I take no credit for these cool **Pawh pawh Power Panel" 3D Animations

I need to start with one caveat: The animation that I personally like the most is the currently in use, I am in the process of getting old, so I have a high regard for nostalgia items. And yes, you might be thinking: “aren’t we all in the process of getting old?” well, yes, but that it’s not what I meant in my case (and please don’t get me wrong, Learning is one of my —if not, the— favorite activities, and since the more you live, the more you get to learn… well you get my point #serendipitous #choose-your-perspective instance #teamjoy).

In my case, I mean that youngsters hesitate to either call me “Señor” (Spanish for young to late adults) or “Don” (which is reserved for old folks) … I think they are internally counting the wrinkles in my face and weighing in how slow I am walking and the micro-expressions of in my face while doing it. JK

I am talking TMBS now, so: Warrick, Drop it! (them?)

Since I limited my choices to those three only and constrained it by single choice, I voted for the third one, but I gotta say I like 'em all, but nostalgia wins my heart, at least this time around. I would vote for the current one, the classic, but I didn’t include it.

But aren’t we all curious of the opinion of this community?

  • 3D Intro #1
  • 3D Intro #2
  • 3D Intro #3
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