Operation Joy: Reinterpreting a bad situation #OperationJoy

Let me preface this by saying that, in terms of sleep, my brain and body are not in agreement. When I am awake and my feet hit the floor, it’s over. I am officially up.

As my wife’s pregnancy has progressed, she’s been more prone to waking up in the middle of the night. Within the past month, she’s had a really hard time getting back to bed and this inevitably wakes me up. I can’t imagine how hard this is on her, so I’m in the routine of staying awake with her and maybe grabbing a snack with her and talking until she can fall asleep. Unfortunately, this means that I’m pretty regularly awake at 3:00 AM with no hope of getting a couple more hours. I am also aware that this (and even more sleeplessness) will be my reality for quite some time.

I have chosen to take this lost sleep and reinterpret it as gained time. I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar. I grabbed all of the correct(ish) parts online to Frankenstein together my favorite guitar model: B.C. Rich Mockingbird. Some parts weren’t a perfect fit so I channeled my highschool shop class experience and made it work. Now, when I have a couple of hours free in the absurd hours of the morning, I head to another room on the other end of the house, throw some headphones on and teach myself to play. I’m working on basic chords and major scales now. Should be shredding by the time our baby is in her own room.


That is so cool! I think nature kind of starts preparing you for the whole no-sleep thing, which is so kind (your poor wife!). Now you can play some rockin’ lullabies for your baby. :blush:

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If she is really far along, the baby might be putting pressure on her organs. I am not sure if she already does this but ask her to lay on her left side while trying to sleep. I heard from my aunt that really helped her get some sleep. IDK, just trying to help.

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I appreciate the advice, thank you so much for reaching out. Yeah, she’s already doing that. she’s an awesome smartypants family medicine doctor and has a good amount of experience with stuff like this (on the advisory side anyway). We’ll just keep fighting through this together.


oh! lol, then she already knows a lot about it, hehe. yea, wish you both the best. Just a little bit longer and you will have a bundle of pure joy that will find new ways to drain their new parents of every ounce of energy. It is the birthright of every child. HEHE.

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