Open Convention Policy Points

If some in Congress get Joe to see God with a threatened walkout to Independent, what are the policies you would like to see addressed at an Open Convention, as discussed here? (link)

I’ll start by throwing out a list. Their order by no means indicate their importance!

I suggest as we see each other’s issues, we edit our posts to include good ones suggested by others (perhaps by adding a plus prefix -“+”- before the topic added…)

Domestic Policy

Environment, Ecology, Pollution, and Climate Change
-Energy Production
-Power Grid
-Single-Use Plastics; chargebacks
-Water Infrastructure, protection of Aquifers, and Water purity
-Affordable EV Production
Agriculture (gets a lot harder with Climate Change, you know…)
Gun Regulation
Reproductive Rights
-Higher Education
Family Care
-not getting “mugged” for an ER visit in exchange for limiting the liability of the hospital
Drug Addiction Treatment and Penalty policy
Recreational Drug Policy
Civic Service Programs
Military Service Benefits
-Safe Harbor laws and pilot programs for sustainable microhousing
-Mortgage Policy Oversight
-Approaches to discourage market manipulation and warehousing in urban areas
Nutrition and Food Security/Assistance
-Digital Currencies and Crypto (including encouraging energy-efficient approaches…)
Computer Infrastructure Security
-organizing bug bounties for open source components
Software Liability
Tax Policy
-Reduction in Corporate Taxes if the Employer pays for accredited education/training and/or they guarantee employee retention for ~2 years (reneging on the retention incurs a tax penalty…)
NLRB Union Protections
Voting Rights and Regulations
Immigration Policy
Social Security
Ethics Oversight
-White Collar
High Speed Rail
Internet Access
Promotion of Transparent Voting standards whose computer-assisted auditing is based on open source software
Deteriorating Infrastructure

Foreign Policy

Climate and Pollution Treaties and Agreements
-policies for punitive measures for their violation
Middle East
-Two State?
War Crimes
North Korea
Human Rights
Interdiction of Narcotics
Export of Weapons to Mexican Cartels
Trade Relations
-Latin and Central America
Biohazardous Research Treaties and Protocols
Nuclear Proliferation

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First off, there is no equality without economic equality. Unless that issue is discussed, the rest is just smoke.

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Well, you have to get down into the weeds of what policies would bring about economic equality. Saying you have a policy of economic equality won’t mean much without the brass tacks. For example: above I mentioned getting accredited training/education and employee retention as an objective to a policy. That could improve the economic status of many workers. Another one was protecting the rights to form a union -which Repubs attack with the Orwellian-named ““right to work”” (sort of like the way Cheney/Yoo ascribed the name to the ““Patriot”” Act <sarcasm> -yes, very patriotic! </sarcasm>)

Unless you believe in UBI? Then you would list UBI as the preferred policy to be addressed…

The first thing that needs to be discussed is how are you going to stabilise the economy, revalue the dollar and what the financial structure of the country is going to look like going forward?
Petrodollar is over. Which mean the age of printing endlessly is over. Which means we have to actually have a real GDP for our economy to stay afloat. Start from there and everything starts falling into line.
Reshoring of jobs
investment in manufacturing jobs
cutting down on wars and defence spending
Quantitative tightening
Investment in education for what actually boosts productivity - STEM/ trades etc.
New sustainable trade deals especially with reliable partners in developing countries
New alliances to secure waterways and airways.
Restructuring the funding of black schools
As for Ukraine and Gaza, tough to hear but they arent our problems so lets not try to create problems for ourselves in our economy and in EU’s by meddling with that. Let UN handle them. And sure, actually try and vote in favor of peace deals rather than trying to break them. That would be a great start.
And if we stop funding wars everywhere that will automatically reduce support to drug cartels and gangs all over latin America and also reduce efflux of people seeking asylum from those countries.

Sadly, this environment agenda isn’t going to work right now. All the elements needed for Green energy are found in Africa or latin America. And under Biden, China has pretty much secured control over those regions. Unless you want to fight wars with them in those countries, you then have to just become an importer from China on everything. And that isn’t going to help anyway since they use slave labor to mine things, make things and still somehow pollute more than just using fossil fuels. Plus everything is bloody expensive. Maybe take a good look at EV’s sitting in lots that no one wants to buy while they cant afford groceries. We need to first fix the economy, hand low and middle income families some money to spend to boost the economy, generate some actual high paying permanent jobs, then we can talk about all these utopian fantasies

One thing we need to push is to include sanctions under rules of war in UN. So far we have had this superpower due to dollar dominance. Now that it is ending it would be smart to make sure others can use it against us. Kind of how Kennedy signed the deal with Soviets that no matter who reaches space first, no one country can lay claim to shit and it will belong to all people on earth or something.

Once we are past economic turmoil, we can focus on regulations regarding CBDC’s, AI and social media use

I would like to see blockchain implemented in election funding. Every citizen gets $100 in blockchain tokens. You can allocate them to whichever candidate you like. Kind of like democracy dollars but on blockchain so we wont need the bureaucracy and there will be transparency and less chance of shenanigans.

As for nuclear proliferation, I am 100% against it. I am even against countries who don’t already have nukes using nuclear energy. Its just one hair breadth away from them getting nukes. So…yeah

Added STEM and Reshoring to my list; the others were sort of TBDiscussed under the ones I had listed…

And in the “I told you so” department, you will notice “Computer Infrastructure Security” AND “Software Liability” (the Crowdstrike outage)

Oh, and “Antitrust”; but hey, they’re not a monopoly, right??

Actually, it has nothing to do with security. I strongly believe this was supposed to be a warning to BRICS nations to not go to CBDC’s because WEF controls the entire internet. I don’t think anyone “Hacked” Microsoft servers. I believe it was also MS reminding Elon Musk why they would be a better bet for AI platform despite his starlink.

Occam’s: they screwed up; they cut corners out of greed; the liabilities for being reckless in software encourage this behavior.

Heads we win and make a profit; tails you lose and we don’t pay much for your loss.

This is why I find most cloud services to be a scam; show me one where they will make good on a business loss from an outage. I once offered testimony to a cloud provider when they had an outage from another independent customer. They said they would only accept a level of auditing proof that would be cost-impractical to have running all the time…

yeah well, cloud services ARE a scam, lol.
But that has nothing to do with this outage, mark my words