If The Biden Administraation Allows Hostilities Between Israel, Lebanon, and Iran Devolve Into War, Harris Will Lose!

Voter turnout for anyone who cares anything at all for what is going on in the Middle East (especially genocide) will be so DEPRESSED, Trump will walk away with the election.

I know that everyone is looking at the train wreck that is Trump and his running mate (JD Vance) and thinking to themselves “There is no way Harris/Walz can lose.” but that is just not true. Anything that depresses voter turnout, as well as the Republican’s existing efforts to legislate the same, or draw upon violence and violent methods to do the same, gives Trump an unexpectedly good chance of winning the presidency.

Every American needs to be shouting this at the Democrats to “Wake the F@(K up and get out there and campaign!!! Stop waiting for Harris/Walz to carry you over the finish line!!! Get out there, BUILD your COALITIONS (give some people what they want) and WORK your ARSE off to stop this!!!”

Does anyone honestly think that Republican voters won’t tell undecided voters that Israel OWNS all those Democratic politicians that are letting this happen.

God, people are so stupid sometimes. I really wish that ANYONE with a reach beyond themselves would start SHOUTING at the Democrats to “WAKE THE HECK UP!!!”


NUTanyahoo (+his faction) has seen only one way out of his Gaza mess. With Gaza, all investment bets are off for Israel and many Israelis have started to leave.

WAR! Change the subject from Gaza. Let’s pick a fight with a well defined enemy.

They are seeking to force Congress to bail out the NUTanyahoo regime; “we need aid to prop up our economy because we’re at war!” And believe me: the Repubs with their evangelical following (“the Israelis will be converting to Christianity…”) will sign blank checks for them. They will be an economic basketcase in another year’s time, what with a global boycott starting to bite more thanks to the bad press they are fomenting in Gaza.

Considering that the Netanyahoo faction blows off the US at every turn, I see little consequences on holding up military aid for refusing to deliver on any -ANY!- ceasefires, Barring fargone cases like Miriam Adelson who have a massive bunker complex and probably a second home in places like Switzerland or New Zealand, most American Jews are not crazy for WWIII right now (nor are the Iranians, but the Repubs and the NUTanyahoo faction have other ideas…)

It’s in Biden’s hands at this point.

Serenity prayer. We can yell, but if he won’t force a ceasefire at all using the leverage of military aid, we’re all toast anyway…

People sitting out this election that would vote for Kamala because of the situation in the Middle East is what will get tRump re-elected and possibly even see the GOP get both sides of Congress. These “One Issue Voters” need to wake the frack up and realize that there is more to the election; and therefore the country’s actual continuation, than just Israel/Gaza or Abortion or Guns or Taxes. Each issue is important but none more important than the others. I don’t agree with her on more than a few issues but when the other choice is a fascist freak like tRump? Gonna get her in the White House and THEN try to get her to do what we know is right. But if the Orange in Chief wins? We won’t even get that chance.

Well, Kushner’s stunt of endorsing the move to Jerusalem will exacerbate things badly there. And in spite of people calling him Genocide Joe, the administration really has made efforts to get in more aid to Gaza -BUT THEY NEED TO GET IN MORE! LOTS MORE!!

But what would Trump’s position on the Palestinians be? To quote the CHUDs in the Nutanyahoo regime: “it’s time to mow the lawn; we need to do that from time to time.”

The outcome for both houses in Congress will be the biggest determinant on this. And a MAGA Repub party will give them a blank check, in spite of shutdowns across America. The Dems don’t have a tin ear NOW on this issue (though they clearly used to,)

I disagree, brother. If those voters cannot bring themselves to vote for a candidate who is greenlighting a massacre with our money, the responsibility lies with the candidate who is ignoring the will of the people. I will be voting for Harris because Trump is worse, but I don’t see those who don’t as being the problem. One must follow the dictates of one’s own moral compass. No candidate is entitled to my vote. It is incumbent upon them to earn it with their policies. Just pointing at the other guy and saying he’s worse is what Dems have done for several elections now. When they win, they quicky forget the promises they have made. When they lose, they blame the voter base for not ignoring the failures of their candidates.

