On the subject of "pro-life"

I just want to say, that I’m more pro-life than the pro lifers! Because I advocate for not blowing up babies in Gaza! So in reality, the “pro-lifers” that want to kill babies are actually satanic!


This is a very good point and I have been waiting for someone bite on this exact issue. Seems a bit hypocritical.

To them they are pro democracy and pro life.

It is just they define those terms vastly differently than I do.


The are so pro-life, they advocate for the baby to be born even if it has a 0% chance of survival. They want the woman to go through pain of giving birth.


Yea i actually call that pro cruel and unusual punishment for the non-crime of getting pregnant.


We do need better catch phrases to replace the pro-life/pro-choice blather. Just another psycho phrase the powerful political hacks came up with and the best Dems could do at the time was coming up with pro-choice. I’m sure it made sense at the time, but just another example of how, those with hope of a better life, a better democracy, actual freedom, actual choice, better capitalism, better service to the people and empathy are always on defense against a small group of people with hatchets. I’m invested in the Amercan experiment, but we gotta go on offense. There needs to be a better way to protect the people from the constant barrage of the crazy folks driving the America bus into a ditch, just so they can pretend they aren’t creating a fuedal system on purpose. We can’t keep calling them conservative, pro-life, or even the right. They aren’t right. Not even for the people that vote for them, and the language they create is the stake in the heart of all of us. You recognize that they are not pro- life, most do, you are even coming up with other terms. You are not alone and this way of thinking needs to be shared with a bit of the oppresive history on how we got here. :green_heart::blue_heart:


I’m biting. Let’s get to redifining descriptives! Woot!


I think you may have missed the point. They redefined it, I am saying we shouldn’t allow them to continue the charade.

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The best way to attack someone who doesn’t respect definitions is to use their own lack of logic against them.


The bad faith argument of male Repubs is that they are not to be seen when there is a discussion of child support for an unwanted pregnancy. And when they don’t even allow exceptions for rape or incest? It’s completely repugnant. Nor do they help at all with making free contraception available to teenagers.

I can see an argument about where you actually draw the line on a fetus being alive; but given those points above, they are not to be taken seriously at all. It’s just pandering for political leverage/votes, given that they are on the “outs” on many issues with voters…


I am in favor of taxing Republicans so that people who they force to give birth can be paid $50k a year per instance of forced carrying of fetuses.

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