My MAGA family members love Cenk but hate his campaign…

When Cenk does the Chris Christie-like bit on Trump, it completely turns off Republicans. What more progressives need to understand is that these MAGA people do not care about what Trump has done. From an anecdotal standpoint, I live in extremely MAGA Florida. My husband and I are the only progressives from both of our families. We have shown them the Jan 6 footage and testimonies. We have shown them all the court documents concerning Trump and his legal team. We have shown them the tapes where Trump himself reveals he shouldn’t have shown certain classified information. The MAGA base simply does not care and will always justify his actions because they genuinely are lost. Instead of beating on Trump and his horrific actions, Cenk should hammer on policy. When Cenk rambles about paid family leave and corporate money, my MAGA family will shout “Amen brother” at the TV. It’s not until Cenk starts his Trump bad segment that they will completely wipe agreeing with Cenk from their memory to going straight to shouting “f you” at the TV. They know Trump did all those things, they do not care. Cenk should go on Jesse Watters, Tucker Carlson, and all of these insane fascist networks, and embarrass them on policy. More right-wingers would vote for Cenk if he focused more on populist progressivism rather than beat Trump. Let the courts deal with Trump and let’s actually try to win this election…


Thank you for that input. Although it is anecdotal, I see similar behavior (not caring about what trump has done) on Michel Shure’s interviews… also Jordan Kleppers, David Pakman Show’s and some more.