I'm so disappointed in TYT

The thing is, they could use the 25th Amendment (Presidential Disability and Succession). I think this is why there haven’t been any official cabinet meetings for nine months. At least not officially.


If they want to replace Biden the most sensible way is either he just steps down or is removed with 25th and make kamala the nominee, No problems there.

If they want to start a new ticket, Full dem voter elections are exactly what should happen.
what they are trying to do with the convention is ridiculous and undemocratic. The fact that people calling it a demcoratic process is insane, it is just elites picking elites,

The problem still remains that even if you want to replace Biden, The polls of his replacements are worse.

Only one ABC poll today shows a minuscule lead for harris.
meanwhile Biden is being shown by 3 polls to be tied right now.

Plus the funding issue, They cant transfer the money without Bidena nd kamala consenting to it. So we are kind of stuck.

and by doing this convention thing, they are just going to pick another corporate sleaze who will lose. just like Tories did after they ousted Johnson and installed sunak.

So either listen to voters and let us pick or they can figure this out on their own. Why would we want to be complicit in helping corporations pick a losing corrupt candidate probs more the right of Biden.

The primaries have been a part of American politics since 1890’s - first at state and local level and then at national level. They werent magically invented in 1972. Some states followed the primaries, some didn’t, The only thing that happened in 1972 was that DNC mandated all states to hold primaries.

The DNC convention method that was followed by many states was considered undemocratic. because it was known to exclude minorities from the process. The US Supreme Court declared such white primaries unconstitutional in Smith v. Allwright in 1944. Progressive reformers like Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin also campaigned for primaries leading to more states to adopt them.

The main reason for change in 1972 was what happened in 1968. Party leaders ignored one candidate, Eugene McCarthy, who could claim to have demonstrated his appeal to voters in the primaries and nominated another, Hubert Humphrey, who had not entered a single primary. This led to mass outrage by the voters because apparently back then Dem voters knew how to fight instead of lying down like cowardly doormats for the corporate lapdogs to walk all over them. The events at and around the Democratic national convention of 1968 left the party in disarray, unable to support its nominee and divided over matters of both substance and procedure. The 1968 convention was disastrous for the Democrats.

Dissatisfaction with the undemocratic nature of the nominating process led Democrats to create a commission that would ensure greater democratic input into how nominees were selected. Its mandate was to examine current rules and make recommendations designed to broaden participation in the nominating process. It also enabled better representation among convention delegates of minorities, women, and young people – groups that had previously been underrepresented. That is WHY they put the primary process in place.

So when they are calling to return to the time before 1972, they are literally calling for the exclusion of minorities and ideologically diverse candidates (progressives).

The biggest criticism from the establishment dems has always been that the primaries produce “radical” candidates. Hillary was literally on late night TV shows saying “Do we really need elections?”. I guess elections are inconvenient for her since she had to rig primaries to win against Bernie and couldn’t win against Trump anyway. But now it seems they are making a push to abolish any semblance of democracy in the ironically named democratic party anyway.

And don’t tell me this is hyperbole, because the open convention is being suggested now specifically to pass over the BLACK WOMAN VP for someone else. I don’t like Bidne or kamala but I have eyes. We can see what they are trying to do. We haven’t forgotten that it was the Democratic party which was the pro segregationist, pro Jim Crowe and poro K to the K to the K party before “southern strategy” from repubs led them to make a political power play for minorities. Now the closeted racists of Dem stablishment are calling for Dems to go back to that racist ideology? No wonder they are bleeding minority voters.

Liberals aren’t in a cult. They’re not fascists. They’re not crypto-racists. Cenk and Ana painting them as authoritarians is ridiculous.

They’re doormats. They lean right. They lack conviction that the left’s conception of reality is superior to the right’s, despite overwhelming evidence.

They loathe those to their left for consistently maintaining a politics that more accurately diagnoses our problems and more stridently demands solutions that would work.

The maddening thing about the liberal ideology to life-long students of politics is that people actually would prefer their policy prescriptions if they were enacted in a comprehensive way. This is what Cenk was describing in his book. What he fails to account for is the liberal tendency toward uncertainty, timidity, and relativism. They refuse to champion their own policies because they internally lack confidence in them. And unfortunately, though obviously, liberalism is the second largest by number of adherents of the major political ideologies. (The biggest being right-wing authoritarianism.)

This, combined with the electorate’s inability to comprehend what is actually happening on a macro level (majorities still maintain Republicans are better stewards of the economy, e.g.) results in a politics that swings between a raging, violent, aggressively-ignorant faction and a weak, feckless, passively-ignorant faction.

The sorry state we’re in results because the former really are monsters (and a shocking number of people like monsters.) And the latter are just their pathetic impersonators.


Liberals who follow corrupt Corporate Dems blindly are in a cult. People who are trying to hold on to the corpse of Joe Biden are in a cult. It would’t surprise me if the try to make him into a saint the way they are acting right now. Joe said it once upon a time himself " there is nothing Americans can’t do" if we get together and do it. Replacing him should be no problem, if it wasn’t a cultish party.


The solution is to call on Dems from all over these united states and have everyone gather outside the convention and vote for their preferred candidate by forming groups behind flags for the candidate they want to win and have the delegates vote accordingly. It’s Joever, he’s gone up there, 25th Amendment would put Kamala in charge and would give her a chance to say at the convention that she already has a week’s worth of experience in the job, and if she doesn’t win, she can say in 2028 that she has 6 months of experience doing the job so vote for her. Right now we need someone young and preferably a woman of color because Trump won’t be able to handle a person with that identity making him look weak and impotent at a debate. And he will run away or his brain will break.

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Sorry, from my long intensive association with liberals, thinking they exhibit cult-like behavior is delusional. They adhere to a paradoxical ideology that both fiercely defends itself while simultaneously undercuts its principles. They’re committed relativists, very hard to indoctrinate into a cult of personality.


Finally, someone else who gets it. The problem is there aren’t really alternatives. Progressives were it for a while. Now too many of them have started to work with the liberals and give up on their ideals. Except maybe Jaimie Raskin and Jasmine Crockett. Frankly, I’m seeing Cenk fear mongering just like mainstream media. The other progressive channels have stopped doing what he’s doing.

If the Dems are democratic, they should have no problem taking a poll at the convention. How many want to follow a corpse around, and how many want someone in between a populist progressive and a Corrupt Corporate Dem. Someone like Jasmine Crockett or a Barbara Lee . If they aren’t in a cult they should prove it by action. I nominate Nina Turner! I know for a fact the Corrupt Corporate Dems say no in unison.

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After Cenk quit his legal campaign I lost all respect for him. Now I’m just here having fun lol.

I’ve already stopped following tyt on youtube. The way Cenk has been behaving in the last year, with Ana supporting the idiocy, has me thinking of stopping following altogether. Now they’re just fear mongering and making things worse just like the regular news. They’ve stopped telling the truth. My hope is they will learn better. But I’m not betting on it. They’re just digging the hole deeper every day.

tyt was never an outlet that provided news. None of these alt media channels are. In case you haven’t noticed, they merely “comment” on MSM’s reporting. All of them - right wing or left wing or any other wings they may sprout. The only reason to watch them is to know what the community is thinking, what the establishment is saying and what spin one side wants to put on something. Just what the vibe is in specific circles. That’s it. Its like hanging out at certain pubs back in 1600’s France. Or the barber shops in 1800’s America. You don’t do it for the accuracy of the news, you do it for the gossip about it.

I just created a poll here on TYT that woud really help to bring light to this issue, I believe:

Please take the poll.

Interestingly, Cenk did not take a poll after his debate with Dr. Allan Lichtman to see who the viewers of that debate thought was the winner. I remember, because I was there and I was one of many that was repeatedly asking the moderators to do a poll.

Personally, I feel that Dr. Lichtman won. He came into the debate with decades worth of facts and methodology to back up his data.

Neither Cenk nor his moderators did a poll. It never happened.

Now you are worried about the "anointing of corporate ghouls??? "

Biden was one of them! When Bernie was winning in the primaries last time around, the party panicked and anointed Biden… their corporate ghoul! The party pushed out all the other corporate ghouls primary candidates who were also failing . Then they all chanted together - via corp media - only Biden can get things done … to brainwash the voters! Biden was doing as bad as Harris back then. Remember how Harris was being pushed as the fav by corp media until she flopped once primary voting started.

Now Biden is being pushed out but it is for health / mental issues, not because he is too progressive!

If people want to blow smoke up his ass to give him some grace to retire that is fine but it is just whitewashing his career. He is an incrementalist blue dog conservative Dem. Gay rights is the only thing I can think of where he pushed further left. But he has a long record and compared to Bernie’s long record, Biden is no progressive.

Clarence Thomas is Biden’s legacy!

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Dude. dont assume I dont know the history of what they did to Bernie - in 2016. I despised them for it. And haven’t stopped. I have been screaming since the beginning about the primaries. I have posted about that multiple times in walls of text under various posts and even this on. maybe if you read them before you made assumptions, you wouldn’t look like a fool.

I have said many times that they will pick “ANOTHER corporate sleazebag” or someone “MORE to the right of Biden” and I am not interested in continuing to help them “democracy-face their corporate despotism”.

But I also saw something else in 2020 primaries - we started with hoping for a Bernie- Warren 1-2 punch. But the infighting among the progressives turned people against each other which left one wing refusing to support the other. Which is one of the many things that helped Biden win the primaries. And this idiocy in the TYT community of not giving warren breathing room about healthcare policy massively contributed to it. If she put forth something she fell she could get done in a specific timeline, she was attacked. If she shifted it to a more Bernie timeline - she was attacked again by people saying , then why wouldn’t we just vote Bernie.

I tried to talk sense to people back then too. Bernie is good at putting outside pressure with people support while Warren is good at making infrastructural change from within. But no one wanted to hear it back then and we ended up doing exactly what I had feared - destroying ourselves and helping Biden,

I myself was too pissed at Hillary in 2016 to bring myself to support her and I know a lot of others were too. That didn’t help us, it gave us trump.

And in 2020 reoubs couldn’t reconcile their disagreements with RINOs the same way which is how Biden was able to win the general (among other factors).

And now I am seeing the same thing repeat with this madness. You can grandstand and climb faux moral horses all you like, this BS isn’t going to fool me. I have seen this movie play out in real time multiple times, I have studied about it playing out in the past. And you are actively helping Dems destroy themselves.

I will repeat, there is no candidate out there that polls so well that I can account for the chaos, and division to be crushed by that popularity. Let me know when you find one, I’ll have a chat then. All I know is its not going to be a progressive anyway, so nothing will fundamentally change whether its Biden or Beshear. And that doesn’t energise me enough to even care about the convention. And it won’t do so for millions of other dem voters.

BTW it is the establishment that is trying to oust Biden. So feel free to keep blowing smoke up their ass. You can’t pontificate to others.

But I know no one will listen and no one will learn from the past or present mistakes. So I am bracing myself for another Trump term the way things are going right now.

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Again if you had bothered to actually read my position on this, you wouldn’t look like a fool right now.

I agree and me too. Honestly, it’s terrifying whats going on. To the point it was making me feel literally sick yesterday watching it. And now the establishment dems want to remove the only person that has any juice to win.

Look, I don’t want Biden. I wanted Sanders. A Sanders and Warren ticket would have been fine to me. But now he is what we have because he was forced on us. We’re too late for any normal election things to do any good and the dems want to tear themselves apart. Six months ago, replacing Biden would have been fine but now? Now we are a few months from election. It’s too late.

Repeating the same mistakes over and over again is insane. And the way TYT, mostly Cenk, is behaving, will ensure we’re totally screwed and Trump will win.

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Yes and No. Its not actually too late. Entire countries do snap elections all the time. Actually, the campaign really only takes off after conventions in July. So we can still catch up if we had a good candidate.

The problem is dems will do what they do best, pick the worst of both worlds by creating a chaos and still picking some lame ass establishment dem which honestly will make people more enraged than they are right now. Rinse and repeat


Idea: we devolve into Animal Farm. For funsies.

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