Join the TYT Army - Task Force 2: Research & Reporting

HELLO to all my TYT Army comrades!
Let me tell you a story :book:
Once upon a time there was a young girl :girl::skin-tone-2: who possessed a very idealistic view of the world :earth_americas: around her. She was constantly disappointed :disappointed: when reality seemed to be telling her that her views were unrealistic and impossible. She began to question :question: her view of the world. :earth_americas:
Then one day she discovered a show :film_frames: on the internet that seemingly shared the views and values she had always owned and realized she was not alone :man-woman-girl-boy:. That show was โ€œThe Young Turks :tyt:.โ€ There were thousands upon thousands of others who shared her beliefs. This was quite an eye opening :eye: experience, to say the least. She desperately wanted to be a part of this wonderful community of people who shared their thoughts, ideas, anger and joy. A community that was making some progress in making their values a way of life in the country :us: and world :earth_americas:. Wow :celebrate:!
Not long after her magnificent discovery the TYT Army :blogo: was born. She knew immediately that she had to be a part of this group. More than anything, she wanted to make a difference in any way that she could regardless of how small or large that difference would become. So she joined :people_holding_hands::people_holding_hands:.
Deciding which Task Force to join was the hardest part :thinking_face:. All of them were appealing. However, being somewhat of an introvert and unsure of her abilities, she decided that TF2 - Research and Reporting :books: would be the best fit for her as she had some experience in research and writing from college :school:. So join, she did!
That young girl :girl::skin-tone-2: is much older now :curly_haired_woman::skin-tone-2:. She is witnessing a movement :bernie_fight_the_system: fighting for the realization of her idealistic values and is thrilled to be a part of that movement.
SURPRISE :scream_cat:!!! That girl is ME! I am so excited :dancin_smiley: about what we do in the TYT Army :alogo:and especially as part of TF2 โ€“ Research and Reporting :books:. I would like to invite you to join our TF2 โ€“ Research and Reporting :books: team. Itโ€™s fun :laughing:! Itโ€™s hard-work :clipboard:! Itโ€™s enlightening :fireworks:! Most of all, it is fulfilling :yin_yang:! Weโ€™ve become family :man-woman-girl-boy:! So join us! You will not be disappointed!
ใ€‹Join a Team - Google Docs (edited)

This is all nice to hear and the prospect of joining one of the TYT teams is intriguing, I am hesitant to because this site itself seems lightly populated and the ones on it dont seem to acknowledge introductions to the community. I dont say this as a slight to the work you do, I say it as a criticism of the communication of the community as a whole. I am very interested in being more of a part of the TYT team but seein that there isnt at least one person to monitor and acknowledge introductions on the Introductions page, at the very least on occasion, doesnโ€™t point to very much desire to have an organized community. I think a total of 3 people have responded to anything Iโ€™ve written on here, which is admittedly very little, but none to my introduction which is strange to me because I probably donโ€™t have the most interesting things to say but Iโ€™m pretty sure I donโ€™t have the most uninteresting things to say. Thank you for your time and again Iโ€™m not criticizing what youโ€™re doing, just trying to put a word in to help to someone who might know someone to talk to about it.
Webster Axelander Daniels

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Thank you for your feedback. I am not a moderator for the TYT Community Page, but I will be sure to relay your concerns to someone who is. The TYT Army, however, is a separate entity and we meet on Slack. We do research and push back against media bias. If you have the time and want to volunteer, once you fill out the application you will be given access to that site.

Again, I understand your frustration and will pass it along to someone with the ability to handle this concern!