Palace Intrigue Junkie

Raise your hand if you’re guilty of obsessing over American politics like it’s a juicy telenovela! I know I am! Beyond caring about the direction of our country (which, let’s be real, is a major stressor), I’m also low-key fascinated by the palace intrigue and the drama. It’s like a never-ending season of ‘Game of Thrones’ or ‘Scandal’ (which may have been a little too real).

Who else is with me? @drea_m_r_76, you know it.


I think that politics today does fit into the Karpman Drama Triangle (which is what is used in Reality Television, and which Jerry Springer made full use of during his own successful entertainment run, and what people in Mental Health use to describe the cycle of drama found in those who are labeled as having Personality Disorder Traits). The Karpman Drama Triangle requires a Victim, Percecuter, Rescuer, and Bystander, during which one gets tossed around from position to position with no obvious way out. Once hooked into this washing machine of conflict, getting out is far easier said than done. The opposite of this would be the use of Problem Solving, which requires one to do something different until they find something that works and then continue doing such until they are forced to repeat the cycle. There does not seem to be any genuine attempt to solve problems by anyone in power today, just provide the unruly masses with unlimited conflict and entertainment in order to distract them.

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