I don't care who wins in November - It's a win-win for us

The title is accurate. This may be shocking but I think regardless if Trump or Harris wins in November, it’s a win-win for the left. Here are my reasons:

  1. While 4 years of Trump would be bad he would be way less powerful and getting less powerful every day. After the midterms he’ll be completely powerless because republicans will no longer need to curry favor with Trump to get re-elected and that will give them cover to finally get their vengeance on him for their own personal reasons. It will be open season on his ass from every direction. Second terms are usually riddled with controversy and this would be no different.
  2. A Trump term would give the left so much to campaign on for future elections it would be almost like he’s working for us. With every tweet its money in the bank.
  3. He can never be President again!
  4. If Trump loses, he’ll be almost 80 and not a very attractive candidate for any future reelection bids.
  5. If Trump loses, we’ll have a President with actual intelligence in the white house.
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But on point 1, the track record has been for the Repubs to rubberstamp almost anything put forward by him. That’s very dangerous.

If he was needing an Article 25 (frankly, I think he would need it day one!), could the Repubs pull off what the Dems did with Biden, post-debate??

No way.

So it’s not just about the administration; it’s about a possible Congressional majority that would enable most any destructive whim he would have…

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Of course it would be bad. I have no doubts about that. Its going to get worse before it gets better. Slaves are not freed without a war. Do we think all the financial interests in our slavery will quietly go into the night? No chance. It’s going to be war. I’m not suggesting violence but we need to get into a war mentality and we need to fight. We need to stop shying away from the fight. We need to be soldiers ready for war.

Remember 2020? When George Floyd died the people rose up and changed minds. They were ferocious and would not be muzzled. And now, we accept that there are no confederate statues. We accept the changes because they rose up. We have to rise up and grab this country by the throat or they won’t give a fuck about us.

The #1 problem this country has is corruption in the political system. Why do I say it’s the #1 problem? Because its the one thing which is preventing all the other changes from happening. Once its gone its only a matter of time before M4A happens.

Did you forget him saying he would be “Dictator but only on Day 1”? Or how about his platform basically being Project 2025? IF tRump were to win in November; the USA would become the Russian States of America or maybe just the Nation of Maralago.

But he was just kidding about that day one thing!

Like having federal law enforcement throwing a guy who LOOKED LIKE a protester into the back of a van in Oakland. Or caging immigrant children, away from their parent(s).

Joke, everybody. Project 2025 is just a JOKE.

If there’s one thing you can be sure of with Stupid Hitler: if it’s not a lie, it’s a joke…

@sciguy24 You are missing very important context that illustrates to us how bad Trump winning will be.

The only way for Trump to win right now (and it is a very real possibility), is if voter turnout for progressives, young people, liberals, and minorities are depressed enough to hand over the win to Trump. If that happens, then the Democrats will suffer heavy losses in the house and senate, handing them over to the Republicans.

Project 2025 is demonstrative of the fact that the Republicans have been working for over 50 years to overturn democracy and install an authoritarian government. Trump and the Republicans will put end democracy. This is not hyperbole. That is their actual plan.

All the campaigning ammunition means very little if there are no more free and fair elections.

An overwhelming majority in the house and senate mean that the Republicans can just change the Constitution and the laws. While the assent of the states are required to make a constitutional amendment, that won’t mean much if election laws are changed to allow republicans to seize power in the rest of the states that they do not control. What the Republicans are planning can only be reversed by civil war.

This is not as much a hurdle to the Republicans as you think, because the sooner he dies, the sooner the Republicans institute the authoritarian government that they want.

Thank you for your response! I’m aware of all those things. During Trump’s last term the republicans and Nansy Pelosi checked his ass multiple times. As F’d up as our system is, it has proven to be very good at checking wannabe dictators.
I think a good analogy for the situation is a man crawling through a sewer to escape prison. He starts out clean. Then has to crawl through a mile of shit before he can get out. Thats where we are. I fully believe we will see more violence and civil unrest before we see M4A happen.

Yeah, that would all suck but we would end up benefiting politically at the end of the day. They’re BS would benefit us.

History has shown regardless of how popular Trump is, the rules of politics always win. Congress checked him many times during his last term. Even when the republicans controlled both houses of congress he couldn’t get everything he wanted. Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi checked his ass so many times. Our system of government, as corrupt as it is, has proven to check the ability for the executive to become an actual dictator. There’s a difference between a pseudo dictator (Trump), someone who is influential because of their popularity, and an actual dictator. The farther to the right he goes, the better it would be for the left. Thats reality in politics. The more your opposition goes to the extreme, the more popular your side becomes.

@sciguy24 Sure, the system of checks and balances staved off authoritarianism in Trump’s first term, but the Republicans have learned from then, and have made a plan to destroy the US system of checks and balances, subvert the independence of public agencies, install political cronies throughout the government, punish people it disagrees with, and control what news the media can report.

Republicans are already hard at work to implement Project 2025, working on a personnel database of loyalists to potentially replace tens of thousands of federal government civil servants, a private online educational tool to train them, and a playbook with transition plans for each federal agency.

