My immigration plan

Take in all women and children as refugees, find them host families in the U.S. and give every man an AR 15 (since we are giving those out like candy) and some ammo and send them back to fight for their countries.

While on the subject, my plan for gun safety and responsibility. All weapons of war should be stored at local gun range to be checked out at times of war. All people should have the right to a six shooter and a hunting rifle or shotgun at home.

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We can also give the male refugees and immigrants the money, support, etc. that we would normally be sending to Israel. And every gun should come with a free trigger lock. Are you watching the debate on TYT tonight?

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I did watch, it was fun. The TYT post debate analysis was even better. Ana makes me laugh when she gets mad. I am happiest when i can be laid back and not serious. It’s easy to do when someone else can be the serious person having the serious conversation that needs to be had. :sweat_smile: good to see you in the chat. I’m usually on Twitch. The chat and video work better when using my phone with Twitch. :grin::purple_heart::heart_hands::dragon_face::dragon::dragon_face:

On this subject though, I feel like no one really wants to leave the countries that they come from. If it was I in this situation, say gangs took over the country after Trump destabilized it, I would want to join together with civilized people, start a militia and take back my neighborhood, and then the state, and then declare a free and independent CA.

I think of it as the sinking ship mentality. Women and children on the lifeboats and men to try and plug up the leaks or go down with the ship.

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Investing the money that we invest in Israel in alternative foreign aid and creating a collaborative plan between the US government and the top refugee countries would be a good start in my opinion. When we flood countries with US weapons and tell them to fend for themselves, we create terrorist organizations that we will end up fighting against in future conflicts, But corruption is a real problem in the US and the countries from which refugees are fleeing… this is a TOUGH problem to solve. Long term plans that include ending sanctions have to be considered. HOWEVER, if we focus on our side of the border, it’s clear that many businesses want cheap labor and they will exploit migrants’ desperation. They don’t want to stop the influx of undocumented migrants because they greatly benefit from the illegality. They can treat people like slaves in this country because the alternative in their country of origin is so terrifying. We have to crack down on businesses and actually threaten jail time and STEEP penalties for employing mass numbers of undocumented workers. However, we could use all of those things to our advantage. Hold their feet to the fire. We could offer temporary protective status to more refugees through a work sponsorship program. Offer pleas to business owners to avoid jail and sponsor these workers. If immigration is done right, it boosts our economy. If we do this in conjunction with strengthening infrastructure and supporting communities that support migrants, we can reframe immigration as a positive for everyone.


I love that you mention how our government must change the narrative and speak instead to the fact that immigration is actually great for our country rather than lazily marketing it as a way to exploit the old us-vs-them trope to appeal to the lowest levels of thinking from the lowest common denominator within society.


I agree with you both, willa’s point is great where it should start. But that isn’t where we are now, in the moment. Dealing with where we are right now, a full sanctions lift on Latin America would probably be a good first step. Then my plan, then willa’s. :rofl:

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Agreed! It’s such a shame! The fear mongering about “the others” wins elections. Unfortunately, the long term impact is the crisis in which we find ourselves.

Yes! Lift those sanctions! Give these countries hope so we can restore the hope here… and then we can try your plan, but first… I’m moving out of Texas! If we start handing out guns around here, Abbot will confiscate them, hand them out to militias, we’ll secede from the union and I’ll be living in Lone star hell. Good times!

We need better marketing, that’s why i advocate for the Justice For All Party 2026 and beyond. :fist:t4:

I think a third party would help deflate the pressure of partisanship divisions. If a party platform was just 100% anti corruption. One can only hope we could all unite under that flag for a bit. If we are an empire in decline we should have a soft landing. A renewable energy grid to power our future. One country, indivisible.