I appreciate the work TYT does in tackling difficult issues, but I want to challenge how we’re framing discussions on trans healthcare and gender norms. This is too important to get wrong, especially given the stakes for trans youth and their families.
Cenk, can we replace the inaccurate framing around trans kids with what the science and guidelines actually say? Care for trans youth rarely involves medical interventions at early ages. Instead, it focuses on social support, counseling, and creating safe environments. By clarifying this, we can avoid feeding into harmful, fear-based narratives that the right often exploits.
Let’s also combine this conversation with the real statistics: affirming care drastically reduces depression and suicide risks among trans youth. Isn’t that the story we should be amplifying? The data shows that when trans youth are supported, their outcomes improve dramatically.
Lastly, what if we modify the focus to show how challenging rigid gender norms liberates everyone, including cisgender people? Breaking free from these norms doesn’t just benefit trans people—it encourages self-expression, individuality, and authenticity for all of us. That message might resonate with an even broader audience while staying true to progressive values.
This is an opportunity to lead with clarity and empathy, and I’d love to hear thoughts from others on how we can refine this conversation further.
Let’s ensure that TYT remains a space for truth and thoughtful dialogue.
Many seem to have suggested this, and I have sent a link to my report “Transgender Misinformation and Transphobic Policies” directly to TYT several times. They just seem uninterested in getting it right when it comes to getting it right concerning Trans rights.
Cenk and ALL of TYT have stated these facts MANY times over the past 2-3 years. The problem is the people on the Right that like to take something like “Trans in Sports” and make it an issue when it is not. I think the number of “trans”-athletes in High School sports is like 0.01%. The “right” is using this as a “SQUIRREL!!!” issue to distract voters from the real issues like education funding and Israel/Gaza and Ukraine/Russia, and the US Healthcare system, … I think that most Americans do not give a damn what your gender or sexual preference is. It is the Super Minority ON BOTH SIDES that are making this an issue; granted the Left are just replying to the BS the Right is saying
Thank you both for sharing your thoughts. Vanida, I hear your frustration about TYT missing the mark on trans rights at times, and Galphar, I agree that the Right weaponizes issues like “trans in sports” to distract from systemic failures. The tiny percentage of trans athletes, as you mentioned, shows how much this is a manufactured issue. But I also think this highlights why progressives need to lead with stronger framing and proactive advocacy—not just reactions to bad-faith narratives.
While most Americans may not care deeply about gender or sexual orientation, misinformation still spreads quickly and lays the groundwork for harmful policies. When progressive platforms like TYT don’t push back effectively or rely on reactive takes, it can unintentionally reinforce these narratives. That’s why I think it’s crucial to connect trans rights to broader issues like liberation from rigid gender norms, which harm everyone—not just trans people.
I wanted to share a few sources that are shaping my thinking on this right now. They’ve helped me consider how to reframe the conversation and go beyond reactionary politics:
Two TikTok Videos from Piper Barber at Decolonization Coven Video 1 and Video 2:
These videos dive into the roots of anti-trans rhetoric and how gender norms function as tools of systemic control. They explore the ways breaking free from these rigid norms benefits everyone, not just trans individuals. Piper’s insights on the intersection of colonialism, gender, and oppression are especially powerful.
Cenk Uygur Likes Testosterone:
This piece reflects on Cenk’s commentary, exploring the tension between pragmatic messaging and ensuring we uphold core values like trans rights. It offers a useful critique of how framing impacts advocacy outcomes.
Confronting Anti-Trans HATE:
Laverne Cox’s discussion with Francesca on The Bitchuation Room dives into the systemic forces behind anti-trans narratives and why humanizing trans people is crucial—not just for their liberation but for everyone’s. It’s a powerful reminder of how media can either challenge or perpetuate harmful norms.
Over the weekend, these resources helped me think critically about how we frame trans rights as part of a broader fight for equality and liberation. I’d love to hear your thoughts on them, and I hope they resonate with you as much as they have with me.
