Mandela's dead - Funny or not?

Why do the TYT hosts find Bush’s comment about “Mandela’s dead” so funny? He was obviously being metaphorical about the “Mandelas” that could have lead peaceful political movements in Iraq if it weren’t for all of the violence. Maybe he shouldn’t have said it so bluntly, but of all of Bush’s many verbal faux pas over the years this isn’t nearly the worst or funniest. Or am I missing something?

What in the world are you talking about? Do you have a link because I’m not sure what episode you’re referring to?

sorry, guess that is a bit random :slight_smile: It comes up pretty often in post games when they are reminiscing about the Bush years. Most recently on Thursday post game. It won’t let me include a link, but it is the Ana AMA part 2, post game from Thursday. Right around the 13:00 mark.

Ok thank you, I’ll check it out

I haven’t seen the segment, but I looked into Bush saying that Mandela was dead. It turns out that both George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush had gaffes in referring to the death of Nelson Mandela. In 2007, George W. Bush said, “I thought an interesting comment was made when somebody said to me, I heard somebody say, ‘Now where’s Mandela?’ Well, Mandela’s dead. Because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandela’s." I get what he was trying to say, and I think it’s a weird response to an even stranger question. Then, in 2013, George H. W. Bush expressed his sadness over Nelson Mandela’s death, but his comments were premature because Mandela was still alive. Weird, right?


OMG… this is why we need term limits :unamused:


LOL! I know, right?!


Overall, I agree it’s obviously not a good thing for him to say because it is kind of weird and can be misinterpreted. But I do think that by the standards of GWBush it actually is a relatively good point. He’s saying that there is no space in Iraq for a peaceful protest/resistance movement to grow up because of the generally very violent context. (Of course we have him to thank for that, so no big points for him to point it out).


I completely agree with you.

Fucking Bush man… so much damage done to not only this country but the middle east because of a man-child who didn’t know what he was doing in the first place

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I often wonder how things would have been if Gore wouldn’t have conceded and had become President instead of Bush Jr. Would 9/11 have happened? Would we have gone into Iraq if it had happened? I’m not saying that Gore would have been the savior of the USA, but things definitely would have been different


Not a day goes by where I don’t think that same question, I’m not 100% sure if 9/11 would have happened or not but even if it did I don’t think we would have gone into Iraq. If anything Gore would have been Clinton 2.0 about the same but much better on Climent


The Brooks Brothers riot is trash and we are still living through the same brats throwing the same fit until this day: Brooks Brothers riot - Wikipedia

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On top of Iraq, Bush appointed Roberts and Alito, who have really been at the core of the right wing turn of the court. The patriot act and other surveillance state militarism can all be traced back to him.The middle east would have been a mess regardless, but he turbo charged that in a way that we are still dealing with today. Also, the zero regulation, hyper capitalism that lead to the financial crisis can really be traced to his administration as well. He was such a disaster for the world. Hard to believe that during the election of 2000 things were going so well they were fighting about what to do with the budget surplus and complaining that the election was so boring because there wasn’t a real difference!

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Wow, doesn’t that sound familiar? I hadn’t heard, or at least don’t remember, this riot. It’s disheartening to look back on our history and realize how blocking the course of democracy or even attempting to institute fascism are attempted over and over again with no adverse consequences. Alternatively, the consequences for those trying to block the course of democracy or attempting to institute fascism are usually getting job promotions, more money, and greater power.

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