I Guess The Democrats Just Don't Want To Win

That AIPAC money is just too good for Harris and the Democrats to turn away I guess.

I had hoped that because the Democrats decided to go with Kamala Harris they realized that they had a lot of work to get voters to turn out, especially with their need to coalition build with progressives, liberals, democrats, and centrists. It’s pretty simple, if the voters don’t turn up, the Democrats don’t win.

While I give Democrats the benefit of the doubt that Republic voter turnout MIGHT be depressed by 5 or 10%, I actually think Republican voter turnout will hit a new record turnout in November. That sweet, sweet authoritarianism that they love and desire is so close and within their reach, that there will be a fervor driving Republicans to turn out to vote.

Combine this with refusals to certify results, mobs intimidating voters at the polls, and every voter suppression law the Republicans have whipped up, the Democrats cannot be alienating any segment of the voting public that could vote for them if they want to win.

SMH. I cannot believe some people’s stupidity sometimes.

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IMO, it’s a 50/50 contest. It always is and will be very close once again.

I’ll be voting strictly based on harm reduction/negative partisanship, as usual lately. Back in the days of GWB and Obama, this was more of an agonizing decision for me. But the Repelican Party has devolved so deeply into a death cult of personality, it’s an easy choice to help push MAGA off the board once and for all.

It is very unfortunate that the reality of the situation is that the Democrats are demanding that choice, them or authoritarianism. While some might accept such a reality and vote for Democrats to stave of autoritarianism, such will not be th reaction for most.

It seems that Democrats are incapable of learning that those suffering under the current regime don’t really care if the new regime is going to make everyone else suffer.

Consider the reality that so many suffer under;

Reality: “I would like to own my own home someday” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

Reality: “I would like to be able to afford rent” Response: “Sounds like a you problem, maybe get another job”

Reality: “I would like to be able to afford car and car insurance” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

Reality: “I would like to be able to afford utilities” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

Reality: “I would like to be able to afford food and the other essentials of life” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

Reality: “I would like to be able to afford health care” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

Reality: “I would like our government to not be terrible actors, maybe by not supporting genocide over and over again” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

Reality: “I would like our government to protect my human rights and dignity” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

Reality: “I would like to be able to have any form of personal agency in my life” Response: “Sounds like a you problem.”

So when Democrats demand that everyone vote for them or face the consequences of authoritarianism, people suffering under the current regime either do not see how it will get any worse fo them, or do not care. So unsurprisingly, they will not show up to vote. If you criticise them for this, the response might be: “Sounds like a you problem.”


I had a strong reaction to Cenk laughing at Tim Walz’s net worth in yesterday’s show.

  1. I was offended by the laughing because Tim Walz has a good life and good income many wish for.

  2. I now wish Tim Walz was the top of the ticket because I think we can trust he is not corrupted and more importantly he would understand the health of the economy is more than the stock market.

but of course many people would react to this as sexist and or racist. All I care about is being able to trust someone’s judgment and ability to resist corruption and do right by the least of us.


Cenk was laughing at the differences between Tim Walz’s income and JD Vance’s. JD Vance is trying to tell people he is an “everyman” from Appalachia when he is a MILLIONAIRE from Middletown, OH (a rich suburb of Cincinnati). When you compare that to Tim Walz making less than the average middle-class income in the USA you really can’t help but laugh at JD.


Perfectly stated, my friend.


I thought it started innocent but they kept going, and Im thinking to myself… hope you only have rich viewers funding your operation.

Dear vanidackp , I have an eery feeling that the DNC could really light up over the Gaza /Israel issue. The Harris team has to show the country that they are willing and able to stop arms shipments. Democrats will lose swing states and other voters if they continue advocating genocide. I think overall this is the best ticket going forward , but Harris/Walz have to change policy now. Just a thought, Jack


I agree 100% By the way, how have you been, Jack?

Anthony , how are you? I’m just surviving the crazy. Friday morning I go in for a procedure { I’ll be sedated } , they are putting in another nerve block . As you know , I deal with chronic pain. But tomorrow night , I will see you at the town hall. Take care , brother, Jack

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Vote For US or Your Democracy Gets it!

Unfortunately, I missed the town hall. My first absence since I joined in April.

Hey Anthony , no worries. Mostly , TYT is organizing a phone bank on August 28 . This is a result of Professor Lessig’s Visit the previous town hall. Kara will probably contact you. I hope you are well, Jack

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Awesome! Thanks for the heads up. I look forward to it.


Right now, I do not think the issue is whether the Harris team will win. I think they likely will. The issue is this: Will the Democrat candidates win the House and Senate? I think this election could be one where the presidential candidates do not significantly carry the house or the senate.

If we give the pundits the benefit of the doubt that Republican voter turnout will be suppressed (let’s say by 15%) from 2020, then we can still expect 60 million Republican voters. If the Harris team wins on nothing but overwhelming popularity versus unpopularity and saving democracy, the fallout on the rest of the Democrats will be severe. While the Republican candidates will still be voting for their candidates, other portions of the voting public will likely have their vote drawn away from Democratic candidates to independant, non-affiliated, and moderate Republican candidates. If the Harris team does not coalition build with progressives, leftists, centrists, and even moderate Republicans, as well every related organization the Democrats can mobilize, the result will be a Democrat presidency and a Republican House and Senate (along with a significant amount of far-right extremist politicians).

Furthermore, if the Democrats ignore those suffering the most (the working poor, and Generation Z) in their first term in favor of keeping their corporate sponsorship, the Republicans will win the 2028 election, and Project 2029 (possibly with a different figurehead) will be realized. Building a good economy supporting a minority of the nation while ignoring everyone else is not going to be good enough for the working poor and Generation Z.

If the Democrats do not wake up, that is where we are headed.

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If they don’t win House and Senate, it’ll be because they failed to go full populist in this moment where they absolutely must win.

In that case we either split on partisan lines, because corrupt Corporate Dems are what brought us to the brink in the first place, or we can organize a strong third party vote and take seats in the House. Therby deflecting from the partisan battles so that we can focus on the issues, mainly corruption in government. Which is something the duopoly definitely does not want to talk about. I say “Vote Dem in 24, vote Justice for All 2026.”


Why I am working on my report “The Rational Democratic Initiative”, see https://discuss.tyt.com/t/announcing-report-the-rational-democratic-initiative-please-help/ , which relies upon historical context and academic research to illustrate how independant, nonpartisan, and third-party politicians could win elections.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I am on social assistance due to health issues (and it’s not enough, $5000 debt), and I cannot get any support to write these policy reports (Vanida Plamondon | Publishing Free Reports to Promote Evidence-Based Policymaking | Patreon), this report is unlikely to be finished in a timely manner.

When I am as depressed as I am now, I am more likely to go play Fallut 76 rather than work on unpaid work that might make the world better.

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you are so right best , Jack

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