On the topic of trying to beneficial to the movement

Recently I got a two week ban from a streaming service because I either was not explicit enough that my criticism of Nazi Israel was about it’s government and it’s actions. I don’t think a government has a soul so I don’t believe it can encompass and proclaim to be the representation of the religion of millions of individuals, or they believe that their designated religion believes genocide is a good thing… or censorship is real. :face_with_spiral_eyes::scream::exploding_head::sweat_smile:

In any case, when I came back I was mad at twitch and changed my name to a handle that I wouldn’t like read out loud in the network that has stood as independent as anyone. Maybe except Dan Carlin.

I’m going to take a self timed off of chat now :sweat_smile::scream::face_with_spiral_eyes::exploding_head::person_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile:, least till I can change my name back. Stupid rules of privately owned streaming platforms! :joy::saluting_face::dragon_face::dragon::bird:‍:black_large_square::bird:‍:fire::bird::feather:

All that to say, thanks TYT for being the best on freedom of speech since (insert 20 fucking years plus here) #TooStrong

That being said, thank you for your stance on the second amendment Cenk. I think that a well regulated militia is a prerequisite for keeping guns at home, specifically shotguns and six shooters. With weapons of war safe at the local range. With no rent charged for storage, bring your own lock type of stuff. Watching a 30 minute safety video every month should be enough to qualify as part of the local militia.


There should be gun insurance that’s required like auto insurance.


You were not explicit enough. Calling a whole country “Nazi” implies you believe the residents are Nazis. Probably not a good idea.


Yes, I have been accused of not being specific enough in my attacks. For that i am sorry, and will try to change. Heat of the moment is tough. Just wish we could stop the inhumanity of it all before it begins so that it doesn’t grow and then the remnants don’t fester even after the carnage has stopped. Knowing that people still have to endure oppression at the hands of colonizers that don’t believe the people they subjugate are humans. Not to mention the damage in minds all over the world to people who see that country as a whole act like savages. There is a lasting damage in humanity at large. An injustice anywhere is truly a threat to justice everywhere as Dr King once said. And it’s never been so true.

And that’s even before any discussion of what religion is or what entities can claim they have specific sets of “beliefs” and how that should excuse all actions even though those actions go against the letter of the “beliefs” cited for them to be able to get away with atrocities.

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