Operation Hope Begins!

Thanks for the feedback. Data is powerful. This can be done on that stage too.


I think some form of peaceful protest outside repersentives offices we have to not only be herd by mail email and social media, but we need to be seen in numbers! also work with other leftist independent media and youtubers together we have a lot of reach!!! Even if we have disagrements we all agree on this!! The American ppl deserve a life with out hunger or not having decent cloths to the point ppl make fun of them!!


I know this will be a long shot, but it is needed if we are ever going to reach some semblance of economic equality. The hourly wage needs to be abolished for w-2 wage employees. Each hour of work a person is scheduled should receive an hourly based salary. If an employee works 15 hours each week, they should know that they can depend on 15 consistent hours every week, along with a consistent paycheck. The legislation would include three levels of employment, (limited 0-15hrs, part-time15-25/30hrs, full-time25/30-40hrs) and any overtime would be negotiated as a w-9 contracted employee. The contracted employee can also be utilized for small business that may not be able to afford salaried employees so that an hourly wage could be negotiated. Obviously we need to reign in the corporate rule as first, otherwise they’ll just artificial inflate the things we purchase as they always do.


Read my book!
bottlerocketpress dot com


Instead of writing letters to feckless politicians, let’s barage ALL the mainstream media with letters. Let’s have the letters be crafted (ah marketing) to be a “poll” message regarding the “bipartisan” “PEOPLE” want Paid Family Leave with a demand (ok request) for honest reporting and excellent journalism on the topic. The BARAGE of letters must happen within a small window time frame so it has a massive impact (and multiple set dates to do the baraging on either repeat topic or the next one on our list.)


What about the masses of us responding to an X Twitter post of say, Trump, or some other person with a large following, all of us, one by one with the same message on a specific date to a specific post so that it CAN’T BE MISSED BY THE MASSES. Might be an interesting way to get big media coverage and social media coverage, a twofer! The coordinating of the “When to Barrage” would be key. We could all find 3 minutes at the same time for Operation Barrage.


I don’t know what would be required, but why doesn’t a People’s PAC exist? Why can’t we use the dirty tricks of our rivals against them? We definitely couldn’t outspend every monied interest, but if we focus on one policy at a time, surely we could raise the funds to outbribe the competition.


Writing articles for local news papers could be an option. I live in a pretty progressive town and one of our local news papers regular post local citizen’s opinion pieces on various policies and decisions going on in town. I am sure other local papers may allow the same.

Someone else mentioned going to events to talk about it. Could we organize local events to talk about the bill and why family leave is important? I know our art museum has hosted talks with Dem groups. Wonder if we could do something similar? Maybe get an idea list of places that would allow speaking events and ways to promote them in local news, event websites, social media, etc.

I volunteered as an event support lead for both the Bernie campaigns. I am all for helping out a strong progressive option. We are in deep need for change that helps the working people.


We need all level work-share or PT work options in significant positions so our children don’t have to be exclusively raised by daycare providers! There needs to be more PT daycare so women can work PT plus the children get socialization. Win/Win! So many stay-at-home mom’s would love a way to stay gainfully employed. Many ppl would work part-time for a good wage & benefits options that don’t have children under 16 at home. America needs to get family friendly and work/balance friendlier! How can we have come so far in the last century yet be working more, 24/7 availability to a job/career? All the tech advancements were supposed to make our lives easier! I left my 6fig job. I have a real story about that. America is set up for the rich to profit from our hard work. Every company should offer profit sharing. Independents contractors or part time employees need healthcare benefits vs rejected by private insurers for pre-existing conditions. Healthcare and scripts shouldn’t only be for the rich or FTE’s.