Then that means they’re not doing enough. I, for one, believe they propagate misinformation and fail to properly support the issue with facts and science. By insisting on perpetrating the false narratives and constantly bringing up the total non-issue of trans women in professional sports (I say non-issue because the Right is the one that brings it up as a key issue for the Left and they keep falling into the trap rather than shutting it down), they are doing a disservice to not only trans people but also the Left in general. Cenk’s bringing up the professional sports issue to show that there’s something he and the Right agree on is harmful. No one likes to be thrown under the bus, especially by someone whom they respect, and especially to find a way to connect with people who will use it as a way to continue to erode what little rights and common decency they’re allowed in this country. Just because you think a majority of people don’t give a damn doesn’t mean shit to trans people who are regularly maligned for merely existing. Besides, do trans people even want people on the Left to fight for sports? I would imagine they’d rather we shut our damn mouths about it and focus on issues that matter to their everyday lives.
I echo your concern. We need to do more to support trans people. I am the parent of a trans person, so I see the hate that they experience. We cannot let them continue to be demonized. I recommend that TYT interview a visible trans person to further the understanding. There are so many misconceptions that most people have. This could include someone famous like Laverne Cox, someone from the Trevor Project or someone from Gender Reveal (genderpodcast.com). For anyone interested, the podcast is at Gender Reveal Podcast - Apple Podcasts
Mary Ann
Unfortunately, trans women in sports IS a big deal to many on the Left. That’s why it keeps coming up. Much of what you hear regarding the subject is Cenk responding to those on the Left, who think that not backing the right of trans women in sports means you are not a true progressive, and that you are transphobic. And they are talking about ALL sports, not just the professional ones.
Cenk has made his position quite clear. He thinks the trans community should have the same constitutional rights as everyone else. He also believes trans girls (and boys) should be able to participate in teams that match their gender identity, in elementary, high school and college. His one caveat is that professional sports leagues should decide the issue for themselves. I would probably take it a step further, and include professional sports, but I don’t think his position is unreasonable.
Polling shows that most people agree with the trans community having equal rights. The one area where they draw then line is on the trans women in sports issue. Cenk’s calculation is that, by pushing too much on that issue, we risk the backlash of having the entire trans agenda rejected. So his response is: protect the kids, and let the sports leagues decide for themselves.
What he seeks from the Right is their agreement on letting trans girls play on the teams of their choice, all the way up to college. He clearly states that in every appearance on right wing shows that I have watched. And when they push back with the “what if my daughter loses a race to one of them?” he reminds them that it is simply an extra-curricular activity, and that the numbers are miniscule to begin with. I don’t see that as throwing anyone under the bus.
I share some of your frustration on the issue of misinformation. I say “some” because I think most of what TYT presents is evidence-based and well thought out. The times when I see them act otherwise is disappointing, to say the least. That is definitely an area where improvement is needed. I think the best way to address it is to identify examples of this and present them. One of the things I appreciate is their willingness to accept criticism, as long as it is constructive.
Maggie , could you or Harpy please explain what exactly is trans and why has it become such a hot issue? I really didn’t know much since before 5-10 years ago I started to hear the term. I’m 71 ,so for most of my life I only experienced straight and gay { male and female }. Ironically , my first full time job was playing in an orchestra in Bogotá , Colombia and I with 2 roommates lived above a transvestite bar , which was pretty comical . We didn’t bother them and they accepted us. Anyway , back to the point. Beyond what I’ve told you I’ll admit I’m a little confused. Please enlighten me and I’ll be very grateful. Cheers, Jack
AND if trans-people are allowed to play as the gender they identify as up through College; people will start to “get used to it” like happened with the integration of Professional sports leagues back in the 40’s & 50’s in America. By the 70’s it was "normal’ to see blacks & whites playing on the same team. If it becomes normal to see trans athletes in College sports then it will “trickle up” to the Pro’s also because the Team Owners will ALWAYS want the top athletes that draw money.
I agree with you, and I apologize that I likely didn’t say what I meant to say clearly enough. What I mean is that I think the people pushing hard on this issue are a loud minority, while a large majority don’t want to die on that hill. Most people want to focus on basic rights first, so I think it’s best to pretty much leave the sports issue alone because it gets so heated and really isn’t even an issue that is winnable right now. I think, though, it is important to hear more (well, at all really) from experts about supportive therapies because people jump to thinking tweens are getting reassignment surgeries, but my understanding is that this is not at all true. It’s like, let’s focus on rights first because a vast majority agree, then let’s tackle what supportive medical care means because I think there’s a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. I don’t think we’re at a place to even argue about sports until that gets settled, regardless of what one believes. Bringing up the sports issue just fuels the fires and creates a situation where people refuse to yield and quit listening to everything else. To be completely honest, I don’t know enough to have a valid opinion about trans people participating in sports from elementary through college (especially high school and college) based on their identity. We seem to have a lot of opinions and not a lot of facts when it comes to the science of all of this and the actual medical practices. I’m not saying Cenk’s views, or anyone else’s views, are wrong, I’m saying we need more information and to let this particular wedge issue aside for now. Am I making any sense? I apologize if I’m just sort of rambling.
