On the subject of the strategy Kamala should use to win the election

I think she should go out there and talk to Republican voters and say,"Listen I’m actually the great unifier, all that i need is 50,000 Republicans to vote for me in each state and i might pardon your God emperor. "


:rofl: Brilliant!


But that doesn’t address what the States will do.

Citing a number also sounds just as greasy as his phone pitch!


That’s the beauty of it. Force the dichotomy.


She should go out there and say, "listen America I know a lot of you feel divided at this time, let us unify. I call on 50,000 Republican votes in each state come November and this campaign promises a pardon for your dear criminal emperor god gold plated calf guy. Because unlike him, i won’t ask for [insert famous call here] number of fake votes from the states after the fact.

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@GreenNewDealerDragon There isn’t really much wrong with Kamala Harris’ campaigning, as she appears to be working her ass off to try and carry the election for the Democrats. What she needs is the Democrats who seem to happy to coast by on her ticket to get off their butts and help Harris/Walz and the other Democrats win the election.


The View; “I wouldn’t do much different.” That was a humongous blunder. There is no time to even walk it back now (2-3 months before the election? maybe…) Her polls dropped right after that.

I don’t want to see a loon as president, but I would be in denial to not admit that she screwed the pooch with that one…


Yea, the split in voters looks even , I think she’s got about as many Dems as she’s going to get. At this point I say; convince his cult that they can save him from himself. The people who follow Trump seem to love him. If she got people talking about “now remember Republican voters, he can’t pardon himself from his crimes, only another president can” then you remind people he’s a criminal while giving him a way out . He would probably go out and tell them himself, “listen folks, i can come back here in 4 years.”

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She had to make a pitch that voters’ job prospects would be better under her (see my other posts on job retention and accredited training in exchange for a 2 year amnesty on the corporate tax rate…) She didn’t put it forward. She has said nothing to convince people she will TRY and stop NUTanyahoo from dragging us into WWIII [and one can rationalize that many voters don’r care about Palestinians and Libyans, but most DO care if the US is engaged in WWIII thanks to Netan-the-yahoo or unclear policy in dealing with Putin…)

So now you have Musk making lottery pitches to Trump voters; that is PRECISELY the offer being made by Trump, and she’s not coming back with much of anything solid -just more of the same. Which if you have a good job, that resonates with you; but news flash: many voters DO NOT have a solid job (or money in the bank should they suddenly lose their job…)

If your only message is incumbency, many voters will just opt for a chaos vote in the hopes they come out on top -a lottery ticket bet.

<sarcasm>I can hardly wait for explanations for this situation being placed on racism and sexism.</sarcasm> Oh yeah, that’s in play; but given Stupid Hitler’s insanity, there was enough there to work with to win if either she followed instructions on not sending a message of “I wouldn’t do anything different”, or if she really believed that, but saw that would be insanity to embrace that viewpoint, maybe things could have turned out much differently.

We should have had an Open Convention; we should have had somebody the likes of Walz run. But look at how ALL the Dems were petrified of a Race Card War the day Biden announced he was stepping aside. NOT A SINGLE CANDIDATE stepped up to announce they would volunteer to run at an Open Convention IF they had decided to have one. May I add: if she had been cornered on what she would do about Netanyahoo at a competitive Convention, we wouldn’t have had to wait a couple of weeks before the election to find out (by way of The View, no less!) that she was simply going to do more of the same. <sarcasm>Hey! Enabling Netanyahoo has worked out great so far!</sarcasm>

Clearly the refusal to put any improved job security on the table shows an attitude: “Hey! We did a bangup job on the economy and jobs. And if you voters can’t appreciate that, you DESERVE Trump!”

They don’t care…


That’s why I say, Dems one last time 2024. Justice for All Party 2026.

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Now that’s what I call using your opponent’s weakness against them, brilliant! Even Trump will be voting for Harris! You’re an evil genius. :joy:


Now I need to visit the shop and purchase a “Very stable genius” shirt. :grin: :joy: :purple_heart: :fire: