Operation Hope, in two parts

Operation Hope

Part 1: In Despair

In daylight’s glare, where hope once cast its glow,
The sky grows dim, its promises undone.
The blooms that rose through cracks now wilt below,
And shadows spread beneath a dying sun.

The hands that built a kingdom strong and bright,
Now tremble, losing all they once had gained.
The seeds of peace once planted in the light,
Are trampled underfoot, and hope is strained.

Though morning comes, the dawn is cold and gray,
And fragile hearts now tremble in the breeze.
Yet still, amid the dust, some words will stay,
A whispered prayer that justice never flees.

Though all seems lost, we will not fall nor yield,
For hope, though faint, remains our broken shield.

Part 2: In Defiance

In darkness thick, where wars and lies abound,
The world spins on beneath a weight of dread.
Empires will fall, corruptions drag us down,
But sparks of truth and justice aren’t yet dead.

Though leaders trade their power for a crown,
And hate divides with every heavy hand,
Still whispers rise from cracks within the ground,
A bloom of hope grows fierce across the land.

Though darkness spreads, its roots can never stay,
For light endures, though flick’ring, still it shines.
The dawn will come to chase the night away,
And truth, though bruised, will rise with brighter signs.

The world may fall, but we will stand and rise,
Our hope unbroken, lifting to the skies.


I wrote a poem about despair in college. It didn’t have nearly the depth and beauty of this one. You got real talent, Maggie.

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@mggbwmn8 That is such a moving and inspiring poem, and so incredibly well written. I really like the contrasts throughout between the darkness and light, despair and hope.

I think these two couplets in particular

Though all seems lost, we will not fall nor yield,
For hope, though faint, remains our broken shield.


The world may fall, but we will stand and rise,
Our hope unbroken, lifting to the skies.

sum up what Operation Hope stands for. I hope Cenk sees this because it is an amazing work of art in my opinion. :heart:


WOW, you are so talented and I love this poem! Your writing always makes me feel and wonder. I appreciate your sharing this with us. :heart: