Now what?

Some Dems are arguing that the roll call vote be put off to the Convention. FTS! Call for an Open Convention NOW! To wait until the Convention for a vote is just more rigging.

If all that comes out of this is a punt to the Convention, it’s OVER!

Suggestion for a Cenk poll: “If an Open Convention is announced in the next 24 hours, do you believe a Dem Presidential candidate has a chance?”

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Shows again that Biden lives mentally in an era bygone. 30 years ago or so, mass shootings weren’t as often occurring as they do today. Also, before “the digital era”, not every little remark was picked up and a million times multiplied. The conspiracy world was small and fringe, now because of the internet, it’s about to become mainstream. No politician of sound mind would carelessly use terminology of marksmanship/firearms.

Yes; all kabuki theater unless Biden steps aside for an Open Convention and we get an inspiring candidate to win more congressional seats…

Dem Congress members are saying they will block the early virtual roll call. That is completely INADEQUATE. They have to be staging a Party walkout to Independent NOW if he refuses to step aside for an Open Convention. [They can seek funding for their seats from disaffected donors before they try that…]

You Congress people who are not demanding an Open Convention: you too will be owning the burning down of America’s house…

PS They claim the roll call needs to be done prior to the Convention to prevent a Repub ballot challenge deadline. If they really believe that, have an Open pre-Convention at the earlier date!

Then they can have their infomercial for the original date, for delegates who made reservations then.

It appears you have three things driving this:

  • Dems squeamish that an Open Convention pick might not be Harris, which will lead to a loss of black votes.

  • A ham-handed attempt to shutdown addressing the fitness issue.

  • A genuine concern that Repubs will legally challenge the deadline in a few States.

To the last one, I say do an Open pre-Convention. To the others, you have to demonstrate courage and face those risks. If you take a cowardly position, you will only lose.

To the Ridin’ With Bidens: we STILL have no thorough exams done by a PANEL of independent neurologists. Stop already…


  • I would like to suggest that an Open pre-Convention be held in Philadelphia where the revamped agenda for an Open Convention (including a vote on the proposition for a non-binding anonymous vote could be agreed to -link) could be voted on; Those delegates unable to attend can still vote remotely. Philadelphia sends a good message. What is that message? “It’s not about Kings; we need to stand up to leadership when it’s wrong.”

  • The even tighter timetable for an Open pre-Convention means the threat of an Independent walkout if Biden continues to dig in has to be made IMMEDIATELY.

  • Who can form a slate for a pitch? Any present or former Democratic governor, US Senator, or Representative. They must be currently registered as a Democrat. The slates would have to present a President and VP. They would have to have a policy brochure explaining their positions on domestic and foreign policy. The DNC could assist by having a topic list furnished to the prospects, and the prospects can add to that list any they see fit.

  • Delegate voting should be done in two rounds as I had discussed here (link), to insure that a decision can be arrived at with a minimum of coercion and retaliation.

A classic Repub move: brazenly rename something that it is not. This started with Kristol back in the Bush years. It’s the same way they prevent the formation of a union through the Orwellian-named ““Right To Work”” laws.

Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance calls to ‘preserve the American experiment’ at RNC

Gee; I had NO IDEA the “American Experiment” involved the establishment of a leader with the powers of a King! We learn something new each day.

And how’s about them flashing Barron Trump now for photo ops? That’s coming from a thinking that our leaders should be derived from genetic lineage, and not based on merit. <irony>That also started in the [King] GEORGE W. Bush years…</irony>

“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words…”
-George Orwell, 1984

I am not sure that shooting has much impact on Dems chances. The only thing it will do is tamp down the rhetoric against him, which lets be honest was a but out of hand. Like you don’t need to sensationalist and engage in hyperbole when there is actual material substantive critique.

