Is the DNC inspired by Operation Joy & Hope?

Cenk has commented on it several times now — a lot of the messaging and policy proposals mentioned by speakers at the DNC sound an awful lot like they are inspired directly by TYT.

At one point Cenk said it was just a coincidence, but I’m not so sure. Would anyone have expected:

  • Coalescing around the theme of joy. Not happiness, not optimism, but specifically the word “Joy”.
  • Focusing on the housing crisis as a key policy plank (which Ana has been laser-focused on)
  • Highlighting free school lunches and paid family leave as Walz accomplishments in MN
  • Reclaiming the word “freedom” and painting the GOP as anti-freedom and big-government

And it’s not just that. We found out one of the people at the table at some high-up discussions is Adam Green, who is a long-term TYT viewer (since before Ana was even a host!).

So my questions are:

  1. Do you agree that TYT possibly/likely/definitely had a direct impact on the direction the Democratic Party is going?
  2. Are there other examples you can think of? I wish I had been noting them down!

Maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t the only one watching the TYT Network in Washington. :slight_smile: If so, Operation Hope has already been successful in helping push the Dems toward progressive change!


You make some great points, my brother. It wouldn’t be the first time Democratic leadership has borrowed progressive talking points from us. In fact, they have to. They know those talking points are popular, and they need them to win elections. Problem is, the party has moved so far from the actual Left that they don’t really possess progressive principles anymore, so they HAVE to borrow them from us. So my question to you, brother, is how do we stop them from dropping those principles as soon as they get elected, like they usually do?


Cenk gave us the answer to your question shortly after Kamala Harris remarks at the DNC. We now hold them accountable using Kamala/Walz own words should they fail to carry out their agenda. I’m with Cenk and Ana. I don’t expect them at all to fulfill all of their promises, just like Biden and others before him did. But it is my hope that at least one or two of their agenda is fulfilled.


…and they are FIGHTING back. That has been a staple from CENK!

Its about time!!! Especially since donOLD has completely destroyed any type of decency.




This is a shame…1 or 2!! Our standards are so low :man_facepalming:

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I heard and agree with Cenk’s statements regarding them accountable. My question was, how?


You’re right. It is a shame. But as Cenk and Ana would say, “just keeping it real”. We go through this election cycle repeatedly, where many promises are made, but only a few get done. Until we get rid of dark money from wealthy donors out of politics, little will ever be done for the average people in this country. I’ve been voting since the early 1980’s and have witnessed democracy spiraling down ever since. Our government, except for a few true progressives, no longer represents the people.


The root cause of almost all evil in this country is money in politics…if the politicians have no “donors” to please, they only have their constituency to please…which is what it should be!!! :man_facepalming:

If you want to get involved on the ground go to

You can volunteer and organize with them to effect change in your area



Yep, the people at Wolfpac are heroes. Almost all of them are volunteers, and they have made tremendous progress in several states. And of course, there’s the Maine ballot initiative that we’ll be phone banking for on Wednesday.

But those are long range goals. If Harris wins, we need to start holding her accountable immediately. It’s going to be real important that we network with others on issues like a living wage, paid family leave, etc. The revitalized labor movement is the key, imo. People on both sides of the spectrum can agree on the things that affect how we feed our families. It’s hard to pressure the system from within, so let’s do it from outside.

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I think it is likely that the DNC took their progressive cues from TYT. I really do. I agree with all that you’ve listed.

When Michael and Cenk discussed the fact that Doug Emhoff’s life is very similar to Cenk’s, it was borderline spooky. (Someone needs to ask Doug if he has ever hit 4 cars in a KFC carpark).

What tipped me over the edge though was Barack Obama’s disdain for leaf blowers. I think Cenk (and maybe Ben too) have been on record for over 15 years of promising to ban leaf blowers as their Day 1 Executive Order. :wink:


Very specifically for myself, I believe that TYT is that “outcast” group that the “normies” watch and try to emulate cause TYT is too sigma for all the alpha and beta news programs out there.

Like yeah, you might be MSNBC/FOX/CNN/etc, but you’re still those large corps and you as an anchor, working for a big corporation with hyper-corporate standards, have restricted topics and issues of discussion. Also, those people are quick to borrow from a “place that seems to be doing well”, aka TYT.

I would not be shocked if they did in fact borrow, especially given that it’s Adam, because when you’re at a board meeting, it’s easy to say, “hey, I’m repping w/these creds, and these are the number one impactful things you can do that we did that had the greatest positive effect for XYZ cause.”

You’ve gotta remember that political strategy utilizes people with degrees in all humanities, linguistics, economics, geography, and even sociolinguistics, and sociolinguistically, using the term “joy” is almost biblical in nature (esp in the USA where everything is hyper puritan in origin) and it fills a listener with a flood of positive emotions. Also, it’s easy in a boardroom to just talk like you and I are doing and share ideas, but it’s a formal meeting w/the head honchos (in theory, I guess a better word would be an agent of change), so it’s totally possible that one admin assistant said to another, “oh, yeah, well, we did this thing and I recommend y’all do it cause it really helped like this” and then they asked their boss and the boss, w/their admin assistant’s trust, is all, “sure, that’s fine.”

Not saying that happened, but rather, that it’s very easy for things like that to happen, and what looks like these massive grandiose spectacles of information (DNC) is actually just the show and the real talk happened elsewhere in a more normal manner.

It is annoying that we don’t typically see that manner unless we’re watching C-Span, b/c I’m partial to the informative and boring lol, it feels less fake.

And Joy also a wonderful word to convey a wonderful message, which is why language is a powerful tool, etc, I’m getting lost in the weeds.

So yeah, TLDR, yes, totes possible.


electicmisc, yes , absolutely , TYT has made an influence by Operation Hope & Joy. It came up a number of times at the DNC, and I think the zeitgeist is right for it to permeate in people that want solutions we all aspire for. Jack


If that’s rhe case, I am not impressed. Hope and Joy is a welcome stopgap measure but it is not enough to get us the change we rally need. Not with these two Parties. And not with the Greens either. What we need is the geowth if the Socialist Alternative party. This is a true Marxist party whose input can fuel real progressive change. On top of that, we need strengthening of other socialist parties so that for now we can form a coalition to fight the right even though we socialist do not agree on everything (or even close to everything).

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