Here is info on an international organization which I think we should make ourselves known as being in solidarity with; (Background & Rationalization — The Black Alliance for Peace). As we make our movements known explicitly as being in solidarity with organizations such as this (and others), then we have greater capacity to materially, politically, and spiritually support our shared movements when opportunities emerge.
For example, as I previously stated in @karadhe’s thread, if our movement in the US was already known as being in solidarity with Haitian sovereignty (among other efforts), then we would now have more influence on current Haitian events (among other events). Haiti is a good example because it shows how the US empire is weaker at the ends of its reach than it is here at the center of empire in our US. Had we already been better organized around solidarity with Haitian liberation, then in this current (potentially inflectionary) moment when our empire is losing peripheral control, we could have been (and may yet be) more supportive, and we could potentially improve (ie reduce) our US imperial imposition on Haiti; (and as we reduce empire, we increase space for the changes our peaceful political revolution entail).
Ultimately, this tactic of broadening and deepening shared solidarity is aligned with the dream and direction of MLK. Further, we can strategically plan to develop this tactic. We should explore opportunities to develop such solidarity prior to inflection point events (such as Haiti could now be), in order for our movement to be ready to help peel back the reach of empire. We should reduce empire in order to make political space for necessary intersectional lasting changes. To the extent we pre-emptively grow our solidarity over wider crisis bounds, (from Haitian liberation, Palestinian liberation, US unions, ecological crisis, economic rights, natural rights, human rights, spiritual crisis, health crisis, etc etc), to that extent the influence our shared solidarity has to leverage inflection points grows, (if not compounds). As empire must react to maintain control at inflectionary points, we hijack that compulsion into a systemic backfire by our being already in shared solidarity of resistance when and where our empire is weakest. We would be ready to respond and share further solidarity, rather than only react (or ignore). We would intentionally and actively accelerate imperial decline by using it’s systemic nature against itself in feedback loops which then supports our solidarity and exposes imperial illegitimacy when we so hijack imperial compulsion to persist.
This is a (proposed winning) strategic response opposite to divide and conquer; unite and liberate.