As for one issue voters, we must remember that ranking the importance of multiple issues is a subjective process. Each individual votes based on what is most important to THEM, not to you or me. If I lost 12 family members at the hands of the IDF, then Gaza would certainly be the most important issue to me. If my son is at risk for being deployed to fight in Iran, that would be the most important. If my wife cant get reproductive services in her state, and she bleeds out in a car on her way to another state, then abortion rights would probably be my number one issue. Your number one issue is defeating Trump, because you feel that a second Trump presidency would be disastrous for our nation. I agree with you. That issue trumps (small T) the others. But by coming to that conclusion, you and I have become one issue voters ourselves.

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Yes, Repubs would definitely give Israel a blank check. But Biden is currently doing just that. And Harris’ responses to question on the issue suggest she will do the same, so neither party is good on this issue. The Repubs would be worse, but only marginally.


We will have massive shutdowns across this country if it’s more of the same with Harris.

As for what will happen if we get a Trump, I’ll zip my lip rather than giving an excuse to the MAGAs as to why we don’t need to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban.

Speaking of fomenting violence:

At this point, ask us if we’re surprised, Cenk. But I still will be if a majority of Electoral votes want The Dark Knight Joker to be president. With all the garbage to date, this should be a two-house sweep!

Captain Weirdo, we salute you…


I don’t know, I have to ask out loud at this point. Biden is not a dummy; he knows that no matter what amount of political donation money he is given, it won’t matter if we have WWIII.

As stated in that video above, Bush Sr. stopped the Israelis bombing in ~20 minutes by threatening to pause all aid.

Why AT THIS POINT (never mind six months ago…) is he not drawing a line on military aid?

Do they have some real bad dirt on him??

They’re bombing in TRIPOLI, the middle of the country. Is this the “buffer zone” they said they needed?

Just call it what it really is: Lebensraum

Are there violent actors in Lebanon? Sure. But are there now a lot of civilians in Lebanon starting to get killed? Damn straight!

NUTanyahoo is out of options, thanks to the way he has played it; his only option now is to run to Congress saying Israel HAS TO be subsidized because of a war of Nut’s own making…

You are right , brother. I just mailed in my absentee ballot and being a lifelong Democrat, I couldn’t pull the trigger. For the first time ,I voted Green/Independent e.g. Jill Stein. I didn’t vote the Uni-party because morally they are wrong. Since Korea , we have backed countless incursions mostly by the CIA. Young people see on social media exactly what our government supports and does. Case in point, we just sent $175 million to Lebanon. There are 4-5 states in our union devastated by Hurricane Helene. Do you think our fellow citizens have priority over all foreign spending? This shit has to change for the better


I wish I could be so hopeful, brother. Harris responds to her donors, just like Biden. And we just learned that Biden KNEW Netanyahu’s actions were partly motivated by his desire to help Trump win. But even the risk of losing did not change Biden’s stance. Harris would receive a significant bump in the polls just by suggesting a willingness to our leverage to halt Netanyahu, but she wont. And mainstream media will back her up. Yeah, She should be destroying Trump in the polls. Hell, Biden should have been destroying him, even with his cognitive issues. Instead, we are in real of that Dark Night Joker winning (Love that nickname, by the way).

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All your choice, bro, once you refused a two-State, and consigned Palestinians to live in squalor. That set the seeds for 10/7. And the international community would have backed a targeted response, but this 150,000 to 7,000 response? It violates all norms of international law…

I believe this was his plan all along. Escalate the war, pulling in the entire Middle East, then request more US aid, as well as soldiers. We already had 40,000 in the area, and an undisclosed number have just been sent join them. Once US soldiers are attacked and/or killed, he gets his way.

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He needs to be using a cigarette holder, holding a cat, and wearing a Nehru jacket…


Jack, I admire you for voting your conscious! :heart:

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Thanks , Andrea, maybe I am giving my vote away , but damnit, if enough people are tired of the neglect of the 2 party system , then maybe a groundswell of folks with common sense can ultimately change things for the better. Take care , Fondly, Jack


At the very least, more people saying that here AND ELSEWHERE might get the present administration to change course before Election Day…


Agree 100%. We definitely have to ramp up the pressure.

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