Preventing Youtube censorship of referencing supporting info

Something TYT should consider (or maybe they did and they can post here why it’s not workable?) I mentioned on a few posts how youtube yanked my account for merely linking in a Comment to supporting info and an editorial that was not positive to the Biden/Harris campaign (my guess being that the Biden/Harris media campaign is monitoring Comments in popular Prog videos and getting a connection at youtube/google to shadow-ban and/or terminate any account critical of Biden/Harris at this critical juncture…)

Keep in mind: external links often ARE permitted in Comments; they use this explanation of external linking as a BS excuse to claim you are ““spamming”” to cover for the fact they are doing the bidding of their paying masters.

What if you were to have each video have its own forum topic (and tag of it being a show…), and you were to have one pinned comment linking to it, and shut down the Comments (other than that pinned one telling you to post Comments here…)


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Thought about it: because then people would not log in to watch the video, and their views would go down.

OK, maybe not close the Comments; but how about this: keep the pinned comment pointing to a show’s forum thread, and have a crawler replicate the Comments on youtube to that forum thread?

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Turns out it’s legally murky whether youtube can CLAIM copyright on that (though I am sure they must have!)

Turks: I suggest you talk to your lawyers about this, if you haven’t already.

The real long-term solution would be a peertube federation…

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