I believe his VP pick in JD Vance complicates things for Dems in swing states way more than the shooting. If you look at the polls, the shooting didn’t really change numbers for Trump, but VP pick did. Though that might just be temporary with all the publicity with the Convention and everything

As for what is the best play for Dems. IMO, the best play would be keeping Biden but changing the VP to someone with basic sense and who doesn’t talk in word salads. Kamala is the biggest problem right now. If it weren’t for her, Dems would have replaced Biden long ago. I am not joking, Reubs are literally campaigning on " A vote for Joe is a vote for kamala" and it is working for them. Even before they start running ads about her truancy laws and what not.

Outside the Dem party - I am not sure what can be done. Since supporting any thrid party candidate would only cut votes from Dems and make it easier for Trump to win. I guess we can always nominate “Pigasus (the second)” fo candidate but I doubt that will help.

I don’t think anonymous votes would have much impact. The question is if he runs,and kamala runs who is going to challenge them? Anyone with any common sense would be wise enough to vote for 2028 because running with his political baggage would be political suicide. I will repeat, it doesn’t matter who you put on the D ticket, voters are going to associate the Dem ticket with how they FEEL the past 4 years have been for them. Which is why people arent excited to run.

Primaries would have been a different story, where they could have built the campaign criticising Biden on certain things. But now, that’s not going to happen. Everyone knows that any replacement would be with Biden’s assent and establishment assent so they wont be able to distance themselves from him. Plus anyone they pick right now will be MORE right wing than Biden. Not at all the direction this party needs to go in.

Good point

The campaign worker’s response is like something from an AI bot,

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Biden wants to continue running and start campaigning

Seems like he is very much stubborn and arrogant and won’t drop out. Even after the donors backed out and the fundraising dropped to less than half of expectations, Biden won’t drop out.

If Shawn Fain from UAW and Sean OBrian from Teamsters publicly asks Biden to step down then that would be the last straw for him as the union workers abandon him. That might be the last hope.

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OR a contingent of 20-30 Dem Congress members say he has 24 hours, or they will change to Independent. They should be talking to donors who paused for Biden and see if they can get a formal assurance of getting funding to run as an Independent (for maybe ~2 years…) if it has to come to that.

But I think it will go down Sunday. It SHOULD HAVE been last Sunday!! He damaged the Party, possibly irreparably, doing this stunt. At this point I don’t think he should be trusted with the launch codes…


I havent kept up with latest fundraising numbers, but don’t they already have hundreds of millions? I assume they think they have enough. Him dropping out and then Sidestepping Harris would still keep the funding problem because the money pledged to the Biden-harris ticket will need consent of donors, Biden AND Harris to be transferred.


Dems, please; Article 25 his ass. Get those launch codes out of his hands…


When he blew the debate, I said: OK; maybe he had a cold/flu. But he has to accept the consequences for that and step aside.

Then the Stephanopolous interview: woah, something is wrong; that wasn’t just a cold or flu. “I get a [complete] neurological exam every day”??

Now saying this, after there has been a chorus of public statements from people IN the Party politely asking him to step aside? He has to be mentally unhinged, or an RNC Manchurian Candidate…


Biden is still planning to continue running. His family especially Jill and Hunter are the ones cheering him on to run. This is elder abuse and needs to stop.

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Sorry, it’s Article 25 threat time people; give a deadline of 24 hours

If he doesn’t step aside, it’s a 2 house wave anyway. You have nothing to lose setting that deadline in private.

If he stepped out last Sunday, he could have been praised a hero for his last term. This week, he will immediately become a scoundrel for ginving the finger to his Party and America…


Dude if you genuinely think debate was a cold flu, then you haven’t been paying attention. I am constantly surprised by how people have no idea about his mental decline for the past 4 years and simultaneously are also blowing it way out of proportion. Like why do you think they hid him in the basement for 2020 election?

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Biden will call their bluff. They REALLY don’t want Kamala in power

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Anybody would be better than Biden for sure. But we need to find the best candidate who can actually win.

Yes 25th amendment should be used, however which member of Biden’s cabinet has enough guts to do it?

Another option is to have the Dems openly talk about this situation as elder abuse and openly ask Jill and Hunter Biden to ask Joe Biden to step down. Make them realize that this is really elder abuse. How many more years does Joe has left wouldn’t it make sense for him to spend it with the family.