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I’m wondering where my local progressive movement even is??? I google libertarian party or even “forward party” and I get quick access to what they are about and how to connect to those near me and more. Progressives may not be a party, but surely if i google “progressive party” or “progressive movement,” I should get something leading me to the movement that nearly launched bernie to the presidency, and yet I don’t see anything helpful!? If youre going to get past corp dems and media, then u do need a grassroots movement to push this or any other issue (ahem biden out). And to do that, uneducated people need to be able to find you. Whether it’s progressive, populist or whatever you want to call yourself, there needs to be an easy to find and navigate a WEBSITE. it can’t be tyt if you are trying to fuel a movement.
2. Have some eye catching MERCHANDISE with some type of symbol/color so people identify that progressives are all around them (like Trumpers). There’s so much you could do (tyt already does a good job as compared to dem party) that can get people to ask questions/notice you. Currently people I know thinks of LG+ and social handouts when they think of progressives, you need to get out that you are more. I really think people would choose candidates that are anti-establishment, anti-corruption, anti-loopholes for the wealthy and connected even if they were “democrats.” If that’s where the bernie movement wants to go then you need to make it known.
I know you guys love bernie, but what did he really do??? He took all of the enthusiasm for a populist/progressive movement and then turned it over to corporate dems TWICE and all that energy and organization appears to have dissipated? I’m not on board with progressives on a lot of things, but I’m tired of the political duopoly and corporate oligarchy and will support the progressives if they can get their sh*t together. This conversation is a good start, but shouldn’t be the start. The squad is an embarrassment to your movement. They did exactly as I would have expected which is why I’m leery of supporting you guys.
Cenk is strong and can bring the fight but is he tempered enough to be commander in chief???
Would love to see Jon Stewart run! Anyone talk to him about this?
3. Try to get together EVENTS, local or even big that have entertainment value but also educate people. Maybe this is more on the right, but many ppl want to feel connected to a group/something meaningful. Trump stole that from the right and has effectively used it to create a monstrous following. What does the left have in comparison?
4. Keep pushing the SINGLE LINE VOTES. Ppl think both sides are corrupt, they need to know that progressives (at least I hope) are not. Progr could call out the corruption of their colleagues, or shame the demparty for underfunding progr candidates while backing right wingers OR they could do the single line items votes and let the corruption speak for itself…


Boy if we could trojan horse Nina in there. I like the open secrets app if anyone can get that done, God you are awesome. Paid family leave can be mentioned to someone like Jon Stewart (as well as a beg from me to run) Let him work on it like he has for our vets. This man will be back on air soon, and he gets stuff done. If someone knows him enough let him know we need a fighter for this as we have been supporting it from both sides. You would think this would be good common sense. That lacks in the House.


Honesty it seems like the fastest way to get progressive changes implemented is to go to state and local politics. Implement these policies on a state by state level through ballot measures and help organize union drives to improve workers conditions. National politics move way too slow or not at all. I think this is a more direct way to improve people lives but I’m all for trying everything.

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Combining Jackson White’s Politiscope with OpenSecrtes is totally doable. I had started working on the visual analysis layer already but had to pause to make a TYT/JIC promo video. I have finished the video, for now all my efforts are in Operation Hope and getting to have Cenk approval on 2 key portions of the promo video, before it can go public. I really hope he can hop on the conversation soon.

When a company is large enough the workers need to be allowed to force a vote to become an employee owned organization.

I am not sure why you put in or in that list I like all of the above.

When I get off work Ill send you the first step for operation hope.

I’m 100% certain this will be a long term goal because it will break the misinformation chain of Main Stream Media. Everyone has a phone nowadays and turn to their devices for political information.

Which will in fact be the target of my plan.

When I first started working on this idea I called it the Next Progressive Mega Weapon for the progressive movement.

I had planned on mailing it to you guys but I’ll publish it here because PERFECT TIMING!

I get off work in 2 hours. I’ll shower and revise it. Expect it around 4 or 5 pm central time

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For anyone who might wonder, I’ve solved the, “How do we hold our elected officials accountable.” Question lol

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We seem to have undertaken the same goal and being actionable about it. I also have in high regard my plan as I have worked 7+ years in it, however, I’m still not that certain that it will get chosen, regardless of my opinion that it should. PERFECT TIMING also applies for my case, in so many ways, but primarily because it coincided perfectly with the time in which I just finished a promo for TYT/JIC that is kind of a snippet/appetizer of what I have in mind. (Sep 28/2023)

Include me on those looking forward to hearing of your input, there may be overlapping between your approach and what I have… or maybe with another ppl in the community.

I like your boldness and how certain you are of your plan; I subscribe to that feeling too, about my plan, though, but if you make a good case, you can have me on board.

I also claim having solved (as a plan) the “How do we hold our elected officials accountable.” question, but my challenge is that I can make a better case if I could make a visual presentation. I know my way around words, but beside English not being my first language, I do think that I do better with charts+ and other visual aids. That is what keeps me from being 100% sure like you are… I would be 99% since the best we can do is to explain our idea to the best of our abilities, and they may not suit the plans of the person(ppl) in charge (final decision).

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I genuinely hope I didn’t offend anyone! I was just excited and confident!

I’m gonna rephrase my post lol

I just so happened to be brainstorming an app that inforns people about those they vote for to send to Cenk and so this opportunity and got a bit eager!

Also I’m working manufacturing job right now so I had to type quickly


You didn’t offend me. I actually feel a LOT identified with your confidence. One can make a good calculation as how successful our plans could be. That calculation is what gives me so much confident in it, and I am willing to bet that that is your case too.

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I look forward to working with you and unveiling my plans!

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