’t realize to the degree their legacies will never recover from their actions. They were blinded by greed and bloodlust. Soon they shall realize the gravity of their error.

Whiteness their actions and reflect the truth of their inhumanity upon them with your words. Know that many of them are of a mature age. During this time of your life your legacy looms large.

Know when they meet their makers it will be with the truth of your words ringing in their ears. Take no glee in their pain. Know that you have an important job. We shall be whom delivers them to the trail head of their redemption or their purgatory.

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You bring up a fascinating point, one I often think about when considering a person’s stage in life regarding Erikson’s eight stages of psychological development. Namely, in stage seven (middle age), we typically focus on generativity vs stagnation. If successful in this stage, we feel productive and nurturing, like we are making a positive contribution to or change in the world somehow. We work to establish the virtue of care. Conversely, in stagnation, we feel disconnected and as though we do not contribute and are not useful. With the final stage, stage eight, integrity vs despair, during our later years, we want to feel as though our life was meaningful. We have hopefully established our purpose and feel at peace. If not, we are left with regret, bitterness, and a fear that death will come before we have done what we genuinely need to do. This leaves me to think that for a majority of those in power who are in stage eight, their hope to leave a legacy becomes wrapped in bitterness and fear and thus becomes so warped they then cling to finding purpose in possessions such as power and money. Since possessions are unfulfilling, they can never have enough. Being unable to honestly care about others and the world when they had the chance, the need, left them trying to fill their cold, empty hearts with that which cannot fill such a void.

(Gee, can you tell someone had a horrible weekend? Sorry if my post is less than cheery or helpful. :woman_facepalming:)

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I live in an area where old people love to retire so we have a lot of hospitals and mortuaries.

I am not familiar with this framework but it does check out with information I have acquire through dialogues with hospice nurses.

When your dying or on your death bed, you do seem to relive your live in and epic state of internal reconciliation. If you had a life of war you will find a war in your death. If you lead a life of peace and service you will feel the comfort in your satisfaction and gratitude for a life well lived in your death.

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This is a good discussion :turtle: I’m not quite sure what to add, but this feels aligned:

Our “elite” hyperagents are trapped, typically in our own individualistic cultural cages of addictions to power or wealth, where we are increasingly incentivized to be isolated and insolated from meaningfulness.

I often feel sorry for such people who waste their outsized social-power and agency, even those aware enough to try and help society while being too misguided to understand how (a kind of neutral mistake), but especially for those actively contributing to our social collapse while being too deluded to recognize or admit it (a more negative mistake); (eg: insecure about self-worth which triggers dependency on cultural myth of fiscal worth).

I feel like I should try to help them. I feel like it would take a broader cultural change, one which would invite such hyperagents to see a healthier example of how to be, ideally without too unnecessarily triggering them to be defensive about their insecurities which inform their hoarding, superiority, and other psychosocial complexes.

Along those lines, allow me to share this interview on the cultural aspects of systems change: