I'm tired of eating shit for the Dems - A Rant

(i’ve never voted for trump)

I’m absolutely sick of eating shit for democrats! in 2016 dems coordinated a conspiracy against bernie sanders, the exposed emails prove it. but democracy is on the line, right?!

i hated hillary and yet i still voted for her over trump because that was ‘the right thing’. and what happened? all the hillary supporters who hated her as much as i did cast protest votes for stein because they thought enough people would do ‘the right thing’. but democracy is on the line, right?!

in 2020 it was another shot at bernie, you would think the dems had learned their lesson about propping up elites. but biden, and i voted for him. then i watched our boarder collapse as our economy flounder, and everyone struggled just to pay for food. then the senile bastard wouldn’t let go of power until obama called him and threated the 25th amendment. sounds pretty trumpy.

here we are in 2024. no primary process, no real choices. no primary this year because they KNEW she wouldn’t win. harris has been jammed down our throats, and if you don’t like her you must obviously be a racist, sexist, fascist. democracy is on the line, right?!

how dare i want a choice in who the nominee is? how dare i question the wisdom of the dem elites who failed in 2016 and barely scraped by in 2020? how dare i demand a good candidate with policies i actually find reasonable?

they keep saying this is the last bowl of shit before filling up another ladle full. The dems care about democracy as much as republicans do, they only care if it gets the results they want. dems care about power as much as the republicans do, never give it up.

harris and walz have both supported not only weapons bans, but mandatory confiscations. and for those of you who think that’s a good idea, would it have been a good idea under trump? or would it have scared the crap out of you to be disarmed under his regime? would you demand the right to stand up to the government back if he won? that’s not how it works, you never get it back. plenty of historical examples. but democracy is on the line, right?!

under harris they caught 8 isis terrorists at the southern boarder…wait for it…and RELEASED 3 of them into the country! people on terror watch lists just walz (pun intended) into our country and i’m supposed to be ok with that? that’s the lesser of two evils?

bidens administration wants to brag on the economy when all the profits go to the top 1%. wages are as stagnant as ever, but they’re the party of the working class? HA! harris is more of the same, literally.

i don’t think there has been a more perfect example of how both parties are the damn same. no one gives a crap about us and we don’t have a seat at the table, the buy in is too high. as long as the dems act like this i don’t want to hear about how democracy is on the line. what democracy?

harris is another bowl of shit we’re forced to eat…because democracy is on the line. i’m sick of coming to this restaurant.


I too wanted Bernie. I did not vote for Hillary, I voted Green in a swing state. I did not vote for Biden, I voted Green in a swing state. I tried to take a stand.

But then Jan 6th happened so I had resigned myself to gag and vote Biden. But then the debate happened and I thought… Hell no. I was not going to vote for anyone.

I feel your anger and I am with you there. But I was angry with those Dems who called themselves progressive and liked Bernie but still voted for Hillary in the Primary because she was a woman, or because they were sheep and believed MSNBC without independent thought, or they were too chicken to take a stand. I am even angry at people like you who still voted for Hillary and Biden in the general and rewarded the party and media’s bad behavior!

But now, it is no longer mere hyperbole that Democracy is at stake. We saw Trump as President. We know all the schemes he tried to stay in power regardless of losing. We saw the violence on Jan 6th.

We have seen Congress fail. They were unable to impeach and prevent Trump from running again.

We have seen the Justice Dept drag their feet and wait far too long to prosecute Trump before time ran out til the next election.

We have seen the Supreme Court and at least one Fed judge aide and abet Trump in his criminal enterprise.

Our gov’t is barely holding itself together and is clearly unable to deal with Trump. Plus any folks who restrained Trump before, will not be in power next time.

I am grateful Biden is out. He should not get praise. He should have never put us in this mess. Future historians should be very harsh on Biden! His legacy is Clarence Thomas and almost breaking democracy.

Since Kamala is the VP, it is not that big of a deal she is the nominee. If Biden died, she would be President anyway. It makes sense no one is going to challenge her at this late date especially as the first woman of color to be President. Her being the nominee is not as offensive (to me) as Biden being allowed to run a second time given his mental and physical condition. You voted for Biden/Harris. I didn’t.

But yes, this one time we do hold our nose and vote for Kamala.

Of course we have to demand better. Somehow we have to defeat the media and the corrupt 2 party grip on elections. But how? Letting Trump devolve us into a Russian dictatorship style gov’t will make it even harder to change without an all-out civil war.

I have a feeling it may take another generation or two for real change and hopefully it doesn’t require a civil war, a nuclear war or massive environmental disaster to get us there.


Yeah, I’m mad at me too.


Oh, isn’t it just delightful how the American political system perfectly embodies the seamless harmony between the lofty ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the pragmatic realities of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? The Declaration’s emphasis on bottom-up governance and popular sovereignty couldn’t possibly clash with the Constitution’s charmingly top-down approach, which is all about structured authority and checks and balances. Isn’t it wonderful how everything just works so smoothly?

I’m feeling a little petty.


Here’s the bottom line.
Why would I want to take a day off with no pay, wait hours in line to cast a ballot for people who do nothing to make my life better and have never did anything useful in any election cycle?

Vote are earned. You’re asking us to jump through hoops and do you a favor to put you in office, so you can get rich with your own damn policies?


You were the hero of the month, you get to be petty lol.


I was limited on characters for the original post, but @genocidekamala reminded me. Why would I want to vote for someone who has done nothing but support and facilitate a genocide?

Everybody screaming trump will bomb Gaza worse… what?! There will be nothing left if he wins. Fuck her throne built on dead children.

@vegangunguy, I hear you and I share your frustration, Like Ana Kasparian says on her live show of TYT, I’m too sick and tired of always having to vote for the only two-party candidates shoved down our throats. I would have preferred to have primaries and debates at DNC. I would’ve like to see Marianne Williamson be given the chance to make her strong compelling case with her Bill of Rights she is proposing. But since these two candidates is what we are being given, and Trump undoubtedly will cut the single thread barely holding our “so called fragile and almost non-existent democracy”, there is a good chance I will need to vote for the Kamala.Walz ticket. It is either that, or stay home and not vote at all. :rage:

@ genocidekamala, you are 100% correct, Voting for Kamala will be another 4 years of us the middle and working class getting no changes to better our lives. It will be another 4 years of the same.

Well i just voted Republican ( for the first time in my life) in the WI primary today … only to try and stop a maga challenger to the county clerk job. We do not have a Dem option so I voted for the incumbent Republican who is prob bad but the challenger came to my door stop and scared the hell out of me.

Yes I do believe the future of democracy is on line this time

I know Rachel Maddow mostly sucks these days but she recently did a story on maga candidates trying to take over county clerk / election official jobs as part of their plan to not accept losing and/or not certifying election results in many counties and states throughout the country.

I am pretty sure we have one of those examples in my county. The challenger’s sign read “boots on the ground” ??? for a county clerk race? We have had issues with a bad clerk in a neighbor county who was magically finding late votes to flip the results for Scott Walker back when he was our controversial union attacking- former Gov. I have no trust in our Republicans.

So as bad as Kamala may be on Gaza, I still think we have to hold our nose this election and vote Dem. I am one that did not advocate for that strategy the last two cycles.

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I am grateful that I got to watch hummingbirds at their feeder in my front yard on yet another beautiful day this summer with my cat and three dogs. I am grateful that with everything I have going on lately, I have kept up with my schoolwork and eeked out a paper that was due today. I am grateful that I get to vote and hopefully help to make sure that a party bent on racist fascism never gains power in my country. :dove::heart::palms_up_together:

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