@fourthwall_dragon I apologize for the slow reply, but I am not actually on the TYT forums very often sometimes.
I can truly emphasize with the desire to be informed, and though I live in a first world country, Canada, I find myself somewhat challenged in trying to keep up with worldwide affairs. It is not just a language barrier, but a lack of Canadian news media’s desire to cover foreign news in any meaningful way, limitations on direct access to foreign media outside of Youtube, and a lack of knowledge of what media I must subscribe to on Youtube to gain acces to such foreign news. At this point I find myself subscribed to dozens of foreign media channels, including but not counting media pundits, and not counting the Canadian media channels I also subscribe to.
While you might find the following a strange suggestion coming from a foreigner to the United States who is involving themselves with the TYT community, I suggest you might want to consider your outsider perspective as beneficial to promoting lasting and real change. Because it sounds like you are already experiencing the worst of corruption and authoritarian excesses, you have a perspective of what lies in wait for a country moving towards that reality, such as the United States.
I find it very interesting, because I share a similar viewpoint, because my perspective is the opposite of yours, that I am hopeful about my home country Canada, but am hopeless about the United States.
What you might not have thought about is the following, that the actions, ideas, and ideologies of people of other nations permeate and influence one’s own country, especially in this age of free market economies and globalization. In the case of Canada, we have had our own issues with far-right extremism, but in the last decade, with the help and influence of far-rightextremists from the United States, far-right extremism is beginning to gain traction in influencing conservative politics in Canada the same way is it has been in the United States and other parts of the world.
We most definately do not have political violence in Canada in the same way as it is permeating throughout the United States (for the most part). Here in Alberta, however, we now have “Poll Watchers” showing up to some of the polling stations, so there’s that. I also would like to point out that I do not in fact, have TYT. Cenk Uygur has TYT because it is a commercial enterprise, but as long as TYT promotes progressive ideas to push for real lasting change, I will accept TYT as an ally in the fight towards making the world a better place. Anyways, as you can tell by my rambling, I do not really understand what you are trying to say with your post, but I am really interested to find out.