New DNC Leadership

The people of this country (USA), are yearning for change in the Democratic party or an alternative to it. Whether it is by forming a new “progressive” democratic party, or have new leadership at the DNC, which has become a full blown autocratic body. Sen. Bernie Sanders has fought the good fight as a lone warrior in the Senate with unrelenting vigor and passion. He is now 83 years old and, in my opinion, remains mentally sharp. Yet, I have a feeling that he no longer has an interest in pursuing the POTUS office or leadership at the DNC. He will undoubtedly continue his fight for as long as he is able.

There is one other person whom I consider as an equally devoted fighter with the same vigor and passion as Bernie. That is Marianne Williamson. The DNC and all legacy media, even some independent media outlets, including TYT, barely gave her a voice, any publicity on their platforms. She was a great alternative candidate for POTUS in the 2024 elections. Instead, she was silenced, made invisible by our autocratic political parties, who are mere puppets of their wealthy masters. Marianne is running for leader of the DNC. I would encourage you to watch a few of her videos such as those listed below. , , ,


Nina Turner is my no.2 after Bernie. I am not a huge Marianne Williamson fan but would be okay with her in charge of the DNC. .


The DNC is owned by corporations; and they will never ever let the working class at its steering wheel.

And the Repubs are letting the working class MAGAs _think_ they have a say. They and the Dems can prove me wrong if Sanders gets a role call vote on worker visas!

The only way is a new Independent alliance; unless the courts go 100% Kangaroo, no amount of money will stop balloting by petition (though they can slow petitioners down -hence the importance of getting started very soon for 2026…) Independent balloting is direct pushback on Citizens United -the reason I hear people use to give up on politics in America…

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I agree 100% with you about the DNC being owned by corporations, which is why on my initial discussion I stated that the DNC has become a full-blown autocratic body. It is why leadership is desperately needed with someone who cares for all the people of this country. I mentioned Marianne Williamson, but any other who aligns with a progressive popular agenda will do. Of course, I agree that it will be a monumental task to get there. At some point we must take the first step to start the path towards a true democracy that works on behalf of all the people. I am under no illusion that it will be easy and quick. On the contrary, there will be a monumental resistance by the powerful elites. It certainly may take years to reach the destination we seek. History has shown that change is slow. Nonetheless, even if we must slowly crawl to reach this goal towards change, it is worth the effort. I may not be around to see this change, but I like to think of a better and happier future for the generations that are here now after me and the ones that are to come.

I remember when Bernie was soliciting fund raising money from former Hollywood Insider Liberals, like myself, back in the early 1990s, despite running for office in Vermont of all places. Though I had already moved on to reading the works of Chomsky and Parenti by that time, which spelled death for this former Democrat – which is not part of the true Left, which many members of such now claim, but the Bastion of Right Leaning Centrists. I remember thinking at the time, how cute, a self-proclaimed Social Democrat running for office in Vermont, so, sure, here is some money, though I thought at the time that he is merely playing such rather than genuinely being such.

Fast forward to now, and I think that Bernie has actually, in fact, been a true Social Democrat. A Social Democrat who was betrayed and almost destroyed by the powers to be in the Democratic Party when he dared run against their Royal Candidate, Hillary Clinton. I saw the exact same thing done to Ralph Nader for the terrible crime of running independently (though Ralph knew then that his chance to be victorious was absolutely “nil”) and who, by the way was pretty much removed from any credible news platform as well. This leads me to the question of why would Bernie, even if interested, want to put him and his family through that unjust nightmare again?!

Look, if it is not already abundantly clear, Democrats and Republicans answer to the same wealthy Oligarchs, so stop thinking that real change is going to come from within either the Democrat or Republican parties. Likewise, it won’t come from Independent Parties either, until the Democratic and Republican parties are completely destroyed and the Wealthy Elite’s ability to buy votes and influence policy are completely terminated. Unfortunately, I believe that Global Warming is already irreversible and that the end is near for anything closely resembling what we now know to be society. Therefore, buckle up, because things are about to get ridiculously Chaotic.

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I have a more optimistic view in regard to solutions, though…

I hear you loud and clear, even agree with you. Nonetheless, one can at least have some optimism and hope. Change is inevitable and consistent throughout history. We are in the initial stages of a significant generational shift, which is marching towards change. It may be in the form of eliminating the two parties that you pointed out, or it may very well be in the form of overhauling the democratic party with new representation at the local, states and federal governments who seek and believe in equal rights, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

And yes, global warming is an existential threat to our planet and all life forms in it, which I do agree with you is now at the point of no return. I guess that as in previous climate shifts throughout the history of our planet, somehow life always finds a way to adapt.

Agree. Nina Turner is another champion we can count on.

IF Sanders were to step up to form an Independent Alliance (BIG if! -by my calculations, we’re counting down to weeks for it to catch a MAGA runoff once they get betrayed by some of the Repubs…), I see him as picking trusted former campaign workers to sit on a committee to arrive at objectives, and to say who’s out and in. He obviously can be on the committee to decide on a shortlist of objectives, but his say, according to democratic principles, should not outweigh others.

Once that shortlist is drafted, he could step back from the running of such an alliance, and leave it to that committee (other than an occasional vote to nail down a specific on an objective, or to vote on ejecting a member for working counter to those principles…) He can then do the same as other alliance members: work in Congress as an Independent to advance the interest of American workers. Organizing the collection of signatures for balloting should NOT be his job.

The reason for involving him at the formation stage is to prevent the introduction of saboteurs coming from the Repubs, Dems, or just egocentric people thinking it’s all about them -or their pet issue. Some might say that worker rights and pollution is too narrow a focus. Those are precisely the issues being ignored by the corporate and plutocratic owned Duopoly, for reasons of profit; so that is the reason such an alliance has to have a well-defined focus on those issues, so they get addressed. If an alliance member wants to pursue other causes and they do not contradict those objectives, they can have at it.

Speaking of all about them: time for the Inauguration to go down!

Oh, yeah, the Inauguration. :joy:

I say screw the DNC and let it either just go away or merge with the GOP to become the original Democrat party while we start a REAL Left Wing/Progressive/Populist Party here in the USA.


Agreed; with a split House, the timing is perfect. Such a venture would have maximal impact on worker issues.

PS: POLLUTION is a worker issue! Workers are not going to be jetting out to the French Riviera after they leave behind a bunch of toxic waste and polluted air.

Trump [trash-talking wind and green energy]: “BUT WE MUST SAVE THE WHALES AND BIRDS!”

We need about 50 Independent alliance
candidates to run for the House in 2026…


Yes. I was thinking about hitting the streets now to ask people if they would participate in signing for political participation in future elections now. They only give people like a few months and expect thousands of signatures to run on the ballot for free. Normal people with no money are excluded by the time constraints on signature gathering alone. If we had a network of people that could be counted on to help with signature gathering that would be awesome