Operation Joy checklist

The Operation Joy thread is getting long so I thought I’d post this separately. Hope that’s okay!

Here’s the Operation Joy checklist, as seen on TV :grin: for anyone who wants to try it out, followed by my answers for today.

TEXT To-Do list. You can just copy and paste this text into a new message right here in the discussion board if you want and add any notes or emojis you want.

  1. Do something that makes me happy.
  2. Do something nice for others.
  3. Start rejecting judgement.
  4. Find something I love about myself.
  5. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake.
  6. Choose the perspective that’s right for me.
  7. Choose to be happy.

Emojis you could use if you want (or use none or your own!)

  • I did it! :white_check_mark:
  • I didn’t this week, but maybe next week! :negative_squared_cross_mark:
  • I was close :pinching_hand:
  • etc.

GOOGLE SHEET To-Do list. Here’s a Google Sheet version. Just click on the link and it will create a new copy in your Google account. You can click a checkmark for each action you did, and add any notes you want. This can just be for yourself, or you can share your link in here if you want people to see it.


EDIT: I’m kind of wordy, it helps me to write it out but definitely no need to write a lot to do the checklist.

  1. Do something that makes me happy. :white_check_mark: I made time to watch the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation and am planning to rewatch the whole series!

  2. Do something nice for others. :white_check_mark: I helped several people who looked lost find their classes. I work at a college and remember what it’s like being a freshman and being super nervous.

  3. Start rejecting judgement. :negative_squared_cross_mark: I still feel judged about my atheism when it comes to my extended family. A few of them have said negative things about atheists over the years, not directed at me, but still…I need to remember they can believe what they want, and I can too!

  4. Find something I love about myself. :white_check_mark: Related to #3, I love that I went through the hard personal journey from being a true believer to being agnostic + atheist. I’m proud that I’m true to myself while respecting others’ beliefs (as long as they don’t impose them on the rest of us).

  5. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. :white_check_mark: At a meeting with my coworkers, I made a joke that got laughs (it would take too long to explain). Instead of being too shy/nervous, I seized the occasion and it paid off!

  6. Choose the perspective that’s right for me. :white_check_mark: I rode Harris-Walz positive vibes for a couple weeks. I understand those who support them as the lesser of two evils, but for me personally I just don’t think I can affirmatively vote for someone who’s apparently okay with policies that have killed 40,000 people and counting. We’ll see…

  7. Choose to be happy. :white_check_mark: There will always be death and destruction in the world. It’s important to be informed and to do what I can but without obsessing over it. I’m choosing right now to listen to music to help me keep a positive attitude as I go on with my day.


Thank you for posting this, I find it inspiring! Also, I’m glad you decided to say the joke, everyone appreciates laughter. Maybe someday soon, I’ll swallow some anxiety and follow your lead in posting my list. :smiling_face:


Hey Andrea , I don’t know if you got my message but I won’t be at the town hall 28 August. My pain is really bothering me. I hope you are being the best that you are


I’m so glad to hear it’s inspiring. Operation Joy has been inspiring to me, so I’m glad to pay it forward. Like Cenk said, no pressure to do or post the full list, or at all. :smiley:

I have anxiety and bipolar. In addition to getting treatment, the TYT community, including the hosts, have been wonderful and my interactions with people here over the last 6-7 years have really helped me overcome the social anxiety part.

And it’s carried over into my offline life too. Now I feel like what I have to contribute to conversations is worthwhile (at least most of the time :smile:), even if I make a mistake here or there it’s not the end of the world anymore.

You’re such a positive force on here and in the tyt.com chat, hopefully that will eventually help with your anxiety too. :slight_smile:


I’m so sorry your pain is back! If I had three wishes, one would be for you to be free of pain. I hope you have a great and pain-free weekend! :heart::broken_heart::heart:

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Aw, that is extremely nice of you to say; thank you! :smiling_face:

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