Identity Blinds and Binds

Inspired by something @cenkuygur said today…

Identity Blinds and Binds

We cling to masks we never thought to choose,
Inherit roles defined by those before.
These labels fix our sight and shape our views,
Yet leave us blind to worlds beyond our door.
The walls of “self” grow thick, we cannot see
The boundless truth that waits to set us free.

With every creed we bind ourselves in chains,
Beliefs we wear as armor, cold and tight.
We shield our minds from doubts that leave a stain,
And guard against the questions born of light.
For in the dark, it’s easier to see
The things we wish were true, not what could be.

We fear the light, for in its glow we’re bare,
Stripped of the names we’ve worn, the roles we’ve played.
But truth, though harsh, is purer than the air
We’ve breathed beneath the mask where shadows stayed.
To turn and face the sun requires more
Than clinging to the comforts felt before.

We stand in temples built on sacred stone,
Where ancient whispers guide our tethered steps.
Through rites and mysteries, the seeds are sown,
Yet often bind us closer to our depths.
The cults of old, with symbols rich and veiled,
Held keys to truths, yet left our spirits jailed.

A faith not carved in stone but born in breath,
Unwritten laws that flow like winds unseen.
No creed to bind, no rituals of death,
But living truths that pulse in air between.
A faith of whispered winds and open skies,
Where seeking hearts can freely improvise.

Identity, no longer forged in chains,
Now breathes in rhythm with the earth and sky.
It paints the world in endless hues, remains
A guide, not prison, for the self to fly.
No longer walls, but windows wide and clear,
To see beyond the self, both far and near.

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When Identity Flies Free

We once wore masks that fit like second skin,
Our faces lost, our eyes too blind to see.
Yet deep within, a restless pulse begins,
A whisper of the winds, “You can be free.”
The roles we played, the names we feared to lose,
Were woven tight, but never ours to choose.

The chains of creed, of culture, caste, and fear,
Had bound us long before we learned to speak.
Our thoughts, conditioned, kept the questions near
But hid the truths we secretly would seek.
For what is faith if tethered to a stone,
A truth that lives but leaves us all alone?

The light, though harsh, reveals what lies within,
It strips away the shields we once adored.
And when we’re bare, the journey can begin—
No longer slaves to roles we can’t afford.
To turn and face the sky, to breathe the air,
Is to release the weight of old despair.

Now freed from walls that hemmed us in too tight,
We spread our wings, unsure but unafraid.
Each breath, a chance to rise into the light,
To claim a self that no mask could have made.
For every creed that once defined our bounds
Now crumbles as we step on sacred grounds.

These lands, uncharted, stretch without an end,
A place where rules dissolve like mist at dawn.
Here we are free to break, to heal, to mend,
To walk our path with chains and labels gone.
The open skies invite our souls to soar—
To live, to breathe, to dream forevermore.

So let us seek no dogma carved in stone,
No scripted steps that lead to empty halls.
The truth we crave is ever-changing, grown
In every breath, in winds that rise and fall.
Our names, unspoken, flow in quiet grace,
Our spirits dance through every boundless space.

Identity, unburdened by the past,
Becomes the wings that lift us through the air.
No longer clinging to a truth held fast,
But flowing with the world, beyond despair.
The skies are wide, and we, unchained, can fly—
To find ourselves beneath an endless sky.

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