Looking for YT Recommendations That Spark Joy!

Hey everyone! I’d love to hear about the YouTube channels you watch purely for fun—ones that bring you joy, laughter, hope, or just a much-needed break from the heaviness of the world.

Whether it’s wholesome content, great storytelling, mind-blowing creativity, or just silly fun, I’d love to discover some new favorites.

Here are a bunch of mine-in no particular order:

I know there are so many amazing channels out there, so what are your go-to channels for fun, relaxation, or pure entertainment? Drop your recommendations below—I’d love to check them out!


Mine are Daily Show, Seth Meyers, Major League Soccer, and just Comic Book stuff I find
Daily Show and Seth are my nightly bedtime watches every night


The big lez show - a funny aussie stoner indi cartoon that i followed growing up. Some (early) fav eps but it got better as it went


Do you keep up with manga aswell? Or like just like dc/marvel type comics?

Maggie , here are some of mine on YT : Connor Croff , Weather Chaser
BIG JET TV , plane spotter Heathrow Airport UK
Bob Paulinski, Master of Wine
The Whisky Bothy , single-malt scotch
Daily Show-Jon Stewart
Official George Carlin
C Major7- music scores Renaissance to Contemporary
Doug Helvering- Analysis Progressive Rock
Odyssey-Ancient History
Democracy Now. - I have many others. Jack


I am strictly American Style Comics. But I love Japanese Anime. Marvel actually has a comic out right now; Ultimate X-Men, that is drawn in the Manga style but I just couldn’t get into it. For some reason I am an old school Superhero style comic kinda person.


I go through phases. Right now I will go to Midwest Magic Cleaning if I need a humorous break (with some good cleaning tips). Two months ago, it was Hell’s Kitchen (from where I learned some cool cooking tips - like how to poach in something besides plain water!). But the ostentatiousness of those wealthy people made me cringe. Before that I rewatched Star Trek Continues and another series Star Trek New Voyages, I think is the series name. I am a TOS fan. :smiley:


We all need to drop kick a moose sometimes.


LOL, we do indeed…
also, hey, more dishes!

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Thanks for the great recommendations, everyone! For something other than news, I enjoy Eckhart Tolle, Frank James, Horses, Malcolm Gladwell, The Behavioral Panel, Theo Von, and Trevor Noah, to name (a bit more than) a few.


For fun I watch;
Ryan George
Content Machine

Plus Colbert, Daily Show and Seth Meyers (though only the Closer Look segments).

Interesting group get-together you guys had on the show today, fun to see faces to put to the names!


That must have been hilarious! (Of course, I cried–@tonymac52 is beyond generous. :heart:) I’m almost scared to watch it! :joy:


You looked great! You were so taken aback by that praise, I’m guessing you’re not used to it :smiley: It’s well-earned.


I was absolutely not expecting that! (And thank you. :heart:)


I watch and listen to others. People often do or say things that make me think, “Wow! That was very admirable. I should try doing or saying that kind of thing more often.” It helps me in my quest to become a person.

Recently, it occurred to me that I need to shout out the people who inspire me. In November, it was Nick, in December Maggie. I was gonna do your shout out last month, but that town hall was canceled, so I did it last night.


I really appreciated it; thank you. Full disclosure: I often feel like a fraud with the TYT stuff because everyone else does so much, and I really don’t do anything because I often feel a few steps behind; I honestly just don’t usually know what I can do to help. Everyone else is so motivated and able to just sorta start doing things and know what needs to be done. While I’m not at all complaining and am so sorry if I sound ungrateful and mean, often when I reach out, things are already covered, or I don’t get a response and feel silly for even needing to ask. It made me feel good to hear that my little contributions may be something. :face_holding_back_tears::heart::pray:


You are absolutely needed! Your talent is caring and connection. It’s important.

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Thank you! I never thought of it that way. :heart_hands:

I’m sure there are hundreds of channels devoted to joyful material. For me it’s music and theatre. All we can do about the shit going on is assess our resources, use them efficiently for the cause, then go home and sleep well. We can’t fix everything. But we can do our part to care for our mental and physical wellbeing.

  1. Stop watching the news. There’s nothing we can do about it so there’s no need to bring that negativity into your mind.
  2. Focus on problems you can solve and use your resources to solve them. Don’t worry about things you cannot control.
  3. At the end of each day come home and forget about work.
  4. Get out of the house! Go on picnics. Go fishing. Go play sports with friends. Have healthy eating habits and be physically active. You’ll be surprised how much this affects how you feel.

I like this famous quote fromThoreau: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms”

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How to basic :rofl: hilarious vids