Is there a plan to take back The House in 2026?

We should already have a board with targeted districts somewhere. Does anyone know if anyone is planning yet? I see 2026 as the last chance to save democracy. I’ve always said that the most power is most easily attained there. The Justice Dems was a good idea , but it was still something inside the party. I thought Dr. West was on the right track. A route i thought Bernie should have taken after 2016. A third party that does the most work in the midterms and lends it’s weight in votes to the more progressive candidate in the Dem primaries and top of ticket general elections.

I think a third party that takes seats when The House is so evenly divided is viable. This is the way we can win. Decide the speakership or let the top two parties show how they work together in corruption. But pretend to hate each other for culture war distractions.


Waiting for Sanders to organize it; anybody else trying to do it will either not be taken seriously, underfunded, and/or infiltrated by Duopoly saboteurs.

I would trust the organizers that Sanders would select.

I think the train leaves the station after J20, perhaps as late as February 1st. You would want to capitalize on the betrayals that Trump, Repubs, and corporate Dems do after he and his bois get seated, to motivate ex-MAGAs and former Dems to sign on in support. Get some of the “runoff”.

You can absolutely forget about any effort from within the Dem Party. WORKING CLASS IS LOCKED OUT!! The corporate owners will never allow worker issues to be addressed other than in a window dressing way.

News has it that Harris is moving to the NY Bubble.

“Luxury condos starting at $20K/month…”

Maybe she can check out that artisanal mayonnaise place…


Why wait for Bernie?


Well, let’s think it through. Are you going to ballot Independents by petition? Because if you are, a lot of people from both sides will try and sabotage that effort. You need trustworthy people to RUN that.

And before that: you need a SHORTlist of attainable working class objectives. An AUTHORITY will need to preside over that, to break ties on divisive issues. Who will that be? It doesn’t have to be a single person; but it has to be equivalent to a jury that can arrive at a majority decision, so these candidates are not all over the place. They don’t have to agree on everything! An alliance member can fight for a pet issue in addition to the core issues, so long as it is not counter to the core issues. But they have to agree on a short list of working class objectives: worker rights, BASIC healthcare (to start…), NO pollution (plastic, PFAs, carbon…), …

So who would people trust to appoint members to such a committee to draft working class objectives?

<joke>Vermin Supreme??</joke>

If you don’t have shared core objectives among Independents that reflect working people’s aspirations, then you have a herd of cats that many in the working class will not be highly motivated to vote for…


Yea I want TYT to invite Dr. West on. He kind of went quiet after the election. That’s where I think third parties drop the ball. They don’t show up when they should (midterms) and they all try to go for the top seat during general elections. It’s almost as if they want to keep losing. In any case, not donating to the Dems again unless it’s a tried and true progressive, and only donating to people running for The House. Not thinking I’m going to make the difference but I’m definitely not supporting the tried and true losers that are the Corrupt Corporate Dems.

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Xactly! Stop looking at the Party for now, until there is an alternative to the Duopoly, that fights for workers…


Until we have a plan for getting money out of politics, I honestly don’t give a damn anymore.


There’s The 75.


The way the US is structured, that will be an amendment; we’re quite a ways from that! The people hiding Biden’s condition screwed the pooch for the Supreme Court to become less of a Kangaroo one…


I agree with you. The two-party system we have of the GOP and DEM are equally corrupted and owned by the elites. The only thing I would say different to your statement, “I see 2026 as the last chance to save democracy” is, “I see 2026 as the last chance to RESTORE our democracy”. The truth of the matter is that democracy in this country has been dead for a while under both parties. Our so-called “democracy” has been an illusion.


I’m there with you. I can no longer vote for the establishment candidates of either party who have shown time and time again that they have no interest in representing the working class. Their focus and loyalty is completely aimed at their corporate donors.


I’m going to The People’s March in Saint Paul this Saturday and would love to see anyone who can make it! :dove::heart::fist:


Honestly I’m more focused on my state politics. I think thats the best way to win on progressive issues.


I think the plan should be started at the State level with a new REAL 3rd party like the GOP in 1850. Get people into the party and then start getting them elected to state and local offices. It will take some time to get a new party up to a national level but it can be done. If we can get about 1/3 of the state seats to not be Dem or GOP then we will have a big enough foothold to go full national and start thinking about the presidency. Until then; we stay local & state.


Hope you had a safe day at the march. Would have joined but it’s all the way on the other side of the map for me. :heart_hands:

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Yes, I’m thinking you are probably the most right. Seems like the longest route though and I am just thinking the way Republicans gerrymander districts and legalize their election rigging, there might not be another free and fair election. In any case, not much i can do nationally with the limited resources at my disposal. So I suppose I’ll just have to focus on state politics and hope I’ll be at the right place at the right time when the facist throw out the constitution so that I can lobby the right people to draft a declaration of independence for California. :grin:


You’re in California? I’m game.

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I feel like such a letdown because I’ve been having some health issues, so I wasn’t able to go. Plus, it was -30° (with wind chill, which means it’s what it feels like), so that wouldn’t have been great for my heart with everything else going on. Next time! :heart:

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No problem. I can’t show up everywhere I wish i could show up for because bills and kids and not stable work. I’m saving as much as i can for if the Justice For All Party has a convention.

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