Nationalist Zionist are no better than Nationalist Socialist

How then do we short circuit the Israeli state as stands today. They already have the land of Israel, why do they want more and why do they love murdering their neighbors, how would the world or God ever see cold blooded murderers of women and children in a good light ever again. This is where my problem is with their irrationality. If they think they are right, how? It’s insanity. And it might be a worse insanity than Hitler thinking he was "Christian " and that god was a white dude with blue eyes.

And to Ironduke’s point, was Italy the same kind of cult as Nazi Israel?

I want to believe Italy was closer to Germany in that they lost themselves in a rabid nationalist fever and that the singular personality was able to harness it and turn it into something close to religious fanaticism, and in those cases the solution was to topple the leader and beat them in war.

I hate that we are supporting these war criminals in Israel, I hate that we are on the side of the bad guys. Lol and to top it all off they have nukes.

Maybe the solution is to hope the USA supports international law someday and to keep working together towards voting the right people in and protesting in the streets when my government is not on the side of good. F illogical religions. How do they not see that their whole history of being the oppressed people’s of the world is going to go up in flames the more they murder and oppress people who can’t defend themselves? :thinking::person_facepalming:t2:


They don’t see it because they are not forced to see it. They live in an echo chamber, especially the right wing of the population. They have been propagandized at for generations. A key component of that propaganda is denying the humanity of the Palestinians. In that, they are similar to Americans. Mainstream media has been de-humanizing Palestinians to us for generations as well, and that continues to this day. We’re not just supporting the genocide monetarily, we are actually passing legislation, changing the official definition of antisemitism to include any criticism of the State of Israel.

Then there is Netanyahu. He doesn’t care about Israel or the Palestinians, imo. He wants to stay in power (and to stay out of jail, don’t forget the corruption charges). The war in Gaza is his vehicle to do that…for now. When that’s done, Lebanon and Iran await. And let’s not forget Hamas. You think they didn’t know that the October attack would draw this type of response? Of course they did. I don’t think they care about Palestinians any more than Netanyahu does.

I agree with Ironduke about Italy. They were very similar to Nazi Germany. In fact, my understanding is that Hitler admired Mussolini the way Trump admires Putin, Orban, etc., and patterned his approach after him. Ironically, Hitler then had to rescue Mussolini when his people drove him out (The first time, that is. The second time the people strung him up, along with his mistress). Israel is quite different, for the reasons we have already discuss.