Looks like my posts were taken down?

Hi i have been a member since 2019 and shared 2 posts related to team joy. I received a response but when i pull it up it dissappeared. I dont see my post anywhere! It makes me feel sad and unvalued as it took a lot for me to write about my experiences and i know they would be helpful to others


I just read them not long ago. I cannot find them though.

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I wonder what happened? What should i do? Its rude amd not cool if someone just deleted them
Should i repost?

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Hello! I am so sorry - we are upgrading the discussion board and had some glitches. We so appreciate you…please keep posting!!!


I am not really sure what is going on to be honest. I think they may have some moderation problems of some sort. I just waited a while and the posts came back eventually. I would post maybe like you have to announce that that you believe to have them removed unfairly.

It is also possible there is some sort of tech issue here as well I am not sure.

My guess is they are likely to just reappear.

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Thanks so much ill repost tonight. As you read there was nothing controversial in my post. Thanks for your encouraging words today. I truly appreciate it


I liked your posts. Yeah it sounds like a glitch in the software, I bet they show back up at some point.


Thank you. I hope so as im pretty upset about it. It took a lot to write that post as i had to face my depression and how i was able to over come it. As a therapist people think we have all the answers but we are humans as well. Ill give it a few more hours to reappear then repost stating my disappointment for the last ones taken down.


I’m really sorry that happened to you. Baring your soul only to have your words deleted is horrible. I hope it was just a little technical error and that you have a chance to be heard. :heart:


Again - I am so sorry - it was not deliberate. A few posts disappeared and I cannot yet find them.


Whenever a system is updated, It causes glitches that are impossible to foresee. They can usually be restored. Kara is awesome. She will do everything she can to make it right.


Thank you for the apology. I will rewrite them. It took a lot for me to write the 1st post but hopefully it will easier this time


I’m facing the same issue. No idea what happened to my posts, or my account, but everything I wrote seems to be gone. sigh

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I’m so sorry to hear this. Its aggravating and not cool at all. Have you contacted support or the moderators? I just ended up rewriting my 2 post over again. Cenk and Ana read one during the post game with warmed my heart. I love TYT!!

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We have had some technical difficulties with updating the site. I am soooooo sorry!!!

Yeah, I tried emailing support around the beginning of the month, told them all the details, and I haven’t heard anything back. I dunno. Feeling pretty discouraged about using this discussion board since all my posts are gone and my account’s all screwed up.

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I can understand feeling discouraged and sincerely hope you keep posting. :heart:

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I think we have all the glitches worked out now. I so hope you keep posting!!!