Operation Joy

My cousin was put on bedrest two months before her due date. Then just days later popped out a beautiful baby boy 5lbs 13oz. and 18.50 inches long. Looking good for being 6 weeks early!


Hello its been awhile since i commented. Despite the terrible year I’m having i can honestly say when 6pm comes ( I’m on the East Coast) I feel a sense of joy when Young Turks come on. I don’t always agree with you guys but i love you guys and i thank you for always reporting the truth!


Congratulations! I see a future TYT member who will make an amazing and wonderful impact on the world. That is certainly something worth smiling about.


Oh, he’s absolutely perfect! :heart_eyes:

How’s the Mama doing? :heart:


How’s everything going for you? :heart:

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Hi there!! Thanks for checking on me. My leg is healing but not 100% and emotionally im doing a lot better ! Unfortunately my husband is still not working. He gets interviews in his field( insurance)but no hires. Its sad because he’s a great man and wants to help financially but is getting discouraged. He is trying to be a teacher but failed the teachers essay. I dont know what to do as i hate being the bread winner. Other than this situation things are going well. How are you doing?

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I’m glad your leg is healing! I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s plight, and I can see how hard it would be for both of you. I am doing okay. For the last few weeks, I have been in and out of the hospital, having little surgeries and tests because of my fibromuscular dysplasia. It’s scary, but we have caught many things early, so everything should be coming up roses soon. I also just finished a super dull class with too much work, so I am ecstatic to have some time off and focus on my daughter starting school next Wednesday! She has autism, and I stay home with her. Every school year, she starts in public school, and usually, within a month or so, she goes back to online school. She has dealt with bullying since preschool and has had terrible things happen, yet she still tries. she is so strong and resiliant and works so hard, I could not be more proud of her! Sorry for rambling on. :woman_facepalming: Be sure to keep us posted on how things are going for you! :heart:

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Wow thank you dor sharing your story. Despite everything happening to you you are gleaming strength from your daughter,etc and i love that. My husband has Aspergers and honestly its been tough but so rewarding at the same time. People on the spectrum are the smartest most amazing people i have ever met. We are very lucky to have them in our lives.
Stay encouraged and hopefully the rest of the year will bring us happiness and joy!
Take care and keep in touch

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