Poll Watch

LOL! True!

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There are always some trolls in survey. If there are people who genunelty haven’t heard enough of him, I want to know where they live, Id move there, lol

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Exactly, book me a ticket! :joy:

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Kelly most favorable of vp choices



Not my pick, but I see how strategically it makes sense.

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Temper your optimism; the Repubs have not yet unleashed all that Big Oil money yet on Harris attack ads. They are probably keeping their powder dry, waiting for a lock-in at the Convention (or with a BS remote roll call -that’s just another reason to not do it, by the way…)

I must say: I am surprised at the way he is clearly not following the advice of his handlers; I can’t imagine some would have given the thumbs-up to his NABJ appearance. This might have something to do with one of the few people he trusts, Bannon, being in lockup. Trump is well-known for his paranoia, and leans on Bannon for important decisions; and Bannon has a good sense of strategy…

WI is already getting Harris attack ads… always the same ad where she looks like a deer in the headlights when asked if she is going to visit the border.

The attachment doesn’t show the full ad. I tried to upload what I recorded of my tv while watching the Olympics but this site will not let me upload my own video.

I would advise not to take this polling too seriously until the DNC is over. I have a feeling repubs are just biding their time for her to be confirmed before they start using all the donor money in attack ds against her. Until now I haven’t seen anything except the very obvious and widely known stuff being circulated in a few ads. And we know they have more material which they arent using. Its good to be optimistic, but we have to be cautious. They haven’t really started campaigning against her yet.

Also., harris should debate trump. Running from it is just not a good look. All she has to do is poke him in a few wrong ;aces and he will run his mouth like at that journalist invention thing. She has got to get a bit more aggressive if she is planning to win.

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Yeah; mentioned that in this post above…

Conservative Rasmussen Polls still hasn’t updated their numbers since Harris’ entry. I guess that’s one way to have Stupid Hitler do well in the polls!

I am still waiting for the Astroturf mega-advertising, funded by Big Oil, to drop after the Convention. That will dent Harris’ numbers…

He makes the case that it was a really stupid idea for Dems to de-ballot RFK. If you’re out there, you’re more likely to be a Trump voter than a Dem one; and thus RFK was only serving to draw off more votes from Trump…