We have to start remembering that the conservative drive to bring about white, Christian nationalist, pro-corporate, and antiworker authoritarianism, to degrade democracy, did not originate with Trump. Trump was only taking advantage of the work the Republicans have been working towards for a long time now.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, Trump has let the cat out of the bag, and they can either allow all this hard work to go to waste, or they can try to do everything they can to establish the white, Christian, nationalist, corporatist neo-feudal state they have been working for.

I completely understand the fear. I believe there will be violence in the streets at some point because of the extreme right but living in the south among the strongest Trump supporters I know for a fact they will not backup a dictator. The constitution does not allow the President to disolve congress. But as I said, politically that helps the left.

It’s not that we don’t have faith in the “Check & Balances” from the Constitution. It’s that we don’t have faith in the Corp-Dems and Non-MAGA GOP to implement them. They would like all that power just as much as the MAGAts would. And as has been stated already; A lot of those Checks & Balances have already been nullified making it easier for him to just pull a Palpatine and declare himself Emperor on Day one like he said he will

@sciguy24 Yeah, I guess we could be worrying about nothing.

I do remember how nearly everyone was pointing out how Hilary Clinton was going to win because America was not that Racist/Misogynistic/Corporatist/Christian Fundamentalist anymore.

I guess I should remember that, despite not having any well planned coup ambitions, a small handful of people just happened to be in the right place at the right time to thwart Trump’s Ad-Hoc coup attempts. I am sure that now that the Republicans are actively working towards those ends, as well as Trump, that there will be a a small handful of people in the right place at the right time to thwart the Republican’s plans.

It’s not like Trump came close to winning the 2020 general election despite the record turnout. It’s a good thing there is going to be another record turnout in the general election, and there is nothing going on in the global theater that will depress voter turnout like war in Ukraine, or genocide in the middle east, or a housing crisis, or an affordability crisis due to greedflation.

Good thing that the Democrats have our backs, and haven’t sold out to corporate, religious fundamentalist, and foreign interests, implementing electoral reform to put a stop to Republican shenanigans.

It’s fortunate that the Democrats are effectively reaching out to progressives, liberals, minorities, and young voters, promising to address all the issues these segments of the voting public want, such as the housing crisis, affordability crisis, electoral reform, not supporting genocide of minority’s family around different areas of the world, etc.

Lucky thing that Republican states aren’t implementing voter suppression laws, making efforts to prevent or challenge voter registrations, persecuting and harrassing minority voters, or recruited over 200000 volunteers to harrass voters at the polls.

We should be happy that the Supreme court has not been captured by conservative/fundamentalist/corporate interests, and that they haven’t signaled how they will support Trump if the election is close.

We can probably disregard how many conservative are outright saying that the plan is to subvert democracy and implement an authoritarianist regime. I am sure they are just joking and kidding with us.

Just to be clear, did the SARCASM come through in everything I just said that is all TRUE, and still not a comprehensive list of everything that points out the potential end of American democracy?

Yes…but what will [southern Trump supporters] options be once Stupid Hitler has his hands on the levers of power, backed up by a rubberstamping Repub Congress? They’re going to try and do a J6 on Trump?? You saw that ultimately the armed forces had final say. The only reason J6 got as far as it did was because the FBI and others did not mobilize those forces.

Also: many people nowadays have a considerable capacity to kid themselves. They will be witnessing dictatorial actions, but being so unpleasant to acknowledge, they will make like: “No problem here!”

When Trump won in 2016, I was cool with it (I certainly was not doing cartwheels though!) It was a lesson that the DNC sorely needed with regards to the extreme deregistration stunt they pulled in NY, and not being honest at the Convention with the cameras (it was a prison camp; when Colbert visited, they harassed him to no end to not film in certain areas…)

Post 2016, the Dem Party listens more. They got the memo that they were complicit in screwing workers with the Great Offshoring of jobs.

The big place the ADMINISTRATION is not listening is on pausing Israeli military aid in exchange for NUTanyahoo’s refusal to have any -ANY!- ceasefire. They might lose the election due to that (poll numbers in the Blue Wall area could be doing much better right now…) If they’re thinking forcing Israel to do a ceasefire would hurt their voter numbers, they’re stoned. Pelosi and Schumer support forcing Nut to agree to at least ONE ceasefire; many in the American Jewish community don’t think ramping this to WWIII is not a great idea.

Another Trump term, given that the MAGA Party would rubberstamp ALL his actions, will get us nothing but a train wreck, and there will NOT be a phoenix of a new country rising from those ashes, given present capital power structures. Barring enabling Israel, what we have now is better than that.

After this Election is over, presuming there’s a Dem win, the next step will be to shut this country down until they stop enabling NUTanyahoo. Trump would call out shooting Guardsmen to stop that, 1-2-3.

The Biden admin is engaging in a game of chicken at the moment that they can continue to get away with that unconditional enablement…

PS When I say Netan-the-yahoo, I’m talking about his faction. They very well might attempt a sockpuppet replacement in the months to come to appease the US…

In the beginning of Trump’s first campaign, in 2015, I was honestly willing to listen to Trump but then, in March 2016, I heard him declare he wanted to ban Muslim immigration and instantly I knew he was the dumbest candidate and later dumbest President we’ve ever had.