New Amendment

Given trump and MAGA politicians have concocted numerous schemes I believe an amendment is in order that states no act of Congress or the Supreme Court SHALL subvert the vote and will of the people.

This will eliminate many points of contention as in the 2000 Election for example that have allowed republicans to steal an election.

Maybe it can be added to the 12th amendment.


It comes down to standardization of voting procedures; and unfortunately they left that to the States. A 2 House win would be an opportunity to look at that; but Harris’ policy inaction on the campaign trail (as the zen koan goes, sometimes the highest form of action, right?) has probably sabotaged the chances for that. There was NO mistaking it: her momentum dropped once she said “I wouldn’t do anything much different from Joe!” on The View. What political adviser in their right mind, given SOME of Biden’s present policy initiatives, would say she should say that?? So either she’s incompetent and did not follow instructions, or she’s insane to think that all of Biden’s policies are great [for improved job stability].

I would like to see the shenanigans stop on voter registration and id. There’s a way to do it (but I’d rather not share the steps on this forum where Repub acolytes can see what is afoot and block them…) But I leave it to smarter minds in the Dem Party to figure it out.

As far as gerrymandering goes, that just takes some intestinal fortitude over at the DOJ, and vigilance in prosecuting it in the courts…

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They already subverted the vote and the will of the people by allowing for the Electoral College. :disappointed:

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Agreed which is why an effort must be made to eliminate the electoral college.

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I completely agree with you. Let’s just hope what she said on the view is political rhetoric to appeal to the base as she has been all over the place on this campaign changing her stance and aligning herself with republicans. Hopefully it’s a do what I must to get in and do I want (her touted progressive policies) when I’m in situation. I mean she chose Walz for a reason right?

You said: “ would like to see the shenanigans stop on voter registration and id. There’s a way to do it (but I’d rather not share the steps on this forum where Repub acolytes can see what is afoot and block them…) But I leave it to smarter minds in the Dem Party to figure it out.”

Please don’t keep ideas like this to yourself. I understand not wanting to give away the battle plan but do find away to share. Even if it’s via a private message to influential people that know people like Cenk, AOC etc… As you know leaving things up to the dems have not gone well in the past. Thier inaction have allowed republicans to run all over them.

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On another thread, I explained that the Electoral College is what it is.

The problem I have, when people add ending the Electoral College to a TO DO list, is this: do you think a number of States that have what you deem is over-representation will EVER cede to a popular vote? Not going to happen! A secession of some States would be more practical to pull off than a conversion of all States to a popular vote system. So I find this “end the electoral college” talk kinda pointless, unless you were to have an alliance of SOME States refuse to participate in a Union that was structured that way -or you were to have a new French Revolution and attempt to enforce that on all States.

If you want to do secession, then you have to look at geographical practicalities and the economic viability of such a seceded government (I’ll hand-wave away defense issues, saying maybe an umbrella agreement for federated defense could be arrived at…)

Quebec was facing this when they wanted to secede; how was there going to be free conduct of the movement of people, goods, and services for the people of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick? Ultimately the separatist bid failed because of doubts on the part of many voters IN Quebec on the economic viability of such a new country. The spirit was willing, but the economics AT THE TIME were not viable. If they had spent years beforehand on arranging trade agreements and economic self-sufficiency (and also relinquished some territory so that the rest of Canada could have unimpeded transit…), it might have happened.

By the way: citing the electoral system makes a great case for the reason for secession. But it still would take quite some time to pull off: lobbying at the UN, arranging trade and defense agreements. A State like Maine could do it with other adjacent States, if the popular will was there.

The California secession? You would have needed the sentiment coming from a majority of southern Californians -it was not there.

And Texas? They can’t even consistently keep their grid up -and they’re going to operate as an autonomous country? Puh-lease!

Just to be thorough: two other options would be to wait thirty years for the complexion of the Supreme Court to change, and have them find against the Electoral procedures.

ABA Legal Fact Check: Can the Electoral College be abolished?

Or have the underrepresented States offer voters in the overrepresented ones to vote on a proposition to buy out their cooperation -but if you did that, it might open a bidding war for control of those voters. I think it would be a lousy idea,

Thank you for your contribution. Your argument has at least a couple flaws:

  1. The Supreme Court doesn’t do “Acts”. They’re not a legislative body. They interpret the constitution, and laws under it, and rule accordingly.
  2. You’d have to eliminate the electoral college and that’s not happening. Why would the state legislatures and governors give up that power?
    Every avenue to pass such an amendment wouldn’t get out of the door for the reasons I’ve mentioned above. But thank you for your creativity and contribution. Keep it coming!

I OPENED with that statement! To pull off dissolving it, you would have to either do a French Revolution or a long multi-decade secession…

My point was, as that article semi-suggests, is that they could rule against based on contradictions in law. That would take a Supreme Court which is NOTHING like we have now. Maybe in 30 years? I’m not waiting for that!

Either way…. Feeling helpless, defeated and angry this morning… Feeling like all of this is for nothing. …

  1. How can a convicted felon run for office when a convicted felon can’t even apply for many everyday jobs?

Industries That Don’t Hire Individuals with Criminal Records

  • Medical Industry. If you do not already have your medical license, you can’t get it after becoming a felon. …
  • Financial Industry. …
  • Emergency Responders. …
  • Transportation. …
  • Security. …
  • Education.
  1. How can America not see by now the dastardly evil schemes this man has planned?

  2. Is it really ok with America that the president admires dictators around the world and has expressed the desire to be like them? Befriend them?

This election has shown there is something seriously wrong with this country… May God help us all these next four years

Please forgive the rant but ’m at a loss for words, very disappointed, dejected and very upset especially with the way the process was taken out of our hands.

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For me it was shown that something was seriously wrong in 2004, when a pack of liars around Cheney got reelected. [That happened out of greed; people were newfound ballers with their illusory mortgage wealth, and Rove did a scare play that Kerry was going to tax the bejesus out of them. Kerry not addressing the swiftboaters vis a vis Bush’s conduct during the Vietnam War didn’t help things; and Kerry could have succinctly pointed out that Protest IS Patriotic…] Cheney was the one who mortally wounded this country, running up the debt from the Iraq War. Bush Sr. was smart enough to know that it was a real bad idea (but he got his ass handed to him by not addressing the economy in his reelection campaign, after the post-Reagan crash…)

I’m simply disgusted…