Is there any hope at all for Democrats in this election?

With the current situation with what happened to Trump this afternoon, and he seemed presidential with the closed fist and all the photos circulating in the media of him seem defiant. He looked very strong and presidential there.
Also Biden will not step down. What would happen when Trump runs the ads with his photos side by side with videos of Biden bumbling and freezing? Obviously everybody will rally behind Trump now and will come out in record numbers and vote for him. Is there any hope left at all for Biden and Democrats in this election now. @cenkuygur what are your thoughts on this?


I think you are 100% correct - it is game over. And we’ve seen what happens when anyone tries to assassinate a tyrant and fails.


This is America’s darkest hour; but it can’t possibly happen if he doesn’t step aside (like: YESTERDAY!)

Proposition for comment: whoever replaces Biden needs to boldly state that the Assault Weapons Ban needs to be reinstated. Many political analysts would say that’s political suicide, since it would alienate gun nuts when the margins are thin (presuming we can go back to them being thin with a strong replacement ticket!!) But I think if you’re anti-Trump, it’s a stand that won’t alienate you, possibly even pull in more votes at this point. And if I were a gun nut who disliked Trump, I could take solace that Congressional passage of such a thing would be most difficult.

[If a reintroduction ever came to pass, they could add precise prohibitions for bump stocks and repeaters, which had even been supported by Trumpski…]

Let Trump keep pushing against its reintroduction, even though he nearly got shot; it only paints him once again as a fargone nutjob…


Well, I don’t know about Trumpers going for it; they are fargone, so there’s not much to lose.

It sure would take quite some courage to stand by that platform in this election…

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It would be kinda tacky to campaign right now. I say: as long as they honor a pause, we could for a couple of days.

Then they need to immediately change the campaign discussion to gun regs.

U.S. set to see another deadly year for mass shootings

I would like to suggest the talking point for the reinstatement of the Assault Weapons Ban: “As long as many keep getting killed by Assault and Automatic Weapons, we’ll keep trying to get an Assault Weapons Ban back…”


I’m also feeling a very concerned about the perceptions of strength in Trump, particularly when it comes to worries about Biden’s age and cognitive abilities.

I think it could be really helpful for us to discuss how we can have more positive and productive conversations about these important topics. Maybe we could brainstorm some ideas together! We could talk about policy priorities, violent methods used in politics, the impact of conspiracy culture, and why critical thinking is so essential in media and politics.

Does anyone have any ideas on how we can talk about these sensitive topics in a way that encourages a variety of perspectives within our communities?


Short answer: no

Long answer: fuck no


Unfortunately, a lot of MAGA look at this moment as showing why we all need guns. They claim that this wouldn’t have happened had they been able to bring guns into the rally. While common sense tells you this situation shows what guns can do, many people do not have common sense. I actually think the Dems should send condolences and save the gun rhetoric for a minute. Too much anti-gun talk right now could likely backfire.

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The first thing I do when urging Biden’s replacement on the ticket is reject outright the notion, the problem is Biden’s age. I don’t. I have a problem with the age of any candidate for President who is demonstrably cognitively unqualified for the job. I just left voicemail messages for both of my U.S. Senators, Warren and Markey, emphatically rejecting this misdirected focus on Biden’s age as evidence of his incompetence, pointing out that each of them is around his age and no objective observer would question the mental acuity of either of them to do the job.

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Dude, Trump is NOT running away with the election.
Let me show you some polls,

These are after the assassination attempt:

Trump isn’t running away with the election.
This has been the polling of the whole elections so far:

They HAVE been neck and neck. Plus look carefully at the fact that RFK Jr is always at like 8-9%. That will dwindle as the election gets closer. RFK is mostly pulling voters from Dems so that would add plenty to Biden’s tally.

Plus, independents are not even paying attention yet. Look at polling from 2012:

They were kind of close until Sept-oct when independents started paying attention and Obama took the lead. That is exactly what needs to happen.

Plus look at approval ratings.


Obama in 2012:

Its not that different. Obama’s disapproval in the run up to 2012 was also 45%-45% Approval-Disapproval. Until the media PR started in Oct. Biden is no Obama but Turmp is no Romney either. It can be overcome with the right strategy.

If everyone stops fighting and Biden’s surrogates just start doing the media rounds (instead of him, unfortunately), they would be able to convince a lot of people.

Especially focus on abortion because after the assassination attempt I think we have lost the “threat to democracy” narrative. Repubs will scream their heads off saying that narrative lead to violence. Which is why that was as much of a stupid act as heinous.

Which is also why I think the open convention is a horrible idea. We cant just replace the candidate because he is losing. If we do, Trump wont stop calling the new nominee an “illegitimate candidate” or something. Further denting the “threat to democracy” narrative. So we need to focus on abortion.

Plus we need to focus on House and Senate seats. Repubs in majority in House and Senate are going to be a total menace regardless of how the presidency goes.

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“Why do we always have to cut these things so damn close?” — Marty McFly


After my initial horror at what happened, I started thinking the same thing — it’s pretty much game over, although I refuse to give up hope.

They need more than ever to get rid of Biden, but I think he will probably be even less likely to agree to drop out now.

The man can’t speak anymore — reading off a prompter to address the nation he said “Battle box”, then repeated it. People were joking about it online, articles were written about it. He will keep making gaffes like this, and worse ones too I’m sure.

He should be retired and spending time with his loved ones while he can instead of being propping up to lead our country full steam ahead into Trump being re-elected. If Biden doesn’t step down, I would say there’s 0 chance to keep Trump out of the White House. If he does, there’s a small chance.


I agree. Funny thing is before if left had toned down on guns or right had toned down on abortion they would’ve been running away with this election. That’s what happens when we are forced to vote against someone instead of for someone else.

Since 2020 black women have been the largest growing group of gun owners, every group got a bump in numbers since then but they’ve been the largest. I’ve never voted orange, I’ve never been maga even a little. I think a lot of people are looking at this moment as showing why we all need guns. The government not only isn’t inclined to, but incapable of protecting us.


all the opportunists who were smiling for the camera and just waiting for him to drop out so they could swoop in are breathing a sign of relief. I doubt you’ll find anyone who wants to walk into this fight right now. They’ll all just wait for 2028.


If Biden has couple of brain cells still working the he should step down immediately. He must see writing on the wall that he will not win this at all. On top of that he will be blamed for all these loses and all his legacy will be overturned immediately by republicans. Why not just resign or drop out and leave with dignity with a high note? Let the election be somebody else’s problem.

Also dems are only looking for scapegoats and sacrificial lamb to run this losing presidency then why not put some progressive on top of the ticket. That way Dems don’t get blamed. And the progressives will fight hard and at least we might be able to save the down ballot seats and House now.