Need info on condoms to Gaza, Africa

Could someone point me to an online source for info on the project that sent condoms to Gaza, Africa?
Please & Thank You


I assume the money for that must of come out of the aid we give to Africa to fight the AIDS virus. If i recall correctly, the only good thing George Bush Jr did to further the good of humanity at large and not just his pockets or other oil interests. But yea, if anyone finds the specific citation for Gaza in Africa that would be good to look at for confirmation. The story about the balloons vs. 2000 pound bombs that Cenk & Ana did in the bonus episode was very eye opening, if they weren’t already, about the disparity of fighting abilities. If there were two sides at war in Gaza, Palestine. I hope no one ever forgets the brutality and savagery of Israel the Goliath against David’s premature babies in Gaza, Palestine.

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The condom claim is false propaganda:

(Fact or fiction? Trump repeats false claim that US sends condoms to Gaza | Trump administration | The Guardian)

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Yeah, this is entirely untrue. The US has given precisely zero dollars to supply Hamas with condoms. And zero percent of the zero US-supplied condoms were used to make explosive devices. It’s funny, though, how this fake story purposefully put out by the Trump administration gets more anger and disgust from his base than our actual funding of an ongoing genocide, but I digress. As @GreenNewDealerDragon said, the US does give assistance to foundations fighting AIDS in Africa, including Gaza, Mozambique. However, I’m sure the management thereof is probably a bit more sophisticated than supplying a billion and a half condoms.

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