Open Convention

Found this one:

A million on that would be nice.

Anybody know of a better petition, or spots a flaw in any of these, please post here.

Biden WILL bow out; we need a petition at that focuses on the call for an Open Convention…

I slapped together a petition at that I believe covers all the bases:

Open Democratic Convention

You can feel free to enhance it and make another. It’s really just a placeholder for publishing purposes. Yeah, I know: without media picking it up, it has no chance; but if someone wants to enhance it and can promote it, knock yourself out. As I said above: a Young Turks petition? <joke>The DNC will do whatever the OPPOSITE of what it is requesting.</joke> We really need a BIG one at

Can I officially nominate “Pigasus (the Second)” for our candidate? Please, we gotta have him.
Or maybe a horse named Caligula? Please?

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I had to look both of those up, hilarious! :clap::face_with_hand_over_mouth::+1:

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Yes! Well we did it. Down goes Biden! Congratulations everyone here. I know we all have been working hard to make this happen, and to give us a chance to defeat Trump in November. Now we have a chance! Let’s keep pushing for an open process to select the best candidate to go forward and then uniting the party so we can win this. Remember it’s not about the person we want most now, but making sure the process is about selecting the best chance to defeat Trump. We can worry about internal preferences in future elections. We have to make sure those are free and fair still so our voices actually matter. The Democratic Party has its flaws but if it was completely immune to public opinion then Biden would still be the nominee.


The next fight is over the protocols for an “Open” Convention. Remember: we still don’t yet have an assurance that we will get one. But the Owners of the DNC remember what happened the last time they gave us a shit-sandwich nominating process in 2016, so hopefully they will be listening this time around.

<shameless-plug-and-reminder> (link)

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This is correct! Thank you Joe for your 50 + years of service. Please go to the democratic website and demand an open convention. This will send a clear message to our party leaders.


And remember: you can’t just say “Open”; say what you expect to see in a nominating process that can be as honest as possible, given the absurd timetable we are now under. STRESS TEST TIME, PEOPLE!

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I dont think his ouster ever had anything to do with public opinion. And I still don’t think they care at all.
They are already past discussing WHO. They already seem set on harris. Now the discussion is who will be the VP

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Public Opinion =–> Polls =–> Congress members caring about their next election =–> They object publicly to him doubling-down =–> He has to go

Oh, yeah; he could have fought it more and burned the house down; but he finally came to his senses.

The Owners of the DNC might be set on Harris; but if we don’t see a decision made by the delegates, uninfluenced by career intimidation (link), we will be sitting home on Election Day, as we did in 2016 after being disgusted by the unfairness of the Dem nominating process then [Superdelegates, purges of NY voter rolls to make sure the votes of newly-registered Sanders Dems would not be counted, restricted filming of what was REALLY going on at the Convention…]

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yeah the polls hadnt changed for a year, so why did they suddenly change their mind? The media was covering for him until they trotted him out for that debate and then dunked on him until he dropped out. What changed? Because I know Biden was the same when they pushed him through the primary. His disapproval rating changed in Aug of 2021. Nothing that happens in these parties has anything to do with voters. never has and still isn’t. And they wont listen to voters else they would have picked a progressive. So you can stop talking about it like people had any impact. I think this was AIPAC pushing him out after he allowed the ceasefire porposal to pass in the UN

The polls have been going down in swing states overall even from before the debate. You have to look at polling details and state by state numbers because the Electoral College. The national numbers stay pretty consistent doesn’t matter as much though since he was usually losing I wouldn’t say that was great either. The polls showed him in serious trouble in every swing state and now 6 BLUE states. There was no path to victory, especially since his campaign was putting tons of priority into winning Pennsylvania where he trailed by 8-10 points.

We setup a little Poll over in TYT Official Discord:

Who should get the Dem Nomination? Discord

But again, those polls have nothing to do with house and senate runs which are run completely differently from presidential runs.
The polls were going doen in swing states since before the debate - EXACTLY. The debate and the ensuing hysteria was just a ploy to oust him AFTER establishment had already made up their mind to do so. As I said, it was right after he decided to allow that ceasefire to pass in UN.

Why were the polle going down before that? Not because of Biden’s age. Because of DEM policies. That isn’t going to change when you replace him with another establishment candidate.

Has everyone signed the petition? The Democratic Party Needs an Open Convention -

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hey in your roll call of the delegates before the convention, I wanted to ask something. Even after the roll call before the convention, the one on the floor would still be considered 1st round right? I don’t want them to take a call before the convention and then consider it the 2nd round on the floor so superdelegates can sway how delegates cast their votes

interesting. Although you give Trump too much credit for being disciplined. Him shutting his mouth in the debate was due to the gag order.
His handlers I think have been saying don’t immediately attack her, but he cant help himself. The guy is a loose cannon. The danger from him is more that he will say something crazy that will stick in the minds of people.

I agree that this burst of support for Kamala will fizzle out soon. And we will be back to nearly where we were with Biden. Like I have said repeatedly, people don’t vote based on who is on the ticket when it comes to incumbent party. they do so more based on their feeling of how election has been.

I also agree that specifically in the swing states, the margin is less. However, that is WHY voter turnout is more important there.

I do agree that people in the middle who haven’t decided yet or anyone that has weak support for the other side might decide based on the last thing they hear. But that is usually more applicable to Trump. With incumbents, they are just going to vote based on their feeling f how the last few years have been.

I also agree and have said before that we would need someone extremely charismatic and radically different from the party to do that. But they wont pick a progressive. Any other random establishment person wont create a change.

Plus, this doesn’t resolve the problems of losing the money pledged to the Biden-Harris ticket. It will go into a PAC and it is way more expensive to run ads from a PAC than it is from the ticket. And changing of presumptive candidates will push donors to repubs to get their bread buttered there. And the money from the PAC will be split into downballot races. So unless this great person at the convention is
sweeping voters off their feet, it literally wont make a difference

The roll call on the floor is binding. Seeing what the sentiment is before that vote is the point of the anonymous pre-vote. It gives people more courage to vote a certain way if they see a consensus exists for it.

FRANKLY, nobody will stand up to challenge Harris; but at the very least, this article psychologically prepares people as to what to expect in the months reamining.


I was referring to the fact that he was making few comments (for him!) while the back and forth with getting Biden to step aside was going on…