I'm so disappointed in TYT

Dude. dont assume I dont know the history of what they did to Bernie - in 2016. I despised them for it. And haven’t stopped. I have been screaming since the beginning about the primaries. I have posted about that multiple times in walls of text under various posts and even this on. maybe if you read them before you made assumptions, you wouldn’t look like a fool.

I have said many times that they will pick “ANOTHER corporate sleazebag” or someone “MORE to the right of Biden” and I am not interested in continuing to help them “democracy-face their corporate despotism”.

But I also saw something else in 2020 primaries - we started with hoping for a Bernie- Warren 1-2 punch. But the infighting among the progressives turned people against each other which left one wing refusing to support the other. Which is one of the many things that helped Biden win the primaries. And this idiocy in the TYT community of not giving warren breathing room about healthcare policy massively contributed to it. If she put forth something she fell she could get done in a specific timeline, she was attacked. If she shifted it to a more Bernie timeline - she was attacked again by people saying , then why wouldn’t we just vote Bernie.

I tried to talk sense to people back then too. Bernie is good at putting outside pressure with people support while Warren is good at making infrastructural change from within. But no one wanted to hear it back then and we ended up doing exactly what I had feared - destroying ourselves and helping Biden,

I myself was too pissed at Hillary in 2016 to bring myself to support her and I know a lot of others were too. That didn’t help us, it gave us trump.

And in 2020 reoubs couldn’t reconcile their disagreements with RINOs the same way which is how Biden was able to win the general (among other factors).

And now I am seeing the same thing repeat with this madness. You can grandstand and climb faux moral horses all you like, this BS isn’t going to fool me. I have seen this movie play out in real time multiple times, I have studied about it playing out in the past. And you are actively helping Dems destroy themselves.

I will repeat, there is no candidate out there that polls so well that I can account for the chaos, and division to be crushed by that popularity. Let me know when you find one, I’ll have a chat then. All I know is its not going to be a progressive anyway, so nothing will fundamentally change whether its Biden or Beshear. And that doesn’t energise me enough to even care about the convention. And it won’t do so for millions of other dem voters.

BTW it is the establishment that is trying to oust Biden. So feel free to keep blowing smoke up their ass. You can’t pontificate to others.

But I know no one will listen and no one will learn from the past or present mistakes. So I am bracing myself for another Trump term the way things are going right now.

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Again if you had bothered to actually read my position on this, you wouldn’t look like a fool right now.

I agree and me too. Honestly, it’s terrifying whats going on. To the point it was making me feel literally sick yesterday watching it. And now the establishment dems want to remove the only person that has any juice to win.

Look, I don’t want Biden. I wanted Sanders. A Sanders and Warren ticket would have been fine to me. But now he is what we have because he was forced on us. We’re too late for any normal election things to do any good and the dems want to tear themselves apart. Six months ago, replacing Biden would have been fine but now? Now we are a few months from election. It’s too late.

Repeating the same mistakes over and over again is insane. And the way TYT, mostly Cenk, is behaving, will ensure we’re totally screwed and Trump will win.

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Yes and No. Its not actually too late. Entire countries do snap elections all the time. Actually, the campaign really only takes off after conventions in July. So we can still catch up if we had a good candidate.

The problem is dems will do what they do best, pick the worst of both worlds by creating a chaos and still picking some lame ass establishment dem which honestly will make people more enraged than they are right now. Rinse and repeat


Idea: we devolve into Animal Farm. For funsies.

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