Operation Hope Thoughts

  1. Citizens United repealed
  2. Fairness Doctrine reinstated and enforced
  3. Supreme Court term limits and accountability
  4. Stock buybacks illegal
  5. DoD and government contractors audit
  6. Pharma prices and patent abuse
  7. IRS funding for high income individuals and corporations
  8. Student loan relief, public funding of post K-12 education/training
  9. Public funding of K-12 breakfast and lunches
  10. Residency requirements, companies and individuals cannot own/rent single family real estate they don’t occupy
  11. PPP audit/accountability
  12. No voucher system for K-12, no for-profit public schools generally, no public funding for private or semi private schools


  1. Beltway insider trading
  2. Federal voting holiday, automatic voter registration at DMV, address voter suppression and gerrymandering
  3. Paid family leave
  4. CTC, Child Tax Credit
  5. Anti monopoly, corporate price gouging

Per makenickraynes: my additions in ()

  1. Medicare for all
    (and Medicaid)

  2. Green new deal

Per thelonewraithbone: my additions in ()


  1. And politician salary caps (strict “perjury” clause that states that even in the PUBLIC forum, their words cannot be lies: anyone can bring them to task if they can show they are lying).

  2. No private prisons either
    (adding amendment to the 13th amendment)

  3. Wall Street mass regulation
    (Bolster the SEC, IRS)

  4. Defense contractors audited and future body to oversee what the military buys
    (Point 5)

  5. No more giveaways to religious Corporations/houses of worship
    (Identify and tax churches that engage in politics)

  6. Bolstering “separation of church and state” laws
    (Tax churches that preach politics)

  7. Filibuster buster

  8. Laws about outright lies by corporations, especially over the air.
    (Point 2, fairness Doctrine)

  9. Climate protection acts

  10. Government help for those to transition from dying/dead occupations
    (Basic universal income?)


The () comments are mine, feedback is welcome.

  1. Publicly funded daycare
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Add to that list Medicare for All and Green New Deal.



-And politician salary caps (strict “perjury” clause that states that even in the PUBLIC forum, their words cannot be lies: anyone can bring them to task if they can show they are lying).

-No private prisons either

-Wall Street mass regulation

-Defense contractors audited and future body to oversee what the military buys

-No more giveaways to religious Corporations/houses of worship

-Bolstering “separation of church and state” laws

-Filibuster buster

-Laws about outright lies by corporations, especially over the air.

-Cimate protection acts

-Government help for those to transition from dying/dead occupations


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I wish we could take this list and put it into a funnel. If we could discuss priority that would allow us to see a dashboard for the purpose of group triage decisions.

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Remove all consumer taxes. Introduce 100% corporate revenue tax to fund UBI.

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Would be great if each list item could be in a hide/ unhide format. When hidden just see list for ease of finding issue. When a list item was unhidden people could add ideas on how to achieve that specific list item.

End the electoral college


Get rid of the income cap on Social Security taxes so the wealthy are paying their fair share and NO CUTS are necessary!