I’m tired of the false equivalency BS from Israeli’s

This op-ed was so InSpIrInG however it was riddled with so many false equivalencies and woefully inadequate attention to the details of the conflict.


The op-ed correctly notes the asymmetry between Israel and Palestine, yet it seems to downplay the implications. Israel, as the occupying power, has a legal and moral responsibility to take the first steps towards peace. The suggestion that Palestinians must initiate peace efforts overlooks the fundamental power imbalance and the continued state of oppression. Expecting the oppressed to initiate reconciliation is unrealistic and unjust.

While it’s true that Palestinian leadership has been flawed, Baskins emphasis on Palestinian leadership accepting responsibility for Hamas’s actions on October 7 is contentious. It’s essential to distinguish between the actions of a militant group and the broader Palestinian population. Moreover, the call for Palestinians to recognize Jewish historical ties to the land should be reciprocated with acknowledgment from Israelis of Palestinian historical and ongoing connections to the land.

My favorite was the Nelson Mandela analogy. The comparison to Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid in South Africa is woefully misleading. Mandela’s approach worked because it was supported by a global movement that recognized the injustice of apartheid and pressured the South African government to change. Similarly, international pressure on Israel to end the occupation and adhere to international law is crucial. Palestinians advocating peace alone, without substantive changes in Israeli policy, will not break the cycle of violence.

Baskin also posits that Israelis will only feel secure when Palestinians are free, and vice versa. While this is true, it glosses over the fact that Israeli policies have systematically undermined Palestinian security and dignity. The expansion of settlements, military incursions, and economic restrictions must end for meaningful progress toward peace. Never mind the toxic and barbaric rhetoric we see from these meandering sycophants in the comment sections on social media.

it’s also worth pointing out that the narrative of “both sides” being equally responsible for the conflict perpetuates a false equivalence. The reality is that one side holds significantly more power and has used it to maintain an occupation that deprives Palestinians of basic human rights. Acknowledging this imbalance is essential for any honest discussion about peace.

While the op-ed calls for new Palestinian voices advocating peace, it must be recognized that real change requires addressing the root causes of the conflict: the occupation, systemic injustices, and the power asymmetry. Palestinians advocating for peace is important, but without a corresponding commitment from Israel to end oppressive policies and actions, these efforts alone cannot achieve lasting peace.


I agree with you, not because of the oppression, which I (sadly) still don’t know much about, but because it seems to me that the actual War, meaning the killing of innocent children and young people (mostly) in Gaza was started by Netanyahu and his government cronies. Am I right?

But I must say, it only stands to reason that everybody should hold Hamas accountable & responsible too. Just for the horror of the Massacre & the horror of the Hostage Taking that took place initially.

You know, Netanyahu’s & his advisors have had 8 months to put them all in prison, especially that guy, Yaya. I just can’t believe 40,000 people (souls) have been slaughtered while he’s been sitting around in his socks and sandals! Doing who knows what? He should have been the first to be imprisoned, for sure!

In my view, all those 40,000 people in Gaza would be alive right now, if that Prime Minister would have imprisoned the Hamas leadership, instead of killing 40,000 innocent civilians (children)! It is beyond sad.

You are right. There is no equivalency though. Absolutely not.

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Oh! Sorry I wrote so much. This is my 1st time replying. I think. Lol!!

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thank you for your response. i think a few things are important to mention.

firstly, hamas is an idea, just as zionism is. the two are mutually exclusive when it comes to peace; one cannot exists as long as the other idea is still held by majority. hamas didn’t exist before the apartheid state of israel. so therefore, as long as israel continues the illegal settlement of native palestinian land, as long as the blatant crimes against humanity continue, as long the slaughter of the native people continues, hamas will not go away. israel refuses to learn from the mistakes of their biggest supporter, America. we tried to bomb our way to peace in the middle east and failed miserably. hamas only grows stronger with each bomb that is dropped.

secondly, israel has nobody to blame by themselves for oct 7th. i say this in recognizing the mistake on netanyahus part by bankrolling Hamas to unseat the PA from government. he gave them millions and millions of dollars in order to buy their silence and complicity. i guess we know where that money was being spent on. netanyahu underestimated Hamas and continues to do so. hamas, as far as i’m concerned, has already won. they turned the victim and turned israel into the pariah that it always should have been.