Cenk has commented on it several times now — a lot of the messaging and policy proposals mentioned by speakers at the DNC sound an awful lot like they are inspired directly by TYT.
At one point Cenk said it was just a coincidence, but I’m not so sure. Would anyone have expected:
- Coalescing around the theme of joy. Not happiness, not optimism, but specifically the word “Joy”.
- Focusing on the housing crisis as a key policy plank (which Ana has been laser-focused on)
- Highlighting free school lunches and paid family leave as Walz accomplishments in MN
- Reclaiming the word “freedom” and painting the GOP as anti-freedom and big-government
And it’s not just that. We found out one of the people at the table at some high-up discussions is Adam Green, who is a long-term TYT viewer (since before Ana was even a host!).
So my questions are:
- Do you agree that TYT possibly/likely/definitely had a direct impact on the direction the Democratic Party is going?
- Are there other examples you can think of? I wish I had been noting them down!
Maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t the only one watching the TYT Network in Washington. If so, Operation Hope has already been successful in helping push the Dems toward progressive change!