We need to sacrifice something to win

This would be a great start, though we’d need him to invest a bunch of his money in us to have a real effect - national media ain’t cheap. Crowd funding could feasibly kick in after that. Still, it is getting late enough in this election cycle that it would still be really tough I think without more starting money. The media campaign would have to be absolutely unmatched.

What a lovely little idea. Another nice start. Might get some light headlines. I’d love more of these positive ways to do activism. We’ll still need to find something stronger though. Something average people will hear about, not just news junkies. And for them to hear about it, it needs to be REALLY grabbing. It needs to be dramatic. I’m sure there are ways to do it - like what if we had some representative celebrities to do some stunts, or pranks, or something to get attention at parties for rich people. Imagine something dramatic at the academy awards. But we’d have to get those connections, and to get those connections, we’d have to have a candidate that’s inspiring enough to make people commit. Right now, finding a great candidate seems to be our biggest obstacle.

I’d love to see how this is possible. For getting attention, there needs to be drama. There needs to be something catchy. A super talented politician could probably get away without losing any honesty if they had a great sense of humor, or maybe some other skill. But for the rest of us, unless we present things that are unusual and unique, they won’t grab much attention - and the truth is generally pretty boring and common. Making the truth interesting is possible, but not for anyone I’ve seen near politics.


Thanks for such a thoughtful response. It’s always nice seeing that there is hope for less sacrificial ways to do things. I hope we manage to get a great candidate somehow :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll join for the movie <3,
