Hello friends, There’s a lot of people making life decisions for the first time. Others are trying not to repeat the mistakes of the past.
- Be true to the scientific method in every aspect of your life. The scientific method (Observe, Hypothesize, test, evaluate the results, then repeat all of the above for confirmation) This means free yourself from religion and allegiances to any ideology not based in the scientific method. Why? this ensures you aren’t manipulated or deceived.
- Be scientifically literate. This ensures you have a basic understanding of the world around you and your place in it. You are part of the universe and the universe is part of you. The atoms in you are billions of years old, born from stars. Why is this important? If we are to understand ourselves we must know what makes us and why we do the things we do. Science answers this and is making greater progress every day. When you understand who you are, you are more able to understand others. This affects your relationship with others, how you view others of different backgrounds, and how you understand yourself.
- Know yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be ashamed of your weaknesses and don’t brag about your strengths. You had nothing to do with forming either. Your brain formed them without your help, based on factors which you have no control over. All you can do is accentuate the positives and minimize the negatives. It may sound limiting but there is peace in knowing your limitations. Your only human!
- Don’t make long term career plans unless you are damn sure you really know what you want. This requires that you know yourself and know what you want to accomplish in life. Most of you don’t know what your desires will be in 20 years – and that’s ok! It’s best to plan your life in 5 year increments until you’re more comfortable planning longer.
- Stay out of debt as much as possible. Self-explanatory.
- Have financial goals. Piggy backing on #7, because our society still requires money to be exchanged for goods and services be sure you have the required amount of money to fund your needs. This means regardless of what profession you choose it needs to pay you at least $100k per year in order to fund a comfortable lifestyle for yourself and your family.