I am so sorry that your beautiful child experiences such hate–I can’t imagine how much pain you must feel! If I ever say or do anything that is in any way rude or inappropriate tell me immediately, as that is something I would never mean to do. If there is anything I and all of us can ever do to help please just say the word.
Thanks for your thoughtful question! I’m cisgender (not trans), meaning my gender identity matches the sex I was assigned at birth. I’m happy to share what I’ve learned.
Being trans (short for transgender) means someone’s gender identity—how they understand and experience themselves—doesn’t align with the sex they were assigned at birth. For example:
• A trans man is someone assigned female at birth who identifies as male.
• A trans woman is someone assigned male at birth who identifies as female.
• Some people don’t identify strictly as male or female and may call themselves nonbinary.
For many, the rise in visibility of trans people challenges rigid ideas about the world being strictly male or female. This can feel unsettling if you’ve been taught gender is fixed and binary—it asks us to rethink what we assume about identity, power, and control. If gender isn’t set, what else might we need to reconsider? This is why trans rights are often framed as a threat by those invested in maintaining traditional power structures.
At its heart, though, supporting trans people is about ensuring everyone has the freedom to live authentically. Thanks again for asking with such an open mind—happy to share more resources or keep the conversation going!
Thank you for your response. Of course , trans people deserve rights as anybody else. I have seen through the years bigotry and asinine behavior towards people that are 'different ’ and this is wrong. We don’t need further division but to be more inclusive. It would be a sad world if everybody was the same , thanks Jack
Not rambling at all, my friend. Your posts are always coherent, compassionate and thoughtful. The reason we have to engage in the sports conversation is to protect trans kids. Red states have introduced hundreds of bills restricting the rights and freedoms of trans kids. Many of those bills have been signed into law.
Every time a new law is passed, I go back to my middle school days, when all I wanted was to fit in. If I had been a trans kid, I can’t imagine how I would cope with the stigma, hostility and humiliation I would have experienced, especially if I was the only one in that school.
Now imagine if, on top of that, I turned on the news and saw that the government of my state was passing a bunch of laws targeting me! I just want to use a bathroom I’m comfortable in and enjoy the camaraderie and sense of belonging that comes with being on a sports team. But these adults are characterizing me as some perv who wants to use the girl’s room so I can ogle at/molest them, or a cheater who wants beat them in sports with my superior strength, when I’m just a 12 year old kid! I literally tear up every time I think about that, including right now.
As for the science, TYT has presented a good deal of facts and analysis. They have also interviewed several trans guests, and some medical experts a well. One of the best examples that comes to mind is an episode of the Watchlist, with Jayar. He presented the findings of a study on the topic of the physical effects that hormone therapy has on trans women athletes.
The 3 main physical advantages male athletes have over females are strength, speed and endurance. The study found that the transition hormones decreases the number of red blood cells, eliminating the speed and endurance advantages. The doctor who conducted the study, a trans woman herself, said that she had not studied the strength issue, but speculated that the hormones probably did not address it. That particular study focused on adult athletes, but a YouTube search for videos on trans kids in sports. should yield better results.
I can’t imagine having to watch my child get treated in such a hateful manner. My heart goes out to you and your family. Yes, we must protect them, no matter what.
Thank you for your understanding and information! I am sort of in a safe bubble here in Minnesota, and I don’t always get the information on how terribly the Red States are attacking trans people, especially the kids. I’m glad that TYT is talking about this, and I think the main show should do more of it. Laverne Cox would be a great guest, as would Robert Garofalo, MD, MPH. It’s amazing what misinformation and disinformation are rampant regarding gender-affirming care, and these lies are allowing the government to harm our children with loud support from severely uninformed people! I don’t really catch a lot of the other TYT shows, so will add them to my YouTube subscriptions. I really think the Democratic party must unite behind zero tolerance for the Republican’s bigoted and hate-filled laws and proposals, make them work for every slimy inch, and have to take full accountability for each decision they make that hurts the people. I hope you are well and look forward to seeing you at the next Operation Hope Town Hall!