Money in Politics

We need to discuss the problem of money in Politics


I submit we must also speak of the solutions as well.


Bernie -please! You know this will NEVER happen. So what’s your point? To throw out a challenge, knowing they will fail to meet it, and then have a “higher moral ground” in starting an alternative alliance?? We already have everything we need in this election cycle to make the case that the Dems are not serious about working class issues. Don’t waste your time doing this challenge; just get started with forming your Independent alliance already…

@patrie Well in accordance with various plans being floated around on the discussion board, I have published a new ebook How Grassroots Candidates Get Elected in Canada. This book is tailored specifically for Canada, but the principles I lay out should apply most anywhere, including the US.

While none of what I cover in the book is too hard for anyone to figure out on their own, it will give them a leg up by immediately giving them the basic principle to how grassroots candidates win elections. Once we have representatives that are not financially captured by corporate, religious, and foreign interests, it should be trivial to address money in politics.

Right; and an alliance he forms running as Independents can have that as a prerequisite. But ask the Dem Party to do it?! Please, he shouldn’t be wasting his time! He will have enough to do to set up a separate alliance (presuming he follows through on it…)

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@patrie The Democrats will never do what we are suggesting; they are too comfortable with and reliant upon donor money.

I think Bernie would be the ideal person to form a grassroots coalition, because he always leaves open the possibility of working with independents, Democrats, Republicans and other parties. The only grassroots coalition that would have chance of success woud require grassroots candidates from all political factions. We actually need grassroots candidates to supplant Democrat and Republican sellouts.

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