Ohio Ballot Initiative on Minimum Wage

The minimum wage rally with Bernie Sanders will be held Thursday (June 20, 2024) night in Parma Ohio at UAW Local 1005, address 5615 Chevrolet Blvd, Parma OH 44130. Doors 6PM. Rally 7PM. This is a One Fair Wage event.


I looked on X and could only find one tweet about it so far, so it doesn’t look like it’s being pushed much online (maybe it will be in the next couple days hopefully!) but there is what appears to be an optional RSVP for the event via Our Revolution —


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Reposted that “X” post over in Discord


I shared it on Facebook.


Thanks, @Galphar! Didn’t occur to me to do that

Can someone find out the latest on Michigan ballot measure? Does it have enough signatures? Is it definitely on the ballot? What exactly does it do?


Hello Cenk, I hope you’re doing more than fine.

Here’s what I found to be the latest about it:
From: Board of Canvassers OKs two Dem recall petitions, deadlocks on $15 minimum wage proposal • Michigan Advance

[…] “We continue to call on the MI Legislature to listen to 610,000 Michigan voters who signed petitions for a $15 minimum wage, and raise the wage to $15 an hour through legislation following the MI Supreme Court’s decision on the ‘Adopt and Amend’ case,” said Jayaraman…

A lawsuit filed by Restaurant Opportunities Centers for Michigan is currently pending before the state’s highest court following oral arguments in December, during which its attorneys argued that the legislative tactic known as “adopt and amend” was unconstitutional.


Did it have enough signatures?

Yes: They were even validated but a typo is preventing for it going forward. The case about “adopt and amend” is the one to be pinned for attention.

What does it do?

It read: “Initiation of legislation amending Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act, 2018 PA 337, MCL 408.932 and 408.934, and adding MCL 408.934e, to: increase minimum wage to $11/hour in 2023, $12 in 2024, $13 in 2025, $14 in 2026, and $15 in 2027, regardless of unemployment rate; in following years, increase minimum wage based on inflation rate for urban wage-earners (CPI-W); adjust over 6 years the minimum employer-paid portion of pay for workers receiving tips until it matches minimum wage for all employees; provide that employees keep tips unless they agree to share them with other non-manager employees; remove state authority to approve lower minimum wage based on determination that minor, apprentice or disability status reduces productivity.”

A typo was the one that prevented to going forward right to the ballots: Employee limit for it to be enforced: It was originally 2, but the petition language failed to strike out the “2”. The petition circulated to voters included the “21” number.

One Fair Wage wants adopt and amend, Restaurant owners associations are using the technicality to continue abusing workers.

More than 90% of Michigan businesses employ less than 21 people, meaning the new minimum wage law if adopted would not apply to 90% of businesses.

Source: Michigan elections board deadlocks on a new minimum wage initiative (detroitnews.com)


Great job on getting the info.!


God, that was confusing! I had to read several articles before I could figure out what went wrong and what the conclusion was. But I get it now. It will NOT be on the ballot. Which, of course, sucks.

Here’s an article that’s a little clearer than the rest:


Ok, next question! Can we see if any state has a minimum wage ballot initiative this year? I know CA does, to rasie it to $18. Any other state?

Btw, great research on Michigan. Thank you!!


Here are the five minimum wage initiatives that I was able to find that are on ballot for 2024.

  1. Alaska Minimum Wage Increase and Paid Sick Leave Initiative

  2. Arizona Wages for Tipped Workers Amendment

  3. California Proposition 32, $18 Minimum Wage Initiative (as you mentioned above)

  4. Massachusetts Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees Initiative

  5. Missouri Minimum Wage and Earned Paid Sick Time Initiative


Thanks! This list of states was so helpful and exactly what I needed now.